Need Help!!!

Hi! I gained 4 pounds in November. Can someone please help me get back on track in December. I need someone to check my food journal and check to see that I went for my walk and comment when I don't go for the walk. If I know someone is looking at what I am eating I will do well but I know that no one does so I just keep eating! I don't need the "good job" I need the get moving comments! So, if anyone feels like being "mean", please help me out! Thanks!!


  • pfousek
    pfousek Posts: 4 Member
    i too gained 4 lbs in November. I've been eating protein in the morning and monitoring my calarie intake. I lost of the 4 lbs so far. If you're watching your calarie intake, maybe try joggin for 5 minute intervals. Or eat more protein. Sometimes it's a little change that kicks your body into overdrive. I'll look at your exercise if you want. :)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Only went back a few days in your diary and more than likely the problem is you are NOT eating enough. Most say you should be eating a minimum of 1200 calories a day. My weight did not budge until I ate back half or all my exercise calories. My diary is open, take a look. Feel free to add me as a friend. I have been doing this for 155 days and have lost 31lbs and several inches.

    Now for my advice as this is what works for me....

    Log in everyday, everything you eat and your exercise.
    Eat back half or all your exercise calories.
    Drink your water!
    Make good choices, but if you want something make sure it works within your calorie limit for the day.
    Follow the plan MFP has set for you.
    And love yourself enough to do this for you!!
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    Need opinion:
    On the MFP phone app there is a chart that breaks down your food log by Carbs, Fats and Protein (online might do this also but I haven't found it). Anyway, I noticed that my carbs are always at least 50% ( or more) of my diet and fats around 30% and protein around 20%. Does anyone know what the percentages should be? I'm thinking this might be one reason my weight loss is so slow.