Tuesday, May 1 2012 Weigh in Thread
Sorry it is late! Weigh in here... As for myself, down 0.4 lbs - I consider it noise. Andre
Hi all, This thread is so we can get to know each other. Feel free to post an introduction of yourself...when you started MFP, what your goals are, what motivates you, etc. I suppose I'll start. My name is Andre, and I started MFP in June 2011 at a starting weight of 260.5 lbs. My wife and I were looking at the calendar…
Official Weigh In Thread for Tuesday, April 17, 2012
For those of you in the US, happy Tax Day!:sad: How are we all doing? I'm down 3 pounds to 203.8 - mostly water weight, but happy that the trend is reversing. Andre
Official Weigh in Thread for Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Hi all, I hope everyone had a great Easter! Coming in off of vacation and Easter weekend I am up about 4 pounds to 206.8 - looking forward to killing off the gain over the remainder of the month. Andre
Official Weigh-in thread for Tuesday, April 3, 2012
I think I got the date right this time...expecting a bit of a gain myself, but your mileage may vary!
Official Weigh In Thread for Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Another week...
Official weigh-in thread for Tuesday, February 27, 2012
A new week beckons...(Topic should be MARCH 27...DOH!!!)
Official Weigh-In Thread for March 13, 2012
Let's do it!
Official Weigh In Thread for March 6, 2012
Here it is! Don't forget to post tomorrow!
Official Weigh-in thread for February 28, 2012
Alright, we hit the scales tomorrow (or, if you don't hit the scales, feel free to post measurements instead!) Andre
Official Weigh-in thread for February 21, 2012
Hi all - sorry for the delay on this thread...darn holiday weekend and my craft show got me all discombobulated. How are we doing?
Official St. Valentine's 2012 Weigh-in Thread (February 14,
Happy <3 day! Let's see if the scales show us some love!