Official Weigh-in thread for Tuesday, December 6, 2011

ironband Posts: 157 Member
This is the official thread for December 6. Feel free to include your starting weight and goal weight as well as any relevant history you want to include. Here's hoping for a good week for everyone!



  • andy_gilfrin
    257lbs - No change for me this week, but it's party season here so to maintain is not too bad. I think it might be tough over the next few weeks to keep on track, I only have 5lbs to go so hopefully I can drop a couple of pounds here and there.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Alright, Andre reporting in...

    Starting Weight (6/15/2011): 260.5 lbs
    Current Goal Weight: 210 lbs
    Last Week's Weight: 213.5 lbs
    Today's Weight: 212.5 lbs

    Yay, down a pound this week...not bad considering only one workout, but that's going to change starting today, as I'm planning some serious running this holiday season to offset the bad stuff.

    Happy Weigh Day to all!

  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    Starting Weight on 10-23-2011: 232
    Current Goal Weight: 165
    Last Week's Weight: 217.8
    Today's Weight: 216.2

    *Down over a pound and I also just started "shark week" so I know I am retaining a bit of water so next week should show a bigger loss.
  • xwllflwrx
    xwllflwrx Posts: 24 Member
    SW on 11/29/11: 268
    Today: 265
    Loss: -3 lbs
    December GW: 260
  • gagagul
    gagagul Posts: 63 Member
    Starting Weight (10/2010): 183 lbs
    Current Goal Weight: 140 lbs
    Last Week's Weight: 169 lbs
    Today's Weight: 167 lbs
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    ok, starting weight( nov 8- 152
    last week weight 144.5
    current goal weight 134
    today weight 146 :(
  • Isabelleza
    SW on 11/29: 200
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 200

    I think I'm at a plateau??? :cry:
  • Bheller234
    Ok, as for my Tuesday weigh in!!!

    Starting Weight: 160ish
    Current Goal Weight: 145 lbs
    Last Week's Weight: 158 lbs
    Today's Weight: 156 lbs!

  • IndianCat3
    IndianCat3 Posts: 158 Member
    i just joined this group yday..i will follow thru on my weekly weigh ins starting next tuesday.

  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Overall good job to everyone, and thanks for weighing in with us!

    Welcome Joyce!

    Dream2Play -2 lbs - nice loss!

    Isabelleza - how long have you been at 200? Maybe we can try something different this week to break that plateau!

    Dia - don't sweat it. Let's focus on doing something this week to see that number go the other direction next Tuesday

    gagagul - 2 lbs - great work!

    xwllflwrx - 3 lbs - awesome! You are our biggest loser this week!

    slashkiss - 1.6 lbs and "shark week" (that's a new one for me) - Excellent - look forward to seeing what happens next Tuesday!

    andy - great attitude - It can be tough with the holidays and parties and stuff, but we can do it!

    Let's all have a great week!

  • Isabelleza
    I have been at 200 for about two weeks now... what am i doing wrong? I take Zumba classes 5 x's a week and watch my cal intake...???
  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    What is your daily calorie goal? If you have been at that calorie intake for a while I know your body will eventually slow down a bit to adjust to the new lower calorie intake. Sometimes eating more will help kick start the weight loss again ... although I know that goes against everything we know!!!! The whole "zig zag' thing seems to work well for some people. When things aren't moving sometimes we just have to change what we are doing.
