Single..... Help.... Help..



  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Ive been single for almost 2 years maybe more. Being short and look young is hard to find someone. But then again I hate dating couse my last serious relationship hurt me BAD! So im just afraid to get hurt again. I know Im not HOT, dont have BIG BOOBS, NOT TALL , DONT HAVE A GOOD BODY but I do know I have a good nice caring heart!! Time will come and I will find my prince charming lol The more you look the less you find. The less you find it will come with out you knowing!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Ok so I am single... Fact
    I don't know how to deal with being single... Semi-fact
    I like being single .... False :(

    Ok so I feel I'm the only one in and out of this group lol... But who cares! I'm single and I don't like beng single! :(

    So for those who feel like me.... Let's vent... And for those who can give advice, please dont leave me alone in here....

    Well my dear. . while being single is not easy. It is a time to really embrace who you are and what you want. The qualities that you look for and not settling for less than that.

    So I would say get comfortable with who you are apart from someone. . Then you know what you want in a relationship and what you have to offer. . Too many times people jump out of one relationship and right into another simply because they are lonely and this is the wrong reason to get involved with someone.

    I say due to experience, and the fact that right now I am single as well, and while it is lonely. . I know what I want if I am to have another relationship and I fully intend to get it. . Take your time dear.. The right person will come along and you will be glad that you waited. Good luck. .Huggles and prayers are with you.:flowerforyou:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    ...I'm surprised the guys aren't beating down your are absolutely gorgeous! :smile:

    I was going to say the same thing to you....

  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I have always been single, and I'm 27. I've dated a couple guys, but never have been in any sort of real romantic relationship. For the most part, I'm okay with it. I am working on becoming the person the person I'm looking for is looking for. (That is a concept from one of my favorite sermon series - The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating.)

    Anyway. I'm not there yet. And so I appreciate that when I want to just be by myself, do what I want, and don't have to worry about anyone else.

    But other times... especially holidays... oh, I am so lonely. A lot of my friends are in long term relationships and that makes it harder too - they have their spouses, or their fiancees, or their boyfriend/girlfriend. I don't have anyone. I really don't mean this as a "pity me" type thing, but I just wanted you to know that you aren't alone. I know that while there are many great things about being single, it can be just as painful and hard as it is convenient at other times.

    I absolutely ache to have someone to spend my life with, and haven't found him yet. In the meantime though, I'll just keep working on becoming the best version of myself that I can be, knowing that when I do meet him... I'll be ready.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    ...I'm surprised the guys aren't beating down your are absolutely gorgeous! :smile:

    I was going to say the same thing to you....


    That was so sweet of JT to say to you :)
  • tyrog11
    tyrog11 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm not crazy about being single, but it beats being with the wrong person!

    Cheers to this!! Couldn't have said it better!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    I'm not crazy about being single, but it beats being with the wrong person!

    I really agree!

    And someone said, figure out what you want from a relationship! And working on yourself is always a good thing!

    I'm single too, but I just don't have the emotional energy right now... but hopefully will soon!
  • Julieothree
    Julieothree Posts: 63 Member
    I'm also single, and I don't like it very much... but I believe that the right person will come along at the right time!
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I'm single... but I like it... most of the time.

    I work at a bar and grill so I see couples all the time... and seriously, sometimes I wonder... how did THAT b*T@EG$ get a boyfriend? I'm way cooler than her!!!! Hahahaa.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I go back and forth but for the most part I get tired of playing the independant single friend that is happy to be single. When I'm not really. But for te most part I like being able to do what I want. I want to get certified in Zumba. It is hard to up and go to Austin on a road trip with a boyfriend. And my best friend is having a hard time with weight loss bc of her fiance. I am not jealous of that. But I do sometimes wander what is wrong with me that I can't meet a nice man who will love me for me.
  • bluecollarfrench
    bluecollarfrench Posts: 344 Member
    I have been single for the last 5 years because there were parts of me that I needed to work on, that I felt it wasn't right to bring someone into my life when I wasn't going to be able to help them grow as a person when I had so much growing myself to do. Now i feel I am in a good spot in my life that I am ready to start dating again.

    Also, there are a couple of ladies here that are single that, I quite frankly can't believe that they are single. Of course that is just form looking at your profile pic.
  • After being in a long hard relationship, I learned to accept being single, and have grown to surprisingly like it. I'm not exactly single by choice though. We were engaged, and he passed away from diabetes, which is one reason why I joined MFP and choose to be healthy. I learned a lot about myself and the mistakes I've made. At this point in life, I think I'm a lot more picky than before, which is why I'm still single. ha ha I started to avoid relationships. I had a few great guys hit on me, and we were great friends. As soon as it became obvious that being friends wasn't going to be enough, I cut my ties. I would say I'm ready now, but I'm not going to be active about looking. I'd rather continue being a workaholic, and focus on me. If it comes along, I will let it happen.

    Another reason I'm still single... I've run into sooo many guys that find it acceptable to be way too forward sexually. I'm far from a prude, but sex isn't the most important factor. I don't care what his favorite position is, or when the last time he got some was. Guys, give it a few conversations before bringing up sex talk. :grumble:
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 292 Member
    Another reason I'm still single... I've run into sooo many guys that find it acceptable to be way too forward sexually. I'm far from a prude, but sex isn't the most important factor. I don't care what his favorite position is, or when the last time he got some was. Guys, give it a few conversations before bringing up sex talk. :grumble:

    Yessssss.....what I have just posted on the other thread!!!!
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    :bigsmile: Being single is not a bad thing. Trust me its much better than being in a bad relationship. I've been single about 9 months now and I'm pretty ok with it.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    That was so sweet of JT to say to you :)
    It's why he's one of my favorites! :wink:
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm newly single. 3 months into my separation from a 13 yr marriage. I'm finding it extremely difficult and lonely. At first I was all for the me time, now I just get lonely, esp at night.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I was seeing this amazing guy who I am still crazy about. He broke things off because he needed to work on himself a little. We are still friends but I miss him like crazy. I definitely miss the affection and security...and the hope that the single life was vanishing.
    Last night in cycling class, however, the hurt I felt inside definitely motivated me to push harder and harder. I wanted to leave as much as I could out there so that when I went home I couldn't feel anything. It did help. I had to go to bed early and was able to fall asleep without crying.

    Another bonus is that with him not around as much, I can go back to my better eating habits.

    However...we had planned to go to Florida together after I lost my last 40 lbs, so now I have less motivation to keep at it. ugh!
  • I am kinda confused, I really don't know what to do or where to start. I just recently broke up with my girlfriend. I initiated it, because we are both the type to convince ourselves that we can fix the relationship. I had been with her for 6 years and we lived together and she just moved all her stuff out recently. I am going through that phase where i'm sad and want to just hold her again but we are bad for each other. I broke up with her because we were starting to get annoyed by the quirks we used to find endearing and also we have two entirely different ideas about our futures and we just seemed to be waiting for one to give in to the others path. Instead of compromising and finding a path we could have together, we played some weird passive aggressive head games. I know that being alone wouldn't be a problem if I had more friends, but I am a shy introverted type.

    I am not sure if I don't have friends because I was always in a relationship or if I was always in a relationship because I didn't have friends. I just am sad because, I will sit alone and she has like 100 friends she can dial up and forget about me.

    So my help post is, how do you accept being single? I mean I don't want to be the mushy whiny alone type, I feel motivated thinking about all the things I can do with my new found free time. All the while feeling to crummy to take advantage of said time. This is the first time being single in like 9 years! It is kinda intimidating! You can say you like the single life but everybody would like someone to lay around with and talk to at the end of the day, and the feeling of waking up with the one you love in the morning.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I am kinda confused, I really don't know what to do or where to start. I just recently broke up with my girlfriend. I initiated it, because we are both the type to convince ourselves that we can fix the relationship. I had been with her for 6 years and we lived together and she just moved all her stuff out recently. I am going through that phase where i'm sad and want to just hold her again but we are bad for each other. I broke up with her because we were starting to get annoyed by the quirks we used to find endearing and also we have two entirely different ideas about our futures and we just seemed to be waiting for one to give in to the others path. Instead of compromising and finding a path we could have together, we played some weird passive aggressive head games. I know that being alone wouldn't be a problem if I had more friends, but I am a shy introverted type.

    I am not sure if I don't have friends because I was always in a relationship or if I was always in a relationship because I didn't have friends. I just am sad because, I will sit alone and she has like 100 friends she can dial up and forget about me.

    So my help post is, how do you accept being single? I mean I don't want to be the mushy whiny alone type, I feel motivated thinking about all the things I can do with my new found free time. All the while feeling to crummy to take advantage of said time. This is the first time being single in like 9 years! It is kinda intimidating! You can say you like the single life but everybody would like someone to lay around with and talk to at the end of the day, and the feeling of waking up with the one you love in the morning.
    I am sorry to hear that. The thing that sort of worked for me was doing the things I couldn't do if I was with someone. You just have to give yourself time and when you are ready go to places where you can meet ppl that have interests similar to yours.
    I wish you luck!!
    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    Here's my take on this. I have been through what you are going through now. My belief is that since you have always been in a relationship, you feel as if you need to be. And you just don't feel right unless you are. You're sad and lonely. I know. Been there done that. You need to get out of that so called rut. It sucks to hear this but time does heal all wounds. Take this time for yourself. Do some self improvement. Both physically and mentally. You'll become a better person. Take the time to get over your ex. Please don't make this all so common mistake or you'll never be happy; don't go out and look for a "rebound" girl. The odds are, it won't work and you'll be right back in the same place you are now.