
pkiesch Posts: 259 Member
I'm sure we've all been called amazons and so forth, but what nicknames do you like or not like?

My sister calls me Tess, short for giantess haha but I love it.


  • hwgroff1
    hwgroff1 Posts: 3 Member
    I hate when my family calls me BigFoot....... they constantly make fun of the fact that I have huge feet...and I am the tallest woman in the family.
  • A friend in highschool once nicknamed me Stretch. She still calls me that to this day and that was over 10 years ago.

    I hate Amazon! I also hate it when people ask if I play basketball...
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I was told most of my elementary years "You should totally play basketball in high school!" Little did they know I wasn't into sports...

    I've been called Bigfoot and I'm okay with that.

    When I was in middle school I experienced my first bullies and they called me The Beast on account of me being the tallest and heaviest girl in school... I hate that HATE IT!!! I'm a loving person, rarely hate things or people, and I still to this day HATE those bullies that called me that in middle school. When I see them working dead end jobs it makes me happy, but the funnest thing is I now have glasses and look a little different than I looked in middle school so they never recognize me now!!! I can hate them right in front of them and they never know...
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    Yeah, I always got the "act your age, not your shoesize" when I was 9 and 10 because they were the same. size 8 in 3rd grade. really tho, sasquatch or bigfoot were in there.....
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was 5'9.5" in junior high. I had so many nicknames I stopped counting at 40, I remember getting called Amazon which I didn't mind, I thought it was funny.:laugh: I got called Mother when someone saw me in the grocery store with my mother and I was taller than she was. That was hurtful, because of the way it was said. I guess because I usually laughed at what people called me none of the nicknames stuck and I don't remember most of them.
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 178 Member
    I'm only 5ft9 (This group makes me feel tiny! <3), but addicted to platform stilettos (and short skirts) so I get called Legs on a regular basis. I can't say I mind too much, lol. Definitely better than my nickname when I was heavy, which was white rhino... I still am not sure why, ha.
  • I was called "North" in high school. Been called Amazon and hate that.

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  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    in HS i was called Olive Oyle I hated it because i am 5'9" and then 120 lbs with no curves!!!! I was a straight stick back then!
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    jolly green giant. Been called this by numerous people over the years... I try to be jolly, and I always wear green... so it's fitting! (It's amusing how many people think they're being original with this nickname, though)
    CVALGAL Posts: 108 Member
    I remember being called "daddy long legs" in elementary school, and I'm a GIRL! I also have been asked, "how's the weather up there?" hmphh!
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    In High School a friend of mine called me Shorty, and I loved it, lol! (6ft)
  • tillmanlady
    tillmanlady Posts: 139 Member
    I got called Jumanji in the 8th grade :( LOL I totally forgot about it until a few weeks ago actually and when I thought about it I cracked up..... I hated it tho laughed it off so I didn't let it really bother me and now find it pretty damn funny...
  • bt_13_21
    bt_13_21 Posts: 47 Member
    I also hate it when people ask if I play basketball...
    My dad taught me to say "No, do you play miniature golf?" hahaha

    Let's see... amazon, sasquatch and... big bird? IDK, I guess b/c I'm blond (kind of yellow, like big bird from Sesame St?).
  • pkiesch
    pkiesch Posts: 259 Member
    I also hate it when people ask if I play basketball...
    My dad taught me to say "No, do you play miniature golf?" hahaha

    Let's see... amazon, sasquatch and... big bird? IDK, I guess b/c I'm blond (kind of yellow, like big bird from Sesame St?).

    I'm gonna have to start using that mini golf line, TOO FUNNY!!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Throughout junior high i was called ogre behind my back ( kids are so cruel ). Now its names such as jolly green giant and stretch.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 614 Member
    I've been mostly call Amazon Woman or in grade school Carol the Barrel (fat & tall) ... But I prefer my new nicknames: My husband calls me Bug and my youngest granddaughter calls me Nana (she is the only one that does)
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    Oh, god. I was Jolly Green Giant on and off. Then, in junior high, once I started getting fat, this obnoxious boy singled me out and christened me 'Cherdan Grand Canyon.' (My last name is Grant-Johnson... too easy, right?)
    Then, as the fatness progressed, it apparently superceded my height, and I just became known as "monsta." :(
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    My dad always called me Big Foot...totally didn't bother me! In high school I was always called "the Kauz" or "Kauz" (part of my last name). I think it was a sports thing! I have inherited it from my dad now! All his softball friends that I grew up around call me Kauz, doesn't bother me at all!
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    I'm just over 5ft 9" and at the age of 15 had a fixed brace on my teeth so I regularly got called 'lurch' (from the adams family) and 'jaws' (from the james bond films)....quite traumatic for an impressionable teenager but I now have really nice straight teeth which have always drawn nice compliments so I guess eventually I had the last laugh.
  • My mom calls me sasquach, lol. -__- She knows I hate it, but still regularly calls me it. It's so annoying.

    Also, since i'm overweight and tall and have pretty big boobs, my friends in highschool used to call me Boobree. (My name is aubree haha)
    I moved, and still to this day they call me boobree. Not sure how I feel about that one.