Training for 21k in April 2011

So I went and entered a half marathon for next year April. When I think about it, my stomach turns. Will I be able to do this? I have run a few 10k's, and do about 30 - 40km a week - I can do the distance but will I finish in time?! I have 17 weeks of training ......... hope I will finish the race at least!:frown: Any help/ advise will be much appreciated!


  • millionsofpeaches
    You can do it!!! I personally think that a half marathon is the perfect running distance. It doesn't take the same time commitment as a full and when you run it you still feel like you have accomplished something great. Plus the recovery is not as bad as a full. Just find a running plan and stick to it. I have always used Hal Higdon's running plans. If you google him they will pop up on line for you. Make sure you have good running shoes and good socks and stay committed to your goal. You can do it!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I agree with MillionsOfPeaches 100%. I use Hal Hindigon's novice plan to run my first half. I finished in 2:22 because the course was really hilly and did my second in 2:14.
    What is the max time for the race?
  • mickynieuwoudt
    mickynieuwoudt Posts: 21 Member
    :smile: Thanx! Cut off time is 3 hours. I will have a look at the training plans suggested! Doing a 10k tommorow morning to see what my time is. The route is also uphill alot, but I hope the scenery will distract me. (Two Oceans Half Marathon, Cape Town, ZAR)