Hi everyone!



  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    I have traded in (most of) my much-beloved cardio for strength-training. This is a BOLD MOVE for me! I'm following "body-for-life" strength-training (as modified by my husband) for the next few months....it's a 12-week program, but I'm going to stick it out until spring, at least.

    It means I have to STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE. Totally. And, I promised myself I would, and then I broke my promise on Monday and, yep, my weight WAS up!! Grrrrrr.

    Mentally, I HAVE to get over the number on the scale and DEMAND results in "shape", instead (or the way my clothes feel). But, this is REALLY HARD for me and I won't win every single battle.

    My gala is now a little more than 2 weeks away and, instead of focusing on the number on the scale, I'm wanting my (bare) arms to look SPECTACULAR in my dress!
    You can so do it!!!! Hang in there and know that it will work!!!:-)
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    I have traded in (most of) my much-beloved cardio for strength-training. This is a BOLD MOVE for me! I'm following "body-for-life" strength-training (as modified by my husband) for the next few months....it's a 12-week program, but I'm going to stick it out until spring, at least.

    It means I have to STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE. Totally. And, I promised myself I would, and then I broke my promise on Monday and, yep, my weight WAS up!! Grrrrrr.

    Mentally, I HAVE to get over the number on the scale and DEMAND results in "shape", instead (or the way my clothes feel). But, this is REALLY HARD for me and I won't win every single battle.

    My gala is now a little more than 2 weeks away and, instead of focusing on the number on the scale, I'm wanting my (bare) arms to look SPECTACULAR in my dress!

    getting away from the scale was hard for me too, its been a week now. i am trying to focus on body fat %.

    i think arms might be the easiest muscle to make. at least for me it is. push your self out of your comfort zone. DO PUSH UPS! everyone hates them but start small and doing them on your knees is fine too! good luck!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I dropped down to 1300 (MFP wants me at 1200) and I lost .2 over Thanksgiving! I haven't been hungry either, as I'm making sure to eat lots of protein. Have been off from work for a week plus the weekends, so we will see how it goes when I start back to work. They changed our lunches on us, we use to get lunch if we worked at least 4 1/2 hours, now it's 6 hours. So I almost never will have lunch. It was already hard for me to get through the day without getting sick, and I had to make sure to have 2 eggs and a banana for breakfast. Now not really sure what to do to get through the rest of the day without lunch.
    Thanks! I have actually done the increasing a couple times in the last six months. MFP wants me at 1200, and I was too hungry there. So this was just trying to take that up another notch after keeping it in one place for awhile. But I'm beginning to think that I need to go back down, When I was at 1200, (I don't want to go back down that low) I wasn't aware of the benefits protein has on hunger, so I'm thinking I'm going to go back down to 1300, and see what happens. I have been stuck again for a few weeks.
    Thanks for the invite Amy, I was glad to see you moved to a group.

    I have found myself weighing twice a week now, when for 2 1/2 years I consistently weighed every Monday only. I'm just frustrated with the fluctuation, and thought if I weigh twice, I might actually catch a loss once in awhile. Haha, the things we tell our selves.

    Last week I had a lot of sugar and some diet caffeine, I try to stay away from caffeine and keep sugar to a minimum. I always feel like crap after having it, and both of them are triggers to have the other. I have put together my own workout, using the four workout dvd's that I have used a lot and gotten great results, but because of my knees bothering me so much lately, I cut out the squats and lunges, and added more knee stretches. It's been a great workout, I'm very happy with it, I also increased my weights a bit too. But my cardio on the off days has been walking, and my over all calorie burn isn't what I like it to be, so I'm really feeling bummed about that. I'm starting to get mad at myself, and wanting to do more no matter how my knees feel. I increased my calories by 50, so I'm at 1400 now, I want to try and go up some more, but where I was having so much sugar, I need to have a week or two without so much, before I really know how it's going to affect me. So we will see.

    I'm really feeling kind blah right now with it all. I'm kinda wishing I had something to help me kick it up a notch, but I know really it comes down to me.

    *EDIT* I just thought I would check and see where my calories would be with maintenance, and maintenance would be at 1480. So do I really want to try to increase?
    Becky....great job making your own workout! also with the eating, good for you in starting your increase small. Keep resting your knees and let us know how the next few weeks go!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Thanks for the group Amy!

    I sprained my ankle (for the third time) on Monday, so I've been having to rest it with no exercise, which, frankly, scares the beejeesus out of me! I readjusted my calories to compensate...so I'm eating about 1250. So far, I've gained 0.6 in a week, so I'm not complaining. Frustrated a bit, but not complaining. I should be able to reincorporate exercise in about a week.

    G'day, have you thought about swimming, or rowing or using an arm cycling machine at the gym whilst you rest your ankle. There are ways to exercise with a sprained ankle! :) When I hurt my leg playing footy I would swim and do upper body weights and row if I didn't hurt. Anyway hope things are going well for you.
    So my encouragement to you women today is this....what does that number on the scale mean to you? Is it "making or breaking you day?" If you don't know what physiologically can be causing the number to go up or down..I encourage you to find out...The scale does not tell you how much of your body is lean muscle to fat ratio...DONT let the scale run your life..:sad:


    I have learnt not to let the scale bother me anymore. My body has this pattern it goes through when losing weight. 3 weeks ago I got down to an all time low of 61.9 kg then a week later I got my period and it went back up 1 and a half kg. Since then it has been fluctuating anywhere between 62.5 and 63.5 for the past 3 weeks. But I know that this is what happens with my body. It kinda feels like the body is trying to readjust and is fighting the new weight of 61.9 kg for tooth and nail and what I do is I just keep doing exactly what i've been doing the past 3 weeks, eating at the same good defecit exercising intensely and eventually the scale weight will go back down to 61.9 and it will stay at 61.9 for probably a good few weeks before the whole pattern occurs again. You see I dont lose weight weekly it occurs in stages. I usually just take the 6 - 8 week average loss and whilst my body is not moving on the scale to keep from being discouraged I keep note of how my clothes are fitting me.

    Even though I went back up 1.5 kg from 3 weeks ago my clothes are even looser than 3 weeks ago. My touch rugby top is most definately feeling looser and i'm almost fitting into this top my sister in law bought back from bali which omg I cant believe I nearly fit it. I try it on every 3 - 4 weeks and it feels so much looser than a few weeks ago. So even though my scale weight went up in the past 3 weeks I know that i'm still losing body fat because of my clothes. The scale just takes a while to catch up to my weight loss!!

    I've lost around 28 kg since April 2010 and at times this used to frustrate me but I learnt to live with it and be patient. I started at 91.3 and currently i'm 63.5. Scale weight will go down most likely in about 2 or 3 weeks time which is on schedule lol!!

    I'm 5 foot 2 and my body fat % is 26.5%. I'd like to get to around 58 kg. I dont care if it takes me another 6 months to lose it. 1kg a month would be a good amount to lose. Actually it would be nice to get to 58 by April 2012 my 2 year anniversary.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    I live in a really dinky town. No pools for about 1.5 hours or gym. lol. We have to do "old school" exercise here! We DO have a couple of treadmills employees donated at work, but that's all I've got. :-) Luckily, I think I will be able to start exercising again on Tuesday. Ankle feeling better.

    Thanks though!
    Thanks for the group Amy!

    I sprained my ankle (for the third time) on Monday, so I've been having to rest it with no exercise, which, frankly, scares the beejeesus out of me! I readjusted my calories to compensate...so I'm eating about 1250. So far, I've gained 0.6 in a week, so I'm not complaining. Frustrated a bit, but not complaining. I should be able to reincorporate exercise in about a week.

    G'day, have you thought about swimming, or rowing or using an arm cycling machine at the gym whilst you rest your ankle. There are ways to exercise with a sprained ankle! :) When I hurt my leg playing footy I would swim and do upper body weights and row if I didn't hurt. Anyway hope things are going well for you.
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Amy and everyone!
    I just looked up "last 10 lbs." group and here you are!
    I'm so grateful.

    I've been up and down, up and down for the past few months. Emotional eating is slowly getting better but I'm bad about being honest on MFP food tracking. Bad girl! Now I'm going to be more strict and track as I eat.

    My activity is fine. Lots of Bikram yoga as well as bicycling to commute and other yoga classes when I'm not teaching and practicing Bikram. Ha ha! I've got a fair amount of muscle so it's down to the fat that I want to lose.

    The worst is when I come home from a long day and it triggers me into cookie monster mode. I don't eat cookies but grab whatever is easiest before settling into a "sensible" dinner. Ha ha! This could be tortilla chips or just a few too many olives. Lame.

    Anyway hope to curb this behavior. Any advice would be appreciated.
    Thanks for this group!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Ankle feeling better.

    Lucky you. I'm still recovering from an ankle injury last February, with no end in sight.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Hi all! :) If anyone's still active here, I'm back again to lose the last 10 lbs and would love to have lots of new friends, please friend me! :)