Official Weigh In Thread for March 6, 2012

ironband Posts: 157 Member
Here it is! Don't forget to post tomorrow!


  • andy_gilfrin
    Start 01/01/2012 - 267 Pounds

    24/01/2012 - 261 Pounds
    31/01/2012 - 255 Pounds
    08/02/2012 - 254 Pounds
    14/02/2012 - 249 Pounds
    21/02/2012 - 250 Pounds
    28/02/2012 - 250 Pounds
    06/03/2012 - 240 Pounds (10lbs down)

    That looks a bit drastic doesn't it, but I'm not concerned I'm on an ultra low carb diet (which is medically supervised) I drop a lot of weight when I stop eating carbs (mainly from water) and I have been eating far too many lately.

    I also think I just experienced my first real plateau, good to come out of it and I think my body now has the message that we are carrying on with the journey.

    I'm also back on my exercise schedule which had suffered for the last 2 months due to poor weather. Next big miles stone for me is to see 16 Stones on the scale which is now 2lbs away, I should hopefully achieve that next week. Then another 4 pounds to get to 8 stone (112lbs) lost in total.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Awesome Andy!

    As for me, up a couple pounds this week to 201.0. Not surprised since I ate pretty bad this last week and didn't find time to exercise. This week I need to make time to exercise and watch the food (and sodium!) intake. I'm hoping to get back to the weights tonight.

  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I'm up twopounds, which isn't that surprising given the totm, but still. Ah well, I'll buckle down later and hopefully it will be gone next week.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I am a little let down...I have not weighed in in about 2-3 weeks and I thought would be down and I am up 3 lbs!! Funny is I don't feel it?! SIgh I hope because I did heavy weights the other day and I ate popcorn with salt....wishful thinking...back to the drawing board. Thanks for keeping me on point you Tuesday Ticklers!