What keeps you coming back?

MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
Given that practicing Bikram Yoga can be intense AND uncomfortable AND humbling AND difficult ... what keeps you coming back to the studio???

For me it's 1) being surprised every time I practice about what my body can and cannot do, which varies from day to day 2) the solitude and the time away from worldly distractions to listen to my body 3) my quest to master poses that I simply cannot do.


  • GloMash710
    GloMash710 Posts: 78 Member
    Like you I enjoy seeing the progress my body makes from class to class. It also the only time I have ever experienced such serene focus. I love that you are forced to focus, not talk, no distractions for 90 tough, hot minutes.

    Usually after camel pose I start to struggle and during spine twisting pose I am cursing myself. But a few hours later, after I've cooled off, showered everything that happened prior to class just melts away. I feel content. I've never experienced anything like Bikram yoga and I can't imagine not continuing for the rest of my life.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,975 Member
    I originally started Bikram to help heal a running injury to my right ankle. At first I only went back because I had paid for a Groupon deal for an unlimited month and I wanted my monies worth. The second month was pretty much like the first but I also found that by then I was able to do more and felt better about doing it. It wasn't until the 3rd and following months, after switching to doing Bikram at Bikram Yoga Philadelphia that I began to experience more advanced teachers and get coaching and encouragement to work harder and get deeper into the poses. I also had the opportunity to go to class every weekday before work. I now find that when I wake up at 4 am I really don't feel like getting ready to go into the city 2 hours early to get in a class, but I also know how much better I'll feel if I do, and I also have begun to notice little improvements in my body not just in the poses in class but also in things outside of class. I recently attended a 4 hours posture clinic with Joseph Encinia and he started as a bed ridden teen with rheumatoid arthritis and had had a heart attack. He is now a worlds yoga champion. I just tell myself if he could make that kind of commitment and progress, I can get my butt in gear and work for it too.