Official Weigh-in thread for February 21, 2012

ironband Posts: 157 Member
Hi all - sorry for the delay on this thread...darn holiday weekend and my craft show got me all discombobulated. How are we doing?


  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Starting Weight (6/15/2011): 260.5 lbs
    Current Goal Weight: Not really sure...
    Last Week's Weight: 202.5 lbs
    Today's Weight: 201.5 lbs

    Down another pound. Of course I only got half of my workouts in this last week due as a result of my show. This weekend I bought some 34" waist pants, which I thought would never happen again, so that was a nice NSV.

    Hope you all are having a good week!

  • andy_gilfrin
    Start 01/01/2012 - 267 Pounds

    24/01/2012 - 261 Pounds
    31/01/2012 - 255 Pounds
    08/02/2012 - 254 Pounds
    14/02/2012 - 249 Pounds
    21/02/2012 - 250 Pounds (Up 1lb)

    A minor blip, I had a busy weekend including a 13 hour car journey on Saturday so didn't have much chance to exercise.

    Well done on the 34 pants, I got a new pair a couple of weeks ago...
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    Starting today:
    2/22/12 156.4