Hello everyone, welcome to the self control group. I hope we can all benefit from each others ideas and motivation to help curb those nasty habits that only set us back. So let us get to know each other! Tell us a little about yourself. You can tell us what brought you to this group, what you're trying to accomplish, what…
Share your success!
For those of you up for the daily challenge! Feel free to share your accomplishments doing the daily challenges (Read the challenge thread). I'll start off with my biggest accomplishment so far. On Thursday, my friend turned 21. So of course we went out. My challenge was to make sure I only drank vodka with diet soda (max…
Dec Challenge - results thread
I decided to keep track of our progress I would make a results thread so we can see just how well everyone is doing. Please be sure to message me how many days out of the 7 you completed your goal, whether you did any of the group goals in my blog, any redemption challenges etc. When you message me your results I will add…
Having issues today
Why do I do this? Before I even finish eating my lunch, I'm already thinking about what I can eat next!? How can food have such control over me? I know you don't have the answers, but I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment...
Daily challenge ideas
Hi guys I am struggling to think of new ones if we share them it might help. Here was mine for last week. 1 No fizzy drink - 2 No alcohol (had friends over) 3 No carbs 4 no dessert (we always have dessert on a Sunday) 5 Stay in Cal goal even though on special spa day 6 No fizzy drinks (guess what I like to have when not…
The official Self Control Challenge - December!
Get a notebook (nothing fancy) and title a page with the Month (December). Or you can use a spreadsheet to keep track electronically if you wish. Thanks to member Melelana, we now have spreadsheets for your convenience! for color printers: For black & white printers:…
The CHALLENGE - beta run - The rest of Nov till Dec
Get a notebook (nothing fancy) and title a page with the Month (November). Under the heading, put the day of the month, and write down a specific self control goal of yours for that specific day. For instance, my goal today is to make sure I don't snack on any of the foods at work when I go in tonight (I work in the food…
The biggest reason your self control suffers
I work in the food industry and that's probably my biggest problem. Finding another job isn't much of an option since I'm now a manager and wouldn't be making as much starting at a new place. Also I have certain mindsets when it comes to wasting food and or money. Basically I convince myself its okay to eat things I…
What motivates you? What do you guys think of this new idea?
Just curious what motivates people to lose weight or feel better about themselves. I'm thinking, when we have that urge to continue eating or doing something we shouldn't be, to help our self control we need some way to remember the reasons why we need to curb our self control in the first place. Is it to help you lose…
Fell off the wagon :(
I had two "bad" days and didn't accomplish my daily goal. I'm afraid I'll loose my motivation for the rest of the challenge. Got any ideas?
bored or hungry?
Anyone else have this issue? Suggestions?
Electronically tracking your self control?
Hi everyone! I'm super excited to get started on this challenge! So, I've decided to track my progress electronically, so I made an excel spreadsheet. I don't know if this sounds appealing to anyone else, but if there's demand for one, I can find a way to share my spreadsheet with you! :) You could also print it out blank…