New to group

Hi ladies. My name is Veronica. This is day two for me, I just joined this site and hoping to find motivation from other trying to lose weight. This is the first group that grabbed my attn and I am going to try my best to be interactive and focused. I look forward to meeting everyone.


  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    Hi ladies. My name is Veronica. This is day two for me, I just joined this site and hoping to find motivation from other trying to lose weight. This is the first group that grabbed my attn and I am going to try my best to be interactive and focused. I look forward to meeting everyone.

    HEY name is Stephanie....and welcome...I have been here 275 days and it has truely changed my life and I know it will yours...Stay focus and even on the not so good days...keep pushing and log anyway and exercise...WELCOME!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Hi Veronica! Nice to meet ya!
  • Vmonique29
    Vmonique29 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks ladies for the welcome! I look forward to the bonding and motivating of each other, as we reach our goals!
  • alexcc50
    Hello Ladies!:happy:

    My name is Alexandra and I am new to the group as well as MFP (day 4). I just wanted to introduce my self and say hello! I live in Chicago and I am in this for the long hall, I have about 120lbs to lose and I am gonna do it. But I also need a support system and that is why I joined this group. I am here for you guys and am willing to listen to any tips and encouragement. Good luck to you all!

  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Hello Ladies!:happy:

    My name is Alexandra and I am new to the group as well as MFP (day 4). I just wanted to introduce my self and say hello! I live in Chicago and I am in this for the long hall, I have about 120lbs to lose and I am gonna do it. But I also need a support system and that is why I joined this group. I am here for you guys and am willing to listen to any tips and encouragement. Good luck to you all!


    Hi Alexandra.

    You can do it. I am not to far from Chicago in Evanston