What week are you on in Turbo?

I just started my 4th week and am excited to track my results on Sunday! I can feel the difference in my clothes and see some muscle definition now! Not much of a weight loss yet though. :)


  • I am currently on week 1 of advanced turbo fire classes. My results thus far - 12 kgs lost.
  • that is awesome! How are the advanced videos?
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I have been doing the Turbo Fire HIIT 30 and I love it. Chalene is great and so inspiring!
  • jlm962
    jlm962 Posts: 64
    Week 1 Day 2 of the 20 week program for me :)
  • Today was week 2, day 4. Tomorrow I have Fire 55EZ.
  • Iheartsushi
    Iheartsushi Posts: 150 Member
    Hi guys! I love Turbo Fire! I am on week 6, day 5 and am loving it! I probably will be getting the advanced DVDs too!
  • Day 1 Week1 Round 3 starts today!!!!!
  • simplebeauty
    simplebeauty Posts: 22 Member
    I have just finished Week 1 Day 1 of the Turbo Fire Prep Schedule..glad to report the day went very well!
  • MaryStregger
    MaryStregger Posts: 73 Member
    I am in week 7 although I am doing a hybrid version with Chalean Extreme. I love it - since I started Turbo Fire I've lost over 10 pounds. Even though I am within my final ten pounds before I reach my goal weight I am still finding that the weight comes off pretty easy with this program (not that it's easy) :).
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    started the program today (monday) with fire 30. I have been doing all of the videos randomly and now I am choosing to stick to the schedule to see if any difference...Here goes!
  • cloeyfish
    cloeyfish Posts: 25 Member
    Starting today!!!
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    On week 2- I think it is going well but I am not completely resting on "rest" days- just not doing turbo fire- I ran one of the days and did yoga, another day I swam, just other stuff - hope this is ok. During most of the HIIT days I only do those and stretch...I figure that is more like a rest- especially the 15 and 20 min hiit days. any thoughts?
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    Week 1, day 4...loving it!!!
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    On week 2- I think it is going well but I am not completely resting on "rest" days- just not doing turbo fire- I ran one of the days and did yoga, another day I swam, just other stuff - hope this is ok. During most of the HIIT days I only do those and stretch...I figure that is more like a rest- especially the 15 and 20 min hiit days. any thoughts?

    I also do not rest on "rest" days! I have to keep myself moving 7 days a week. Occasionally, if we have something special planned I skip a day, but it's rare (last skip day was Christmas due to family time). This is my first week of Turbo Fire but on my rest day I redid the Fire 30 new to class session to more familiarize myself. For upcoming rest days I plan to go back & do a beloved Turbo Jam workout or one of my other videos or run on the treadmill. Of course, if my body tells me I need a break, I will listen. I will also follow the recommendations about not doing HIIT's 2 days in a row. Good Luck!
  • Oplesandbanonos
    Oplesandbanonos Posts: 99 Member
    Week 1 day 4 is today, some of the choreography still has me a little messed up, but i try to keep up as best as i can.
  • stoutcms
    stoutcms Posts: 12 Member
    Day 14 starts tomorrow and I have already lost 8lbs....it's AMAZING what both working out and eating right can do for you :-) (I've always just done one or the other) Definitely starting my year off right.... whoop whoop!!!!
  • TinaAK
    TinaAK Posts: 18 Member
    I started Turbo Fire Week 1 Day 1 today, using the new to class version. I made it 15 minutes and ran out of room for the kicking piece. I was in the bedroom. Starting tomorrow, making space in the family room and starting again. I could not believe how much I was sweating in such short amount of time. So far... I like :-)
  • stoutcms
    stoutcms Posts: 12 Member
    Yeah, it can be a little tough to follow at first, but once you get it, you'll have sooooo much fun just dancing it out and making it your own :smile: Keep at it girl.....totally worth it!!!!
    Week 1 day 4 is today, some of the choreography still has me a little messed up, but i try to keep up as best as i can.
  • Oplesandbanonos
    Oplesandbanonos Posts: 99 Member
    Okay so day 2 of week 2 was today, and i added the core 20 because my boyfriend was still running on the treadmill and i was bored. i'm sweating buckets. holy cow. i LOVE the HIIT classes
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    I'm on week 2...but sick so trying to do well while not getting dizzy and passing out!