Dec 4 - 10

bono Posts: 179 Member
Day 1 - 40 min elliptical - this was hard to finish... A little tired. I may need a day off to recharge?


  • jhnye85
    jhnye85 Posts: 35 Member
    rest is definitely important, especially if you're feeling tired. i think it also helps with weight loss, i've found that my body gets used to an exact schedule, so either resting or switching exercises up helps trick our bodies. now that i completed my 5k, i am going to be focusing on running at speed intervals. let's see how fast i can run! i will post the mph info as well! good luck this week, and get some rest! you've been pushing really hard this month.

    day 1 - 45 mins, 3.1 miles
    day 2- REST!
    day 3 - 45 minute elliptical
  • bono
    bono Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks for that!. I am going to rest today and get back at it tomorrow.
  • bono
    bono Posts: 179 Member
    I took yesterday off and it paid off! Great workout today!

    Day 2 - 40 min elliptical and 20 min treadmill
  • bono
    bono Posts: 179 Member
    Day 3 - 40 min elliptical and 20 treadmill
    Day 4 - 40 min elliptical and 20 treadmill
    Day 5 - 60 min 5 k walk