
chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
introduce yourselves if you haven't already and make nice!

i'm stacy - 34 years old, and married for nine. no kids! contrary to popular belief, we don't have a gaping hole in our life where a child would be. not saying that this will never change, but we have too much fun spending our money recklessly and going to midnight showings to have any right now. maybe later...or not!

i've lost about 30 pounds with mfp so far and have about 30 more to lose. i just reset my ticker for 'phase 2' of my journey, which will be the next 13 pounds or so, getting me to my next major goal of 177. i work out like a madwoman and have a tendency to eat loads of crap food, so my challenge is feeding my body right!

looking forward to cyber-meeting you all! :flowerforyou:


  • Hi, My name is Angela. I am 24 years old, no kids, but Engaged to a wonderful man. I enjoy Video games, Movies, Zumba, and just about anything to do with being outside.

    I had the lap band surgery in May of 2009, and didn't lose much just doing nothing. A lot of people think it's easy to lose with the surgery I have, but it isn't at all. I started out at 310lbs and after working on my food intake, and doing Zumba every day I am now down to 239.5lbs and losing. I want to be between 180lbs-190lbs by May of 2012.. We will see how that goes, and my Goal Weight is 155lbs.

    I look forward to cyber-meeting everyone as well :smile:
  • Hello :flowerforyou:
    I'm Debbie. 42 years young :smile:
    Have been married for 10 years to my lovely hubby, Steve. Have one cat and no intention of having any kids.

    I think I've always been eating for 2 even though I've never been pregnant :laugh:

    I said that once to my slimming club leader when she demanded to know why I had gained 3lbs. I said "I've been eating for 2" "ooh" she said "are you pregnant?" "no" I said "just greedy" :laugh: She wasn't impressed but the rest of the class laughed :laugh:

    Anyway, good to meet you and look forward to future discussions and fun :drinker:
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Great to meet you all!

    I am V, 44yrs old, and a 5th grade literacy teacher in Forks, WA.

    I have been using MFP since Aug 2010 and I’m close to my first major goal of dropping 100 pounds. After reaching this goal, I will re-evaluate and set a new goal.

    Right now my biggest challenge is finding time to get a full workout in after work. Are any of you dealing with the same issue and if so what have you found as a solution?
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi there! Another non-mom here. I'm 32 and have been married now for one year, one month, and one day. (We got married on 10/10/10 and since today is 11/11/11, well yeah, you get it. Haha) It's a real shame that I didn't discover MFP *before* the wedding, because in my wedding photos I am at a much heavier weight than what is "normal" for me. I continued to gain after the wedding and have been working since about July of this year to get it back off. I'm down 21lbs. In about 6 more pounds I will be at a very happy weight (140), but ultimately I'd like to lose a total of 16 more. That would put me at 130 which is what I think is ideal for me (based on my body type and my weight for most of my life).

    No kids for us. We're still "newlyweds" and not ready for the responsibility of kids yet. We do plan to have them someday -- hopefully before I'm 40... but who knows. We're not in any rush. We have two dogs and a cat who thinks he is a dog to keep us busy for now, and that is plenty!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hi I'm tameko, I have been not-married for 5 years now, we have 2 cats (Momo and Barnaby).

    I think I need to lose about 20 more lbs of fat -- so maybe 25 lbs total.
  • mrrad
    mrrad Posts: 46
    Hi all

    I am Helen, an English girl in Australia. Being not married to my partner for 10 years. No children never got around to it I am 38 so I think the moment has passed....

    Lost a lot of weight in 2008 (40kgs) a bit has crept back on! Like most women have been a bit of a yo yo. But the last few years seem to have got a grip so I am using MFP to lose a bit more and get fitter. Joined in June but only really started logging seriously for about a month but down 6kgs already.

    Realize I may have chosen a dodgy user name, mrrad because I am a Magnetic Resonance Radiographer not Mister Rad!

    CW 116kgs
    HW 142kgs
    SW MFP 122kgs
    1st Goal under 100kgs
    Ultimate Goal 80kgs then see how I feel.
  • cjack19
    cjack19 Posts: 158 Member
    Hello!! I am Carolyn...a 37 year old non-mom :ohwell:

    It was not by choice naturally, but it was by choice to not go the adoption route. Been married to hubby for almost 7 years now, we have 2 beautiful dogs and 1 kitty. Happy little household :bigsmile:

    love to be in a group where people are also not losing "pregnancy" weight. Alot of my friends compare themselves to me in the weight loss... ("you aren't fat, look at ME") ya, ok...but you had 2 kids!!! lol
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I'm Stephanie, 26. I live with my boyfriend and our two cats, which are handfuls themselves.

    I would like to explore the option of being a surrogate for the health benefits and be able to help someone else achieve something they want.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm Stephanie, 26. I live with my boyfriend and our two cats, which are handfuls themselves.

    I would like to explore the option of being a surrogate for the health benefits and be able to help someone else achieve something they want.

    Great, if my bf and I decide to do it I'm calling you, he ONLY wants biological children (if we are going to do it at all) and I'm like *very* not interested in being pregnant.

    But wait, what health benefits?

    And Carolyn - I hear you. the other thing that annoys me is the constant talk about their little 'blessings', how proud they are of their children, how wonderful/horrible their children are, all of the "how do you exercise with children" questions/excuses (heck I don't know, tie them to a tree and lock them outside til you're done?). Not that all of them do it but some do.

    Also - its your body. As long as you are healthy you should look the way you want to look, not the way someone else ("oh you shouldn't lose weight, you're already thin!") tells you to look.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Hey Helen! I totally get your name :) My boyfriend is a radiology tech (I think that is their name, he shoots x-rays) so I hear all about his co-workers, the MRI folks :)

    I'm Sarah, 26, from Ohio, but met my guy on the internet and moved in with him in the beautiful desert of Tucson, Arizona. Been out here since 2008, we celebrated our 4 yr dating anniversary just weeks ago :) We aren't married (damn.. maybe someday!) and no children in the plans but who knows. We have an old cat, she is Sam, 11 or 12 yrs by now, meows at the wall, kinda senile. We are getting a corgi puppy in the spring (maybe as soon as February!) and I am quite excited about that.

    I work at a circle K gas station and go to school, learning to become a speech therapist. I really enjoy video games and puzzles (like sudoku as well as a put-together puzzle!) We just bought a home for ourselves in August and have been quite busy arranging it to our liking.

    I have lost around 25 lbs over the course of 2011, and I'm working on a little bit of maintenance, and a little bit of weight loss yet. I'd like to be 127 lbs, but I might just stick to where I am. I am finally in a healthy BMI and have no desire to be extra strict with food intake just to see that magical 127 on the scale.
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Hi! I'm Winter, 32 years old, and I live in Chicago.

    My sister (who already has a 2-year old), several friends, and both of my sisters-in-law are pregnant and/or just had babies.

    I'm not even dating anyone.

    I have at least 30 more pounds to lose, and am attempting to do so with clean eating and mostly raw foods. Then maybe I'll meet the man of my dreams, and we can produce some witty, caffeinated children together.

    Or maybe I'll just look really good while babysitting my friends' and family's offspring, so they can go out and have a date night.

    But anyway, hi!
  • mrrad
    mrrad Posts: 46
    Hey Helen! I totally get your name :) My boyfriend is a radiology tech (I think that is their name, he shoots x-rays) so I hear all about his co-workers, the MRI folks :)

    Thanks Sarah....very few people know what I do!

    Hello to your radiology bf.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi! I'm Winter, 32 years old, and I live in Chicago.

    My sister (who already has a 2-year old), several friends, and both of my sisters-in-law are pregnant and/or just had babies.

    I'm not even dating anyone.

    Hi Winter, great to meet you. I love you username and it's nice to see another single person in the group.

  • Aliggins06
    Aliggins06 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi My name is Angie and I am 23. I work at a Hospital and I work around food. I was skinny up until i was 15. Thats when the pounds started packing on. I was depressed and did nothing but go to school and eat. When i started working around food i got overwhelmed by all the good things they have to eat there. I am sure i ate everything that was unhealthy. Most thing i have tried because i gave up. My weakness is seeing other people eat very fatty things all the time. Me and my boyfriend would sit and watch movies and eat a whole medium pizza each. When i see that i usually give in..... I am unmarried and dont have any children. But who knows about the future. Once I saw 272 I said to myself "When will you stop?" 272 is very close to 300 lbs. I dont want to let myself go. I hate the fact that when I get to the top of the stairs I cant breathe. I dont want to have diabetes Like the rest of my family. Everyone in my family is overweight. I want to be healthy.
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Hi! I'm Winter, 32 years old, and I live in Chicago.

    My sister (who already has a 2-year old), several friends, and both of my sisters-in-law are pregnant and/or just had babies.

    I'm not even dating anyone.

    Hi Winter, great to meet you. I love you username and it's nice to see another single person in the group.


    Hi V! Thank you! Yay, singles!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Hi My name is Angie and I am 23. I work at a Hospital and I work around food. I was skinny up until i was 15. Thats when the pounds started packing on. I was depressed and did nothing but go to school and eat. When i started working around food i got overwhelmed by all the good things they have to eat there. I am sure i ate everything that was unhealthy. Most thing i have tried because i gave up. My weakness is seeing other people eat very fatty things all the time. Me and my boyfriend would sit and watch movies and eat a whole medium pizza each. When i see that i usually give in..... I am unmarried and dont have any children. But who knows about the future. Once I saw 272 I said to myself "When will you stop?" 272 is very close to 300 lbs. I dont want to let myself go. I hate the fact that when I get to the top of the stairs I cant breathe. I dont want to have diabetes Like the rest of my family. Everyone in my family is overweight. I want to be healthy.

    Oh, I was sooo good at the sitting and watching movies/eating with the boyfriend thing last year. Way to go for stopping yourself now!
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    Hi! My name is Nichole, I am 32 years old and live in the northwoods of Wisconsin. I am married (10 years) and have NO intention on having kids. I am VERY happily childfree!! I do, however, have 2 spoiled dogs. I am a bookkeeper and manager at a grocery store, and in my freetime I love to play piano and sing, read, write, and do nails (if I didn't love my job I would go to school to be a nail tech....I am addicted to nail art!).
    I have a lot to lose:
    SW/CW: 409
    1stGW: 275
    2ndGW: 199
    A few years ago I lost a lot of weight (got down to 152) but then gained it all back. This time I am 100% focused and am determined to do this once and for all!
    Feel free to send me a freind request....I would love to meet more people! :)
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    Hi All! I'm Aimee, 37 and married 8 months as of yesterday. Kids are in the future for us in about a year hopefully but all my weight is self inflicted. I've been on MFP for about a year now but started logging good after I got married. I'm in law enforcement so being healthy and fit is important. I've lost about 20 pounds so far and have about another 50 to go. I do good for awhile and fall off the wagon, I'm tired of falling :laugh: Getting prego scares me. We do look forward to children but the weight makes me nervous after spending time getting healthy. I guess we'll have to see.
  • LadyFleata
    LadyFleata Posts: 32 Member
    HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle.

    Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints.

    I have a blog http://tiredofbeing2tired.blogspot.com where i post a daily blog about how im coping, what im trying and what i find out about CFS alont the way.

    I was recommended this site as i have wasted money on weight watchers and tescos diets both of which didnt loose me a single lbs but cost me lost of £££'s.

    I'm also allergic to wheat, severely allergic to wheat and aspartame, which means alot of diet and none sugar food/drinks are a no go too.

    Coping everyday and my husband stops my buying chocolate. To date I havent had a single peice of choclate single boxing 2011 to 1 month and counting. It's not easy tho, I crave chocolate everyday.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hi tracey - do you take a multi vitamin?

    Also supposedly mangnesium deficiency is a major cause of chocolate cravings - so if a multi vitamin doesn't cut it try adding a magnesium supplement (there are cal-mag supplements -- calcium and magnesium which would be good).

    I have noticed my desire for chocolate is basically Nil since I started taking a multi regularly which is weird since I always considered myself someone who really liked chocolate (although I wasn't a chocolate fiend) but now I am a lot more attracted to non-chocolate desserts.