How long have you had an ED?

I was first diagnosed as anorexic in 2006 when i was 20, but had been struggling with disordered eating since i was 14. Im currently ednos though because i do not fit the anorexia weight criteria at the moment. So 11 years for me :(


  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    I suffered from an ed from when i was about 13-16, then went into recovery for about three years and had bulimia/ednos for the past 12 months so four years for me.
  • justanotherteenagemom
    i struggled with anorexia from about ages 12-14 and bulimia from 15-19. currently, at the age of 20, i fit into the ednos category. so, about eight years.
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    I've struggled with anorexia for a little under a year.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Had it for only 4 months when I was 12 (literally stopped and restarted eating overnight, refused all solid foods). It came back about 6 months ago.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Too long to remember, I vaguely remember demanding that my grams buy me slim fast when I was like 10, refusing to eat anything else....
  • aliveandfree22
    aliveandfree22 Posts: 12 Member
    Since I was 15, I'm 21 6 years.
    Altough I've never been diagnosed with anything.
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    Unofficially since I was 15, I'm now 21 so 6 years. Officially 2 years.

    All in all, way too long
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    A little over a year.

    Longest year of my life though...
  • bookdame
    Since college. Now I'm alot better. Its called orthorexia.
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I was formally diagnosed when I was 19, but it had definitely been going on for a few years before that. I'm not almost 26, and finally on a healthy eating plan. so...7+ years
  • VegGoddess
    VegGoddess Posts: 81 Member
    i'm livi. I've suffered with anorexia for 3 years now. it stared when I was 15. when I was seventeen I attempted recovery and gained 33 pounds! in the past year i've relapsed and lost 27lbs, and continue to loose. I just NEED to be thin. i have no official ultimate goal weight, i'd just like to be happy thin and underweight.

    please add me! i could use the support.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    To damn long!!! Well started out with bulimia when I was 16 (prob more EDNOS, but they didnt have that label back then) Hospitalized a couple of times. Things would get a little better but never completely. Then about 5 years ago the weight just flew off of me so now I am anorexic with purging. Now I am 41 so that is 25 years. I hope all of you are getting some help b/c it really does hurt your body. I thought things would never happen to me. But you would think that after just about dying 2 times that would be enough, but guess I am a slow learner. So I hope nobody follows in my foot steps!
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Started in 2005 and lasted about a year, then disaapeared. Reappeared after a long stint in the hospital in 2010 and hasn't left since.
  • GoCanada
    GoCanada Posts: 92 Member
    It started when I was 13... so just under 11 years now.
  • freckledbean
    I first started making negative comments about my body/stature when I started cheerleading at like, eight years old. But the disordered eating/skipping meals started at 12, severe restricting at 15, binging at 18, purging at 19, full-blown anorexia diagnosed in October... I'm 20 now. Eight years, depending how you want to look at it.
  • stix_n_stones
    I've been quite disordered about my eating since I was 14/15 and was always thin. However, the first time it really started getting bad was when I was 17, went on a vacation and somehow lost 6 pounds it was all downhill from there. Started a bit of self-recovery a year ago and now seeing an ED therapist. So I'd say it's been about 5 years. But I cannot remember how to even just have one day without worrying about body image, weight, exercise, and most importantly food.

    Add me for support if you'd like :)
  • seaponie
    seaponie Posts: 26 Member
    I was a chubby kid, starting dieting when I was 8 years old. "Discovered" bulimia and was found out/sent to therapy at age 18. I refused treatment and haven't sought it since. It's been 9 years of falling asleep every night worried I won't wake up in the morning because my heart's gonna say "screw you".
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    15 years. Anorexia for the first half, Bulimia for another 3-4 after that and Binge Eating Disorder (BED) for the most recent 3-4. It's been a HORRIBLE journey to just find recovery now. Once I cut out the purging behaviours (through inpatient and outpatient treatment) I was still bingeing and gained 200lbs in the past few years (averaging about 7000-8000 calories per binge)!!! I feel like I have finally accepted "normalized eating". Wish I would have done that long ago...but you just cannot forsee how out of control things can get. Feel free to friend me if any of you are looking for support in recovery! :)
  • JerseyGirlHeart
    JerseyGirlHeart Posts: 133 Member
    Have been binging and purging since I was eight, so for 12 years.
  • melissalangelage
    I remember trying to stand in ways which made my knees look like they jutted out, and sitting on the lounge crying about the floppiness of my calves, in primary school. I would have been eight? I then went the vegetarian route, and I hit the all-time low at 16 with severe exercise bulimia claiming I had to "earn my sleep" every night and telling everyone who ate food for pleasure they were "disgusting". I'd run 12 km a day then swim 100 laps then do squats and sit ups and push ups next to my bed until I couldn't move anymore and would nearly fall asleep on the floor. I'd do aerobics videos in the middle of the night when my parents were asleep, and I'd stay home from school "sick" so I could run all day without anyone seeing. Sometimes I really WOULD be sick and would still run all day. I've never once purged traditionally, only through exercise and diet pills.

    I met my now husband four years ago and stopped caring what I ate because I was happy. On our wedding day one year ago I was the biggest I'd ever been. I then happened to find MFP in the App Store and downloaded it and it immediately brought all the anorexia and exercise bulimia to a head. These diseases thrive in people who are obsessive and addictive by nature, and MFP fuels that so much. So many of my friends have downloaded it and given up after about a week because they don't care enough.

    Six months into MFP, I'd lost 13 kg but more through restrictive eating than exercising, although I did manage to get a really bad stress fracture in my foot which brought my weight back up about 6 kg simply because wearing the boot and plaster made it hard to do crazy cardio eventhough I was still boxing, cycling and even kickboxing with them on. I even won a challenge in my gym to do the most hours in six weeks.

    So I'm still a good 6 kg less than my wedding weight one year ago, now, but I am exercising four hours a day and on Lite n Easy 1200 diet, and I still can't get back down the 6 kg. My foot is still broken and needs fusion surgery, but I am avoiding it as I know I won't be allowed to weight bear for six weeks after. And it's killing me not to be able to exercise how I want. I NEED to lose that 6 kg and then another 7 kg if possible.

    I do fear all this time in the gym before and after work is going to put more and more pressure on my marriage, thank god my husband is so supportive of me doing anything that makes me happy and shutting up with lectures. But sadly this disease never leaves, it's always there in my mind. Even when I'm happy and "chubby" and people see me eating everything I want like a "normal person" and seeming not to care, I know down to the calorie what I've eaten at all times, and internally beat myself up for it. It's exhausting but addictive.