Day 6

Caylee320 Posts: 56 Member
Good morning! I've missed two days (day 2 and 4), but just completed "day 6". Feeling the strength and abs get a bit easier, and I am more energized to start my day. My goal is to get it done every morning this week (through Fri) and then once this weekend. Thanks for the support, all, and HAPPY SHREDDING


  • louiseodonnell1990
    still on level 1 but im feeling a lot stronger and i already notice my abs and stomach getting firmer, i took a picture and compared it to the picture i took before i started and there is definatly more definition in my stomach.
  • oliviazek1
    Must admit I skipped it yesterday :noway: but am back on it today!! I'm quite looking forward to level 2 now as I am slightly bored of doing the same thing everyday! Actually miss the gym!
  • SanFranRunner
    I am on day seven ( I skipped Sunday because my back was hurting and I didn't want to injure myself). I just started level two, and MAN is it hard! The cardio portion used to be a nice break, but some of those cardio moves are harder than the strength!

    Congrats to everyone for making it this far. Keep up the good work!
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    yay for day 6!!!!!!!!!
    Those 6 days went by fast