Challenge #1/feedback :)


So since it's challenge one we'll go a little modified :) just 2day. LOL

30 sit ups, 30 push ups and 30 squats.

This is how its done. after every sit up there's one push up. After every push up there's one squat :)

Good luck guys :)

You guys are all beautiful, hot and AWESOME!!!! and i believe you all can do it. Make sure you do it. Don't just leave feeback if you haven't even tried it :) hehe LOL!! GO GIRLS!!! AND If there's any guys! :):)


  • yay!! finished mine, but my butt and thighs are aching :):sad:

    Good luck to the rest
  • you wrote squad did u mean squat? if not what is a "squad"?
  • srry about that. I might have sum spellin mistakes. Please xcuse them. I don't double check why i rit at tyms :)

    But thanks. It's meant to be squats :)
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Looking forward to this....thanks!!!
  • Looking forward to this....thanks!!!

    Good luck :)
  • ok... (out of breath) but done!!!! do I still get credit if I altered the order? I did mine with my 4 month old son's best interest for entertainment. I did 30 sit ups, 30 push ups and 30 squats all while making Thaxton smile and laugh. thank you for the challenge:) bring on the next!!! :happy:
  • no problem... just was wondering if I was so far out of the exercise loop that I didn't know some new
  • SoapyPonyLevine
    SoapyPonyLevine Posts: 644 Member
    :smooched: Okay I did mine too! Squats and situps I don't mind but I really hate pushups. My arms are burning, mind you so is my butt!
    Don't know who else is doing this challenge, but good luck to all of you:) xx
  • ok... (out of breath) but done!!!! do I still get credit if I altered the order? I did mine with my 4 month old son's best interest for entertainment. I did 30 sit ups, 30 push ups and 30 squats all while making Thaxton smile and laugh. thank you for the challenge:) bring on the next!!! :happy:

    Great Job, I think your the second one down. How do you feel now??

    Next challenge is tomorrow, so get ready. BTW it's okay, but next tym try doing it in the given order.

    Enjoy the rest of your day :)
  • :smooched: Okay I did mine too! Squats and situps I don't mind but I really hate pushups. My arms are burning, mind you so is my butt!
    Don't know who else is doing this challenge, but good luck to all of you:) xx

    Great Job!! next tym sophie, i'll do you a favour and lessen the push ups :) But your third on the list.
  • Ok... first day trying to get back on track, I haven't been to the gym in two weeks and completely out of breath from doing that, but felt good to move again even if it was for just a few minutes. Thanks for the support, look forward to checking in tomorrow!
  • Ok... first day trying to get back on track, I haven't been to the gym in two weeks and completely out of breath from doing that, but felt good to move again even if it was for just a few minutes. Thanks for the support, look forward to checking in tomorrow!

    Great work, and hope to see you on and read your feedback 2morro.

    Enjoy the rest of your day/nit :)
  • This is sooo exciting!!! It's great to have our own little group of supporters. Let's keep eachother updated and inspired :))))
  • This is sooo exciting!!! It's great to have our own little group of supporters. Let's keep eachother updated and inspired :))))

    Will do :)
  • janet0101
    janet0101 Posts: 34 Member
    Just finished. Definitely feeling it! This is a great idea!
  • Just finished. Definitely feeling it! This is a great idea!

    Great job. You completed challange #1 so your a winner :)
  • EnderNC
    EnderNC Posts: 383 Member
    First challenge completed. I guess I'm the first guy to try this out. This was a good lunch break workout. Hope yall enjoy it too!
  • First challenge completed. I guess I'm the first guy to try this out. This was a good lunch break workout. Hope yall enjoy it too!

    LOL. I think so far your the only guy in the challenge. Not that it's bad, us girls need some challenge.

    Congrats btw.

    Enjoy your day,

  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    Definitely will be doing this tonight! Sounds fun!
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 118 Member
    Going for it! Thanks for the motivation.