Introduce yourself!

killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
edited 4:27AM in Social Groups
Hey there! Now that we have a group, I was thinking we could introduce ourselves... should be easier to follow than just one big thread. :)

My name is Robin, and I'm MOH in my best friend's wedding on June 24th!! I am super excited to help her plan, and can't wait for the big day! She was my MOH as well for my wedding(7/24/10).

I live in Florida, and I'm a graduate student... though I also work full-time in freshman admissions!

Nice to re-meet you all... :bigsmile:


  • Racegal
    Racegal Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Melanie and I will be (co) MOH for my dear friend on June 30, 2012. It has been fun planning and we already have our dresses, so I am hoping that I am going to need some serious altering before the wedding! :)
    I am a wife, mother of 2 (10 and 17) and I work full-time as a designer for a Design-Build General contractor. I am currently on week 11 of the Jaime Eason LiveFit trainer (which you can get for free on and when that is complete, will be starting the Body by Design trainer by Kris Gethin with my husband. Hoping to really add some muscle with this one!
    Great idea for a group! :)
  • Hey,
    My name is Kelli and I am a bridemaid in my cousins wedding althought I is not until Oct. 2012. My cousin was a bridesmaid in my wedding in '07. But I really need to lose more weight. I am the mother of a 20 month old son who keeps me busy. My husband is not that supportive, he says he is proud of me for losing weight. Really need encouragement from others.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • MayaRLehman
    MayaRLehman Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for setting this up!

    My name is Maya, I work in Boston, MA but live in Southern NH, so my commute is over 3 hours a day (ughhh). I am actually going to BE the bride (I read the group wrong when I first joined lol) but am happy to have a group to motivate me.
    I think the two hardest things for me are #1) The fact that I work at a desk for over 8 hours a day, plus the hour and 40 minute commute in the morning and at night! Not a lot of time for the gym, which kills me! #2) I still defffinitely over-indulge on the weekends, I always have and it's a tough habit to break.

    I want to lose this 20 pounds to look great in my dress! Can't wait to share tips, etc!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    My name is Cana. I'm actually the Mother of the Bride. The happy day for my daughter Jax is 07/21/2012. I want to rock that MOB dress!

    I want to lose 8% body fat by then - I'm currently at 27%. I was at 36% when I started my weight loss journey and have already lost 51 pounds.

    I work 12 hour days Monday - Friday. Actually two jobs: 8:30-5 and 5:15-10:30. It's almost an hour commute (in good weather) more in our lovely snowy weather. With this schedule I don't get to a gym. I belong to another group which has us doing some sort of quick exercise each day (squats, lunges, pushups, sit-ups, etc...) and that has really helped but I want to have some real definition in my muscles by the day of the wedding.

    I need some people to really yell at me when I don't get any exercise in. Please don't be kind if I'm making excuses because when I look awesome on her wedding day, I will be thinking of all of my MFP friends who helped me get the job done!
  • Hi my name is yolonda and I am not a brides maid I am actually the bride lol I am from Baltimore Md. I want to lose a total of 50 pounds. I have never weighed this much in my life and it's very frustrating. I work at a hospital in the neurology department and I really dont have time to exercise. I am a big junk food eater but I am ready to throw the snacks away and start eating right. I have until August 26, 2012 and I want to remember that special day feeling better than I have ever felt.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    Welcome everyone!! nice to meet you all!! :bigsmile:
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member

    My name is Jasmyne. I'm a mother of 2 and I work part time in a restaurant. Believe me, that makes it so hard to lose weight :( I'm going to be a groomsman (one of her best friends is male, but will be standing with the bridesmaids) at my little brothers wedding on 6/16/2012. I'm so excited for him and can't wait to celebrate. I've been trying to lose weight for a while and can't seem to stick to it, but I'm hoping to change that. I don't have much time left to be able to rock that smokin dress :)

    Ultimately I would like to lose about 60 lbs (pre-marriage weight), but I'm really focusing on losing about 40 (pre-pregnancy weight) before the wedding.

    Good luck everyone!!!!
  • krista896
    krista896 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi is this group still open to join?

    I'm Krista from PA. My friend Ashley is getting married on May 5, 2012 and I am looking to loose 15-20lbs before the wedding.
  • apetranovich
    apetranovich Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! my name is Amy and I will be a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding next August. I'm about 100lbs overweight and just trying to lose as much as I can. I have a desk job which doesn't help but I workout 4-6 days a week doing group training with a trainer. I've been at this for 4 months, weight going up and down but definitely losing inches. Just waiting to see it on the scale!
  • Hi ladies!

    My name is Alyssa & I'm 18 years old. I've always wanted to lose weight in general, because I want a healthier life, and I have fears of going back to the hospital due to health issues. I also would love to fit in certain stores and have a six pack and to get overall confidence. But now! My mother set a date and is getting married next summer :) and I am the ONLY bridesmaid (yikes! so nerve-wracking, and that means all eyes on me). So now, I would like to be at my goal weight by the summer, which is 148, it would be a total of 45lbs lost. We can do this!
  • Hi my name is Britta. My brother is getting "remarried" (i.e. renewing his vows - the boy only got married back in 2010 - but there was zero money so he "thinks" his wedding wasn't as good as it could have been and they have decided to renew their vows and have a bigger party!)

    I'm 31 years old. I weigh 330.5 lbs. right now. For my brother's wedding, I weighed 389.8 lbs. I looked AWFUL! This time I would like to look better for the pictures (see my profile and look for the picture of me in a rose pink bridemaid's dress - I'm the one all the way to the left!)

    I want to be 250lbs by August 21, 2010 (which is 40 weeks away). That's roughly 2 lbs a week and since I know I can lose up to 5lbs a week (yeah I know. It seems unhealthy but my doctor has reviewed my daily nutrition log and exercise and as long as I am not getting sick over it - since she prescribed both - I should be fine).

    I don't want to wear that pink monstrosity again! I want to have to buy a new dress!!
  • My name is Laura - I actually got married in April of 2010 and have been in two weddings since. I have tons of weddings I'm sure I'll be in over the next couple of years but I'm in another wedding in June! Actually June 24 as well! :) I'm definitely the "largest" BM of the bunch and I would love to be looking as good as the other ladies! We do get to choose our dress which is great but I'd love to get to choose something extra sexy!
  • Hi my names Amanda. My oldest Brother is getting married in Key West May 5, 2012. I am working on losing about 30 pounds I gained since I quite smoking a little over a year ago. I was just in my other brothers wedding and was not happy with the photo's and want to look great in the next wedding. I so happy to have found this group! I need all the support I can get!!
  • DaChozn
    DaChozn Posts: 134 Member
    Erica here (cue group intonation, "Hiiiii Eeerrriccaaa") lol

    The wedding I'm attending as a bridesmaid won't be until next October but by then, I'm hoping I'll be down to my goal weight of 160 and possibly, surpass it if necessary. Currently, I'm the largest of the group of girls and while I'll probably never look the smallest, I want to actually like looking at the pics I'll be in. Just as a reference, not married, no kids, and I'm a graduate student currently. Large all of my life so my body's fat cells are rebelling to my efforts to get past a certain weight....rebelling hard lol. But I hope to get where I want to be. Thanks for the support.
  • Hi my name is katie and I am a bridesmaid in my friends wedding June 9, 2012. I have a four month old baby and have lost 20 lbs so far but want to lose another 60 before the wedding! I am the biggest girl in the wedding party and when we went to try on dresses I couldn't fit into anything. It was so depressing but it was a good boost. I am excited to find this group for support!
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    Hey everybody! My name is Lauren, I am a bridesmaid in a wedding on Oct. 6, 2012. Super excited! This will be the first wedding that I am part of the bridal party and it has been a blast so far. I need to loose around 80 lbs. to be at my goal so I am glad I still have some time. :) I've done pretty good so far, since joining this site on loosing the weight (i started at 295 and now I am at 265) I work a desk job so it can be hard getting the work out in everyday but I can find a way most days. A little exercise is better than none. :)

    So glad for this group! Glad we can all encourage each other! :)
  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Michele and I'm going to be a bridesmaid for a June 30, 2012 wedding. I'm currently stuck at 161 and my goal is to be in the 130's by the wedding. I've been overweight my entire life and made the decision that I'm going to do this and not make any more excuses. I had my daughter February 1, 2011 and about 3 months after I knew I couldn't blame the weight on baby :-) I've been super dedicated ever since. Good luck everyone!
  • Saska2008
    Saska2008 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is Kelly and I'm from Victoria, Australia.
    I'm bridesmaid for my besties wedding on March 31st 2012 and I think I've left my run too late to get to my goal.:sad:
    I've been using MFP for about 12 weeks and I love it. Finally I am accountable to what I eat! But I've still only lost nearly 4 kilos. 17 kilos to go!
    I started Isowhey meals replacements last week so hopefully they work because they're not cheap! In saying all of this I really need to UP my exercise which is not much at all.
    Need support ladies!!!
  • Hello! My name is Jamie and I'm a bridesmaid in my "lil sis'" (sorority sister) wedding in late July 2012. I'd been putting on more weight lately (after working hard all summer to take off what I already had on), and my latest epiphany came last Saturday— when we all got together to try on bridesmaid dresses. We picked a dress that's pretty flattering already, but I don't like that I'm the biggest bridesmaid. I know I won't hit my ultimate weight goal in less than eight months, but I do hope to lose a great deal of weight and especially tone my arms and upper back, since that's what shows most in the dress. I was so excited to discover that there's a group of wedding-motivated women on MFP :) I can't wait to support and be supported!
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Jill. I am a bridesmaid in my sister-in-laws wedding in July 2012. I live in Central, MA and work as a police/911 dispatcher. We also got together and picked a flattering dress, which is nice. I hope to do well now until then (and beyond) so that I can be as close to goal as possible. I can't wait to get moving, I have just started the Insanity Program, I am on day 3 right now.

    Looking for some motivation/friends to keep me going on this journey.
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