The official Self Control Challenge - December!



  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Hi everyone, it's December 1 (in Australia anyway) and my goal for today is to eat the meals/snacks I have planned - with no extras!
    I've just had my morning snack of apple and almonds and so far I'm doing OK.

    The hardest part of the day will be walking home through the train station past the bakeries with the smelll of fresh donuts cooking and all the booths and shops with treats and junky food.

    I KNOW I don't need to eat it, and today I am NOT going to.
    One of the strategies I have to help get me through there is to keep something aside from my afternoon snack (either some rice crackers or muesli bar) and eat that as I'm walking through. This way I'm having something that I've already accounted for which is semi healthy but feels like a treat.

    that's a great idea, way to plan ahead! Be sure to let us know how it went! My goal tomorrow when I start, is to say no to fast food. I know my friends will want to go to McDonalds or something after we hit up the bar. I'm also going to pack a little snack with me just in case I'm hungry afterwards, hopefully that will be a reminder not to eat fast food.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Good luck to us all starting off the month on a good foot! My goal for Thurs and Friday are to not eat after work. I work an overnight shift (11pm-7am), so when I get home I go to sleep. I broke myself of the habit of eating in bed before passing out, but lately I've started doing it again, whether it's munching on random stuff in the kitchen, or stopping at Dunkin Donuts for a bagel.. ugh! Gotta break that habit again!!
  • melelana
    melelana Posts: 122 Member
    Sorry it's late! Here are the electronic sheets

    For color printers:

    For black & white printers:

    Electronically (automatically totals your goals!) & original format for printable versions [Microsoft Excel Required]:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hi everyone, it's December 1 (in Australia anyway) and my goal for today is to eat the meals/snacks I have planned - with no extras!
    I've just had my morning snack of apple and almonds and so far I'm doing OK.

    The hardest part of the day will be walking home through the train station past the bakeries with the smelll of fresh donuts cooking and all the booths and shops with treats and junky food.

    I KNOW I don't need to eat it, and today I am NOT going to.
    One of the strategies I have to help get me through there is to keep something aside from my afternoon snack (either some rice crackers or muesli bar) and eat that as I'm walking through. This way I'm having something that I've already accounted for which is semi healthy but feels like a treat.

    that's a great idea, way to plan ahead! Be sure to let us know how it went! My goal tomorrow when I start, is to say no to fast food. I know my friends will want to go to McDonalds or something after we hit up the bar. I'm also going to pack a little snack with me just in case I'm hungry afterwards, hopefully that will be a reminder not to eat fast food.

    Did it, stuck to the plan yesterday (although dinner was slightly different, it was still healthy and under cals so I'm counting that as a success).
    My goal for today is about the same - but with some time frames thrown in. I plan to eat what is already logged in my diary, at the times that I've decided!
    I find that having a time schedule helps, if I feel like snacking/bingeing, I just look at the clock and decide "no, I have a snack planned for 11am, I can wait half an hour".
    I hope you're all going well too.
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Hope everyone is doing good with their challenges so far. Don't forget to keep us updated, and as always, share what successes you're proud of in the "success" thread.

    Last night went moderately well... i didn't eat "fast food" like my goal said, but I did end up eating at a small sit in restaurant that I guess is a mix between fast food and an actual restaurant... but it was past midnight so I had a different goal technically anyway. But now I know what I should make my goal as for Thursdays in general. Not just no fast food, but no food at all after a certain time until i go to sleep. That way I can hold myself accountable and not say "well it was past midnight..." or "well it wasn't technically fast food..." Just in case, I'm doing an extra "redemption" goal today. I'm going to try and stay under by at least 200 calories, and not eat any food at all past 9pm.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    Glad to see people pushing on with their goals!

    I love this challenge because I am focusing on small things and everyday is a victory. Which we need on a journey like this.

    I broke my first daily challenge yesterday which was no wine and I can't think of a 2nd one today that will be challenging and I can't fit in exercise. I may have to do a mega exercise session in the week as punishment!!

    Anyone else finding that their goals merge from one day to the next making for an all round healthier week?
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    I agree Julie, the little challenges feel like small steps but they all add up in the right direction, and they do merge from day to day. If you tell yourself everyday not to eat a certain thing that you usually do on that specific day, at the end of the week you saved yourself a ton of calories. And that will definitely add up!

    I did good yesterday. I forced myself to do 2 challenges, and even though I had to do an extra workout video to make sure I was at least 200 calories over (my punishment goal), I did it! d

    And even though its only 3 days into December, I've been good on my "monthly" personal goal of not eating the food at my work. Tonight and tomorrow will be the real challenge though, as these nights are my closing shift where you can pretty much eat anything and everything! I'm going to pack some extra food just in case the temptation comes up, I'll know there's food waiting for me that I don't want to waste!

    By the way guys, if you haven't seen it yet, there are now spreadsheets available for you to download and print, or use electronically (it will even tally how many goals you completed for you) to keep track of everything if you want to use them. I put the links on the initial post on this thread in bold.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    Good work on your goals!

    I am going to try the spreadsheet. I had a bad weekend but I am not bothered by it I enjoyed by weekend. I am looking forward to making it up to myself with new goals!

    My 'guests' brought a huge box of chocolates to share and have been eating them in front of me. Glad to say I am doing well on the weeks goal even if not my own ones =)
  • starfires
    starfires Posts: 28 Member
    Oh crap, I completely forgot about this! Can I still be a part or should I wait til January?
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    you can definitely still do this! This current week challenge ends on the 7th, so you could always jump in starting the 8th
  • almille
    I'm so thankful this week's goal was no sugar- having made that decision ahead of time and being accountable here are the only things which kept me from it this weekend! There were so many opportunities, and I made it! Last night I even got so far as to pick up a chocolate, think about it, stare at it, and put it back. Whew! My daily goals were to not stop for fast food since I was on the road so much this weekend, and I made it there too.

    Thanks! I'm feeling better already and the sugar monster has gone back to sleep (mostly).
  • starfires
    starfires Posts: 28 Member
    you can definitely still do this! This current week challenge ends on the 7th, so you could always jump in starting the 8th

    Oh yay, ok thanks!
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    I'm so thankful this week's goal was no sugar- having made that decision ahead of time and being accountable here are the only things which kept me from it this weekend! There were so many opportunities, and I made it! Last night I even got so far as to pick up a chocolate, think about it, stare at it, and put it back. Whew! My daily goals were to not stop for fast food since I was on the road so much this weekend, and I made it there too.

    Thanks! I'm feeling better already and the sugar monster has gone back to sleep (mostly).

    great job!!! It is SO hard to resist chocolate when its right there in front of you, I'm impressed! Unfortunately I failed this weeks challenge :( I ate a brownie. Though it was one of those 90 calorie fiber one brownies, so it could have been a lot worse
  • almille
    How's everybody doing? I've really enjoyed the sweet-free challenge, it helped me stick to my guns and I have a much healthier relationship with sweets and temptation now ;)

    I've been soo busy at work I haven't had time to post, but I promise I'm committed.

    I've found there's a really strong relationship between being proactive and good food choices. When I've got an unsavory or daunting task I'm putting off, I will reach for junk food or sweets or go waste time on Facebook or web surfing, or even resort to some bad habits I'm trying to break like picking at my skin or twirling my hair (looks soooo dumb!)
    The real solution is to GO GET IT DONE or at least break into whatever it is thats worrying me. Usually its something I don't know how to do at work, and just getting started makes me feel so much better and brings me back to a healthy relationship with food.

    I never thought that when I set out to lose a few pounds I would find the root of so many problems. I'm learning to listen to myself, see patterns which set myself up for failure, and be a lot more proactive.

    Good night everyone! Hope things are going well with your personal struggles too.
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    It gave me my weight 143.3 lbs -- I'm only 4'11" so yes I was considered very overweight. I denied it since 2004 that I needed to lose weight, I was a thin girl growing up... gained weight after my sister found out her daughter had SB which is what I have and she underwent a surgery to help close the baby's back, and it caused my sister to be in the hospital for 2 months.
    count me in! :) I really need this!!!! Thanks to allie7383 for introducing me to this group. My name is Alicia and I have been on MFP since the end of March -- but I started this journey in 2009 after stepping on the wii and it telling me I was fatter than i thought I was... FREAKED ME OUT. I have been doing alright with self control, until the last 2 years... and it needs to stop!!!!!!!!!

    The Wii told you you were fat? I didn't know it could do that lol. You can weigh yourself on that, or how does that work?
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    great job so far guys. Also, you're right that being proactive is definitely key. You have to push yourself sometimes (I'm trying to do that right now, been avoiding studying for my final lol. I promise after this post I'll do it!!)

    I really hope this challenge isn't just giving imminent effects, but will last in the long run. I'm sure we'll have our setbacks, but as long as we're all proactive and push ourselves to get back up and try again we can be successful. After all, this challenge isn't about limiting ourselves entirely, just learning how to say no when we need too. If you slip up and eat chocolate, that's okay. The challenge is to eat it in moderation (just because you have a piece of chocolate, don't come down on yourself and say 'its okay if I eat more chocolate because I messed up that challenge today) just learn how to limit yourself and curb those vicious cycles and bad habits
  • almille
    ACK! Cookie attack day at work. I was feeling so good about getting a project done, had one, and it was just so tasty it led to three more. :(

    I'm done, I think. Be strong.