Bad yoga day?

MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
Ever have a bad day in class?

I definitely had one of those yesterday. I could not do the balancing poses, at all. Was getting super frustrated and was fighting the urge to leave the room and just wanted to go and hide out in the back of the room. Eventually I realized my problem was lack of focus and concentration. I had received 2 disturbing emails earlier in the day and had allowed them to "steal my peace". When we got to the floor series, I made myself do the poses, even though all I wanted to do was lay there and feel sorry for myself. The instructors talk about "raja" yoga -- the yoga of meditation to calm the mind. I guess yesterday was the time for me to practice raja yoga.

I was back in class today, did not hide in the back of the room, and had a "normal" class.


  • ecookk
    ecookk Posts: 13 Member
    Dont let a bad yoga day get you down, I always worry about them and then I come in with a fresh mind the next day and its like it never happened. Its so true though that not being able to concentrate makes the class so much harder!!!
  • vegansara
    vegansara Posts: 192 Member
    You ladies are exactly right - we all have classes that are "bad" or where we struggle more than other days. We always say at my studio, the only bad yoga class is the one you don't come to :). Even if we can't balance for crap and fall out of postures, lose some flexibility in our back or hamstrings - it is all impermanent. Tomorrow will be different, and we get to learn something - even if just to practice non-judgmental awareness.
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    Today was actually a GOOD yoga day! I practiced yesterday & today after being absent for 8 days. I'm way tired tonight -- my butt is dragging!