I just started Hal Higdons advanced 5k program. It's 8 weeks so Im looking to find a race for mid-Jan. Ive actually never ran a 5k race, but I timed myself once back in March and did it in 24:05. Back then I was training for a half marathon (I know I skipped a few distances but I was on a mission) so I wasn't doing much speed work. Now I really want to focus on getting faster, and my goal by the end is to run 5k in under 22mins (hopefully even faster!) I know it's going to be hard to stay motivated now that winter is here and its dark and cold and wet, so I'd love to have a motivational buddy for this! They don't need to be doing the same program/distance, but just someone to brag to daily about how good we're doing with our training to keep us feeling pumped!


  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member

    Every week I pull a 5km run, and my fastest time is 29:35.

    To help motivate you, this week was the first time I did that TWICE!

    I've been upping my time by about 3 mins each week, but I think I hit my limit right now with this. But don't worry, I'm definately aiming for faster!
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Brag to me and I am impressed. This makes me want to push myself harder... wow, 22 minute 5k.. that is awesome!
  • Wisks
    Wisks Posts: 81 Member
    Hello guys. New to the group and looking for motivation and a challenge so I'm in. Actually doing a 5k race on Sunday so that will be a good jumping off point. My PR at 5k to my recollection is 29:20 but this weekend I would like to do a sub-28minute 5l which I think is pretty realisitc. It's a trail race, which I've never done before, so that might complicate matters but it should be fun.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I have a 5k race on Thursday and am hoping to break 24m
    Good Luck!
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    I have a 5k race on Thursday and am hoping to break 24m
    Good Luck!

    Nice! Go out there and kill it!!! No doubt you'll beat your time and then you'll be the one to beat for the rest of us :)
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Hello guys. New to the group and looking for motivation and a challenge so I'm in. Actually doing a 5k race on Sunday so that will be a good jumping off point. My PR at 5k to my recollection is 29:20 but this weekend I would like to do a sub-28minute 5l which I think is pretty realisitc. It's a trail race, which I've never done before, so that might complicate matters but it should be fun.

    I've been doing trail runs every saturday with some veteran trail runners and they've been coaching me on things like having fast leg turnover, taking small quick steps - If you think you need to take 2 steps in between a rock and a root, take 3! Good luck and can't wait to hear how it goes!

    Ps. if you enjoy the experience you should look into running the warrior dash :)
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen

    Every week I pull a 5km run, and my fastest time is 29:35.

    To help motivate you, this week was the first time I did that TWICE!

    I've been upping my time by about 3 mins each week, but I think I hit my limit right now with this. But don't worry, I'm definately aiming for faster!

    Do you do 5k every run or do you mix it up? If you haven't been doing any interval training I'd highly recommend it! I'm expert but the programs I've done have always included at least 1 interval day per week, and I know it's helped me get so much faster than I ever thought I could be.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    As for me, last night I did a plyometrics workout I found in a magazine, it kicked my *kitten* and I felt nauseous heading out for my W1D3 run, but it was so peaceful running in the dark with my headlamp on that I ended up having a really good run. Today is a rest day but I'm going to take a girlfriend that wants to start running for an easy walk/jog :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm interested in hearing some bragging and hopefully doing some bragging of my own. :smile: Got pretty much the same goals!

    I started running last December with C25k because I wanted to do the Warrior Dash in June. Prior to that, the last time I ran was when I was in college and I had to take a required phys ed class. I think the longest I ran was a mile and a half, but that was about 20 years ago.

    Since I started running, I've been bitten by the running bug. My PR is currently 24:59, which thrills me to death, but since I still feel like I'm jogging, not all out running, I know I can go faster. So that's my goal now. I'm redoing C25k, but using run, run faster intervals instead of walk, run intervals, in hopes of being able to be under 22 minutes by Spring. Not sure if I can do it or not, but I'm going to give it a go!
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Ok, I got out of bed early since the first time in over a year (use to always get up at 4 a.m. and run but somehow that slipped away). I ran 3.17 miles this morning and it felt great outside. I kept a comfortable 11 minute mile pace so I am 13.5 minutes behind your goal of a 20 minute 5k but I am trying :laugh:

    Keep me posted on your progress op and everyone else :happy:
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    I'm interested in hearing some bragging and hopefully doing some bragging of my own. :smile: Got pretty much the same goals!

    I started running last December with C25k because I wanted to do the Warrior Dash in June. Prior to that, the last time I ran was when I was in college and I had to take a required phys ed class. I think the longest I ran was a mile and a half, but that was about 20 years ago.

    Since I started running, I've been bitten by the running bug. My PR is currently 24:59, which thrills me to death, but since I still feel like I'm jogging, not all out running, I know I can go faster. So that's my goal now. I'm redoing C25k, but using run, run faster intervals instead of walk, run intervals, in hopes of being able to be under 22 minutes by Spring. Not sure if I can do it or not, but I'm going to give it a go!

    awesome I hope we can help motivate each other :) I feel the same way, that I'm still "jogging" and not full on "running". I've switched to barefood shoes and it feels so great running sprint intervals in them, like I'm some olympic kenyan sprinter, but I want to be able to run like that for more than just a few hundred meters!
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Ok, I got out of bed early since the first time in over a year (use to always get up at 4 a.m. and run but somehow that slipped away). I ran 3.17 miles this morning and it felt great outside. I kept a comfortable 11 minute mile pace so I am 13.5 minutes behind your goal of a 20 minute 5k but I am trying :laugh:

    Keep me posted on your progress op and everyone else :happy:

    I find it hard to run fast in the morning, and I did read an article that your best time to run a PB is later afternoon, when you're fully mobile and your lunch is well digested. That said as hard as it is to get up early for it, I love knowing my run is done and out of the way and I can just relax the rest of the day. It's all too easy to get lazy at the end of a work day and skip out on my planned evening run that I've had all day to dread.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    As for me I missed my runs this weekend, but I did make it snowboarding on Saturday and an easy walk/jog Friday night that wasn't in the program so hopefully that counts for a little. I also tried to do a little making up for it tonight. I was meant to do 30mins easy run, but went for an hour instead. Also it had snowed almost a foot before turning to rain, so my run was through 6 inches of ice cold slush and very slippery, so it was like running on sand and constantly fighting to keep traction. Tomorrow is sprint interval day; 8x200m. I hope the rain keep up and takes the snow away so I can do these outside, I'd really hate to be stuck doing them on the treadmill!
  • Wisks
    Wisks Posts: 81 Member
    Did my 5K and it kicked my butt because it was a trail run and I wasn't expecting or prepaired for a trail run. Also went out way too fast and on my last sprint to the finish my hammies began to cramp. So all round not good. Quads hurt today as well from those hills.

    Wanted to run a sub-28:00 but did it in 28:50. Fairly confident if it was a normal road 5k then I would have made it.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Rest day to day but I plan to walk a 5k or so this evening if the rain stops with my dog.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Did my 5K and it kicked my butt because it was a trail run and I wasn't expecting or prepaired for a trail run. Also went out way too fast and on my last sprint to the finish my hammies began to cramp. So all round not good. Quads hurt today as well from those hills.

    Wanted to run a sub-28:00 but did it in 28:50. Fairly confident if it was a normal road 5k then I would have made it.

    Thats awesome to be only 50 seconds slower on a trail run! I'd bet you could do even better than 28 on the road.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    W2D2 complete :) 8x200m sprints. My goal was to do them in 45 seconds, which I managed to almost average, my fastest was 44 and my slowest 47, most were 46. I did this after first doing a plyometrics workout (20mins of burpees, jump squats, sumo squats, scissor lunges and pop squats) so after just the first sprint I was thinking holy crap no way I can do 7 more, but I just paced myself in between and tried to treat each one like it was my last instead of thinking how many I had left. I've been inspired by watching the biggest loser and how intense their workouts are; no more slacking, I can do this!
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Got a 10k in this morning at a 10:55 per mile clip. I am working to get the times down one stride at a time. I will keep updating my milestones.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Got a 10k in this morning at a 10:55 per mile clip. I am working to get the times down one stride at a time. I will keep updating my milestones.

    nice work on the 10k! I've been doing some reading on both running improvement and also on fat loss (which is another goal of mine) and what I've found out is that if you want to get faster they say it's all about running intervals and has very little to do with distance. In conjunction with that if you want to lose fat its all about short sprints; a 30 minute workout incorporating a handfull of 30 second sprints burns as much fat as a 90 minute workout at a steady pace. I'm gonna try and challenge myself to incorporate a few sprints into every run and see what happens :)
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Got another 5k in this morning plus a few yards at 34:02. I hope to be hitting under 30 by January but no rush. Slow and steady gets the prize.