I'm in!

I'm gonna make this happen!
Current weight: 139 lbs
Goal weight: 125 lbs
Exercise: Monday - cardio, Tuesday - cardio & freeweights, Wednesday - spin class, Thursday - cardio & free weights, Friday - cardio, Saturday - 6km walk, Sunday - rest (if i'm allowed.. hehe)
Strict diet!

Let's do this!!!


  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    Rest is ALLOWEDD.. its good for your bodyy
  • kthiess5
    Today I was so bad with my eating. Tomorrow is a new day! 6:30am walk for 6km... with hills! Now that's a booty call!!!!!
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    Bad days happen...
    but be smart
    Dont allow one bad day to turn into two bad days
  • kthiess5
    Well today was good until dinner.. I was starving! It was a crazy day and I ended up eating 2.5c chili and 2 slices of garlic toast! I've decided to up my caloric intake to 1340cal/day. 1240 just isn't enough. I also changed my profile from lightly active to active. I work out everyday with a rest day on the weekends. I think that's good?
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    Well today was good until dinner.. I was starving! It was a crazy day and I ended up eating 2.5c chili and 2 slices of garlic toast! I've decided to up my caloric intake to 1340cal/day. 1240 just isn't enough. I also changed my profile from lightly active to active. I work out everyday with a rest day on the weekends. I think that's good?

    my calorie goal is set to 1200 but I am gonna do some research on that because that seems like too low if starvations mode is right under 1200