The official Self Control Challenge - December!

jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
Get a notebook (nothing fancy) and title a page with the Month (December). Or you can use a spreadsheet to keep track electronically if you wish. Thanks to member Melelana, we now have spreadsheets for your convenience!

for color printers:

For black & white printers:

Electronically (automatically totals your goals!) & original format for printable versions [Microsoft Excel Required]:

For each day, write down a specific goal for the day that you know may be a potential self control challenge. (ie: if you know you will be attending a party on Saturday, make your goal that day to only have 1 drink or only eat half the amount of food you normally would for instance) Under your challenge, put a "yes" and "no" check box for you to check at the end of the day stating whether or not that challenge was met. If you would like some challenge ideas, I have a blog with some listed, but be sure to make the goals reflect your personal habits or goals:

Sometime in the following week I want you to email me your results. They must be emailed before the next weeks challenge ends. Email me how many out of the 7 days you managed to put a check mark in your yes box! Also feel free to also send me what your biggest accomplishment was for that week, and I will choose one and post it in the spotlight when I post the results (on this thread)

There will also be weekly goals I will set up for all of us to try and complete together. Also, if you mess up one day on your challenge, you have a chance to redeem yourself to get those points back. Go here for the weekly challenges, as well as how to redeem yourself:

The first challenge week will begin the week of Dec 1st-7th. (This means your results for that week should be emailed sometime between Dec 8th-14th)

Good luck! Feel free to post your accomplishments in the success thread


  • yvonmac
    yvonmac Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for doing this!
  • melelana
    melelana Posts: 122 Member
    Okay, I finished the spreadsheets!

    (links coming soon!!!!)
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    yes!! great job, the spreadsheets look awesome! I will include the links in the original post once its finished and ready :)
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    Thanks for the work you have done. I am looking forward to the challenge, especially the daily goals!

  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Thanks for the work you have done. I am looking forward to the challenge, especially the daily goals!


    hope it helps you :) the beta run seemed to help me out. It made me realize where my strengths and weaknesses with self control are. My biggest self control issue is working my closing shift on Sunday. Access to too much food is what gets me.

    Spreadsheets will be up very soon guys, they look awesome. There will be a version for you to print out so you can carry it with you, and there will be a version to enter into your computer which will calculate how many of the days you've accomplished your goal.
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    okay guys were getting closer to starting the challenges officially. I'm excited! I'm making a monthly mini goal for myself as well. All of December I will not eat any of the food at my work. This is going to be rough. But doing this I will feel stronger about myself going into the new year!
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    Thank you SO much for doing this group! I have the worlds worst addiction to York Peppermint Patties.... I've somehow convinced myself that if I have one before my workout (which I'll grab at the gas station when I'm grabbing a bottle of water!), then I'll feel guilty and have a hella awesome workout! I mean they are only 140 calories and I will bust my butt to burn a lot more than that! This has been going on for months now and I just feel like I would have seen MUCH better results without these... but I alas, I have NO self-control! :(
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Thank you SO much for doing this group! I have the worlds worst addiction to York Peppermint Patties.... I've somehow convinced myself that if I have one before my workout (which I'll grab at the gas station when I'm grabbing a bottle of water!), then I'll feel guilty and have a hella awesome workout! I mean they are only 140 calories and I will bust my butt to burn a lot more than that! This has been going on for months now and I just feel like I would have seen MUCH better results without these... but I alas, I have NO self-control! :(

    lol! I have a similar addiction to reeses peanut butter cups. Honestly though, you are doing pretty good by working it off and then some in the gym. If you think about it, 25 york peppermint patties = 3500 cals (1lb of fat) so basically if you eat 1 a day, for 25 days, 1lb would be just from the peppermint patties. But you are working it off. However, if you didn't eat those peppermint patties and did the same amount of exercise you are doing now, in 25 days you would lose a lb just by not eating them everyday. (I think my math is accurate, but correct me if I'm wrong)
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Thanx for makin this group.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    OK, I'd like to take on this challenge for December.
    I really need to work on strategies to take control of my healthy eating. I can do really well for a while but then my motivation runs low and I start scoffing timtams again (if you don't know them, DON'T go looking for them, they are Australian, covered in chocolate and dangerous for your self control!)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Thank you for this! I desperately need to get back into actually losing and getting to goal, esp now that I'm about 20 pounds away.. Been looking for a challenge to get me motivated again!

    Edit: Timtams... probably one of the greatest things on the planet.. I had them when i studied abroad in Australia, and we have them over here now.. We get them for Christmas and that's it! lol
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Thank you for this! I desperately need to get back into actually losing and getting to goal, esp now that I'm about 20 pounds away.. Been looking for a challenge to get me motivated again!

    Edit: Timtams... probably one of the greatest things on the planet.. I had them when i studied abroad in Australia, and we have them over here now.. We get them for Christmas and that's it! lol

    wow I'm very curious about Timtams and want to look them up and see where I might get some lol.... but its probably better that i've never heard of them!
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    I am excited about this! :D Thanks!
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    count me in! :) I really need this!!!! Thanks to allie7383 for introducing me to this group. My name is Alicia and I have been on MFP since the end of March -- but I started this journey in 2009 after stepping on the wii and it telling me I was fatter than i thought I was... FREAKED ME OUT. I have been doing alright with self control, until the last 2 years... and it needs to stop!!!!!!!!!
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    My email is
    Get a notebook (nothing fancy) and title a page with the Month (December). Or you can use a spreadsheet to keep track electronically if you wish. The spreadsheets are coming soon, so check back!

    For each day, write down a specific goal for the day that you know may be a potential self control challenge. (ie: if you know you will be attending a party on Saturday, make your goal that day to only have 1 drink or only eat half the amount of food you normally would for instance) Under your challenge, put a "yes" and "no" check box for you to check at the end of the day stating whether or not that challenge was met. If you would like some challenge ideas, I have a blog with some listed, but be sure to make the goals reflect your personal habits or goals:

    Sometime in the following week I want you to email me your results. They must be emailed before the next weeks challenge ends. Email me how many out of the 7 days you managed to put a check mark in your yes box! Also feel free to also send me what your biggest accomplishment was for that week, and I will choose one and post it in the spotlight when I post the results (on this thread)

    There will also be weekly goals I will set up for all of us to try and complete together. Also, if you mess up one day on your challenge, you have a chance to redeem yourself to get those points back. Go here for the weekly challenges, as well as how to redeem yourself:

    The first challenge week will begin the week of Dec 1st-7th. (This means your results for that week should be emailed sometime between Dec 8th-14th)

    Good luck! Feel free to post your accomplishments in the success thread
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    count me in! :) I really need this!!!! Thanks to allie7383 for introducing me to this group. My name is Alicia and I have been on MFP since the end of March -- but I started this journey in 2009 after stepping on the wii and it telling me I was fatter than i thought I was... FREAKED ME OUT. I have been doing alright with self control, until the last 2 years... and it needs to stop!!!!!!!!!

    The Wii told you you were fat? I didn't know it could do that lol. You can weigh yourself on that, or how does that work?
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I am so doing this! Just doing my list now =)
  • almille
    The week's challenge is coming at a great time for me. A week ago I was totally on track and sugar didn't have much of a hold on me. I could have just a little bit and move on with my life.

    Unfortunately, Thanksgiving re-introduced me to sugar and I haven't resisted temptation well. I just caved to office treats- fresh Krispy Kreme? You betcha. Instead of feeling treated and satisfied, my sugar monster is on the prowl.

    Well guess what? There's no more pie at home, I finished that yesterday. So we're stopping this riiiight here. Keeping busy at work, workout right after, and cleaning to do at home. 7days without treats, lets go!

    Personally, my goal for tomorrow is to find time to cram in a minimum 300 calorie workout despite how busy that day will be.
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Good luck! Even if you have 10 mins here and there, use that small amount of time to do some exercise. That way by the end of the day you should be at 300 :)

    also, if you're short on time often maybe consider getting a workout video. I did the 30 day shred last month. Its 20 minutes, but with warmup and cooldown can be about 25-30. I'm doing Ripped in 30 by Jillian also for this month. Just on level 1 last night I burned 330 calories in 30 minutes with her :happy:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hi everyone, it's December 1 (in Australia anyway) and my goal for today is to eat the meals/snacks I have planned - with no extras!
    I've just had my morning snack of apple and almonds and so far I'm doing OK.

    The hardest part of the day will be walking home through the train station past the bakeries with the smelll of fresh donuts cooking and all the booths and shops with treats and junky food.

    I KNOW I don't need to eat it, and today I am NOT going to.
    One of the strategies I have to help get me through there is to keep something aside from my afternoon snack (either some rice crackers or muesli bar) and eat that as I'm walking through. This way I'm having something that I've already accounted for which is semi healthy but feels like a treat.