First time I've stopped a binge

... and it makes me a little sad that its never happened before :( BUT, everyone has to start somewhere right? This is my kind of lame story, but I'm putting off studying again, so I thought I'd share!

All the usual temptations were in place, I was getting frustrated and stressed out for my bio midterm the next day, I hadn't started studying and for some reason couldn't motivate myself to do it. My workload felt impossible, labs assinments, tests, pre-lab quiz, pre-test quiz. My head felt like it was going to explode and all I wanted was something, ANYTHING that would make me feel less stressed. ( I live in res, so I don't keep junk in my room for this very reason), but I was willing to make a trip to centro(food place right next door) and buy a ridiculous amount of junk food just so I could eat it. I made it in, and even started filling up the bag with my favourite: chocolate covered almonds. And then I saw someone I knew.

She came up and talked to me so casually, asked what my plans were for after the exam and if I wanted to go out with her and some of the girls to "de-stress" with a night of dancing a booze. It was like a mental switch just flicked. I put down the bag of useless calories, and decided to go back to my room and study with a new attitude. I realized: If I'm stressed, how will being fat help too? The world doesn't end because of one bad day or experience. I took a little time before I started studying again to re-focus myself. I decided no matter how much stress I felt, I was only going to take things one at a time... which is exactly what I did :) I finished everything I needed to, and was happier than most normal university students would be at 3 in the morning. But I knew I had accomplished so much more important than school last night, and I couldn't help but be proud of myself.

Also, as silly as this might sound, I have a giant calender on my wall that I "X" every healthy day I've had, I've gone about 6 days straight (7 days ago was my last midterm) I just didn't want to ruin the streak. So I didn't. I still ended up snacking while studying, I had more almonds than I should have, and didn't quite make my calorie goal... but I'm ok with that, as long as its a step in the right direction :)

Anyway that was my ramble for the day, maybe now I really should start studying.... woops.


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear you stopped it!! That's fantastic news. :)

    Now, good luck on your exam! :D
  • lemorncutt
    That's a great acheivement right there!!!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    I realized: If I'm stressed, how will being fat help too?

    I love this! I need to stop and think that before I go nuts on garbage at the grocery store and before I start stuffing my face to chase the anxiety away.