New to the group!

Snr1 Posts: 8 Member
Hi Girls! My name is Sara and I just started using the MFP site. I have been using the app on my phone on and off again for months, but I want some more interaction with others who are in the same boat. I was excited to see a group for women who do not have that much weight to lose. I always feel strange when talking to others about dieting and losing weight because I am not big and I feel like they think I'm weird. I am almost 5'8" and I weigh about 141. I have recently lost about 4 lbs. I am 21 years old and for the majority of my life I was really skinny, about 125 lbs. After my senior year of high school I started gaining weight and it has continued from there because of lack of exercise and bad eating habits. I really want to get back into shape and get my toned legs back. I appreciate all of your support and any suggestions you have for changing bad eating habits!


  • hey im new too and im not over weight but i feel over weight i know there are some areas i need to work on (belly and arms) my main goal is to get that sey curvy shape and do something that'll up this rump i got or that im trying to get 24 so im hoping to get finer than wine by my 25th 10-4-2012 im glade to see there are orther 20's on here and i happy i found this group but i know the only way ima acheive is to have somebody to communicate with ..i have a horrible eatting habit so i dont gain no weight and i dont lose neighther it just sits there ugh i hate that but ive been trying other healthy but kinda sweet snakes like backed lays flavored oat meal 100 calorie snacks but when its that time of the month i go sweet crazy and i eat eat eat ..but i hope we both achieve our goal on getting fit
  • hello everyone im erica and i joined mfp a long time ago and i never really used it but now i want to start using it and maybe it will help me lose these last 10 glad i found this group because im not that 5'1" and weigh 124lbs. my goal is to be at least 115 pounds...ultimate goal 110....before i got preganant in 05 i was 105lbs and a size 1....the lowest weight i have gotten to after the baby was 115 lbs but soon after my grandma died and i had gained 20 lbs in 2 years. When i started my diet and gym routine in aug. i told some people and they all looked at me strange and telling me how im already skinny and im going to look anorexic if i lose anymore weight, so now i dont even say anything because i dont want to start arguements or make my bigger friends/family memebers feel bad( because they always say i wish i had your body and wow if you think youre fat what do you think of me) i could write a lot more but im going to stop..... all i want is to love my body and look great in a looking for supporters/ mfp friends so please add me =)
  • Snr1
    Snr1 Posts: 8 Member
    I totally know what you mean about people looking at you weird. I barely even tell anyone that I am trying to lose weight. I just know that this is not me at my best and I want to be my best. I am also not trying to hurt people's feelings, but most of the population is overweight. That doesn't mean we have to be content at being skinnier than most people.