10K Training Program... seems easy???

sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
I'll try to keep this short :)

I started running in September.. so about three months ago. I have been doing great! I can run about 5 miles comfortably at about a 12 min/mi pace.

I want to start training for a 10K ... (i've never even done a 5k!)

I found this 7 week program:

but it seems too easy for me... ?

I know rest days are important. and I know I don't want to get an injury by overdoing it or doing things too fast...

for the past two months I have been running approx. 15 to 30 miles per week. on average 5 times a week. I like to run for about an hour and that is comfortable to me.

but the program is.... for example... Week 1: run 25 minutes, rest day, run two miles, rest day, run 35 minutes, rest day, run 45 minutes.... this seems WAY TOO SLOW FOR ME.

but since I am new to running and everything - I would like to know if I should follow this program even though I feel like I could do more.
*I don't want to just 'do whatever i want' for training b/c i feel like i'd over do things and end up injuring myself...

ADVICE from experienced runners ?!?!?! :D
Thank you!!


  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Hey Sarah,
    This program seems "easy" because it is easy. It's for people who haven't been running much at all.

    With your experience to this point, I would try to find a Novice program that incorporates Speed work, Tempo runs, maybe some hills, cross training, and Long runs.

    Obviously you can run the 10K distance. Avoid programs that don't incorporate hard work. You'll just end up running your 10K slightly faster than your train. If you want to really get faster then choose a program that makes you WORK HARD!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    well that seems simple enough :)

    I think I am going to do my own thing... but do more cross training than usual to prevent injury and "make up my own training program" based on other programs :D LOL
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    There is training schedules for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels training programs.

    Here's one from Hal Higdon: http://www.halhigdon.com/10ktraining/10kinter.htm

    Here's another from Runner's World: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-244-259-1117-0,00.html

    Both of these are intermediate level training programs.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Take a look at the smartcoach programs at runnersworld.com

    They take into consideration your current race speed and make improvements from there. The programs include easy runs, tempo runs, speed work and hill work.