Important stuff will go here one day.
Calorie expenditure in a hot environment
Hi all, I have signed up for a hot yoga beginner class (1 hour long), and plan to wear my heart rate monitor to see the number of calories burnt. But my friend told me that you cannot use a heart rate monitor to estimate calories in any type of "hot yoga" class. She added that even though heart rate is increased due to…
Alternate postures for someone who cannot bend knees all the way?
Does anyone have any web sites that give some alternate postures for someone whose knees do not work right? I fell, and after surgery I have a knee injury that means I cannot bend it more that 90 degrees without extreme, incredible, worse in my life PAIN. My left knee is now developing osteoarthritis, due to doing more to…
standing head to knee...pointers anyone
I have been practicing Bikram for about a year and still cannot do this pose. Any tips? I know it won't happen overnight, but need (ok, want) to move forward in this pose, right now I can barely grab my foot with my standing leg locked. I keep meaning to ask the teachers, but after class they are bombarded and I am ready…
Unexpected humor in class?
Sometimes when the instructor strays from the standard script ... they say something hilarious. Share what's made you laugh in class. Today as we were coming out of our first back bend ==> It's the one the instructor says "Your first back bend of the day, your back is going to hurt like hell, don't be scared" The…
Bikram Yoga is "The fountain of youth"
Am sending a link to an article in the Huffington Post, written by a woman who started practicing in her 50's.
What keeps you coming back?
Given that practicing Bikram Yoga can be intense AND uncomfortable AND humbling AND difficult ... what keeps you coming back to the studio??? For me it's 1) being surprised every time I practice about what my body can and cannot do, which varies from day to day 2) the solitude and the time away from worldly distractions to…
New Year ... New Resolutions?
Are you making any goals for your Bikram Yoga practice in 2014? My goal is to see how many consecutive days I can practice.
See quote below. Facepalm. Seriously, this dude usually pushes my buttons for multiple reasons, and I have just realized why. Nitpicking, posturing, and thinking you know something about an exercise you have never tried. I'm sorry, but if your heart rate is raised, and you are breathing properly, Bikram is cardio. I know…
DOMS after Bikram
So, recently, I've been able to do more in some of my Bikram classes and some of the instructors are also adjusting me or suggesting things to make a pose better. Anyway, after a few hours I'll start to get sore and then later In the day very stiff and tight. I figure it's DOMS from the poses and other than taking vitamins…
How many times a week do you do Bikram?
I've been practicing for about 2.5 years now and I'm currently doing Bikram 3x a week.