Goal Weight

AmandaR321 Posts: 68 Member
What is your goal weight?

Current weight? (optional)

I'm right around 200lbs right now and my goal weight post pregnancy is around 160lbs. For the pregnancy I'm just working on a healthy weight gain. I'm 5'10".


  • kitkat40
    kitkat40 Posts: 49 Member
    my current weight is 169
    goal weight 135

    I have had 6 children ranging from 19 to 4 year old twins so my body has had many years off from exercising and eating healthy.
    This is the first time that i lost 9lbs with in 6 or 7 weeks using MFP, i'm so excited and i'm looking forward to getting to that goal doing it the healthy way so it stays off this time!
    But, im thinking since i'm older (41) i should drop it to 125 for my height 5'5 since i will fluctucate 10lbs ugh.....
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    my goal weight is 150

    start: 303

    cw is 276 about 120lbs to go!

    I have set milestones along the way however, my first milestone is being my weight going into freshman year of high school which is 240. my second milestone is reaching ONEderland and being under 200lbs! i havent been under 200 in 12 years! and my third final milestone is reaching my goal weight.

    Good Luck to everyone! :)
  • stemen2011
    stemen2011 Posts: 35 Member
    Start: 242
    Current: 236
    Goal: 140-130
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    Current weight is 175, Goal weight is 145.
  • tillmanlady
    tillmanlady Posts: 139 Member
    My starting weight is 363

    My current weight is 358

    My goal weight is 190-175 a big gap I know but I haven't seen ONEderland since I was about 13

    I have a mini goal of 333 by my 30th bday which is 2/12... I have a feeling I could go beyond those 30lbs :)

    I would love to be 222 which was my weight Freshman yr of High School, by Christmas 2012

    My Goal weight I can hopefully hit by the summer of 2013
  • lalala06
    lalala06 Posts: 153
    my current weight is 180.8lbs
    and goal weight for now is 150
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    fantastic ladies!!! it seems like we all have make some progress! keep it up, we can achieve greatness!
  • angel2874
    angel2874 Posts: 59 Member
    My starting weight was 217
    My current weight is 193
    My goal weight is 150
    Then I will revaluate
  • buchmansrus
    buchmansrus Posts: 34 Member
    My Highest weight was 235.
    My Current Weight is "last time I checked" 202
    My Goal weight is 158

    I dont want to be skinny, I just want to be healthy
  • My starting weight was 158. Lost 4 lbs. Goal weight is 130. I need to have better control of my diabetes.
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    My starting weight was 158. Lost 4 lbs. Goal weight is 130. I need to have better control of my diabetes.

    good luck! when i was at my heaviest about 6 years ago at 335lbs i was a boarderline diabetic. i was also on high blood pressure meds. since then ive come off of the meds and i saved myself from diabetes.
  • KarrieLynn81
    KarrieLynn81 Posts: 41 Member
    Current weight: 211
    Goal weight: 145

    Pre-pregnancy I was 162 but I'm trying to get down to a healthier weight. I wasn't proud of myself before I got pregnant but I gained a healthy weight while pregnant so I wasn't too worried about my weight. But now that I everything is sorta in a routine I'm looking out for my health more cause my family needs me.
  • rlyheath
    rlyheath Posts: 3 Member
    Current weight is 185-ish (gotta weigh to know for sure)
    Goal weight is 145
  • kacieluzier
    kacieluzier Posts: 18 Member
    Current weight: 200 :(
    Goal weight: 150 by July 4th
  • I just started today on MFP so my weight right now is 150lbs
    Goal weight 130lbs

    I had a baby 6 months ago and this will be the tenth attempt to try and diet and lose weight but I keep giving up bc I dont give myself long enough to see results. :( Any suggestions??? I desperatly need to fit back into my pre pregnancy clothes! I refuse to go buy bigger clothes! I get for giving up all the time. I get so upset with myself for giving up all the time. Hopefully MFP will help me stick with it this time.:smile:
  • Current weight :148
    Goal weight :120 by may

    Good luck ladies !
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    I just started today on MFP so my weight right now is 150lbs
    Goal weight 130lbs

    I had a baby 6 months ago and this will be the tenth attempt to try and diet and lose weight but I keep giving up bc I dont give myself long enough to see results. :( Any suggestions??? I desperatly need to fit back into my pre pregnancy clothes! I refuse to go buy bigger clothes! I get for giving up all the time. I get so upset with myself for giving up all the time. Hopefully MFP will help me stick with it this time.:smile:

    my advice to you would be to keep track of your measurements. by doing that, you will see a difference every week if you dont necessarily notice a huge difference in your numbers on that scale. one week i didnt lose a pound and was very discouraged until i took my measurements and came to my surprise that I had lost 2 inches that week. I had lost inches and gained muscle which I will take any day! You could also try doing 30 day shred or P90x I have heard works well. I will be starting the 30 day shred after the first of the year! If you would like to do it with me I would be more than happy to converse with you about our progress we have made! keep it up, stick to it and us as team together we can achieve greatness! :happy:
  • [/quote]
    my advice to you would be to keep track of your measurements. by doing that, you will see a difference every week if you dont necessarily notice a huge difference in your numbers on that scale. one week i didnt lose a pound and was very discouraged until i took my measurements and came to my surprise that I had lost 2 inches that week. I had lost inches and gained muscle which I will take any day! You could also try doing 30 day shred or P90x I have heard works well. I will be starting the 30 day shred after the first of the year! If you would like to do it with me I would be more than happy to converse with you about our progress we have made! keep it up, stick to it and us as team together we can achieve greatness! :happy:
  • thank you very much for the advice! I will definatly try taking my measurements instead of just going by the scale. I have heard of p90x and heard great things. Where do u purchase it? Thank u again for the advice :)
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Current weight is 160. I'm not sure what my goal weight is. I started this thinking 140, but 130 might be nice. I really just would like to be in a size 10 jean. I'd be happy with that! ;-)