Public Skate Pet-Peeves

Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
edited October 13 in Social Groups
1) Generic Businessman: while taking his beloved daughter skating, stands in the center of the rink talking on cell phone.


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    One of many reasons I stay away from public sessions. I once showed up for freestyle only to find the schedule had been wrong. A hockey game was on ice. The guy behind the counter suggested I come back for the public session in an hour. umm, no.

    I'm working on a lot of MIF patterns. The middle is just not big enough. I need the full length of the ice. Plus, the brats in rentals annoy me.
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    One time a kid in rental hockey skates told me he could do a better axel than me.

    So I asked him to show me and of course he fell flat on his back. I think it humbled him.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    An axel... that is funny!

    2) Crazy out of control kid in rentals who you just know is going to crash right into you...but usually takes himself out.

    I go to public mainly during the school year at lunch - it's usually pretty empty.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    3) The quality of the ice is usually piss-poor on public.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    4) Being asked "can you show me how to skate?"

    Ice at the mall sucks in general, at my rink public is OK but not like the beautiful 6:00AM ice! I only go to the mall if i dont have time to drive 30 minutes to my home rink.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I might have to hurt you, rink is 30 mins away. My synchro rink is 50 mins away (the one where Paul Wylie is coach). Those are my options.

    OK, trying to remember when I went to publics...

    5) The night sessions...and that stupid disco ball, strobe lights, and loud music.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    I checked out your Paul Wylie rink.. really plush! Wow! It looks like a country club!

    It's surprising how many rinks are in Dallas now. When I moved here in... um... (cough) 1985 there was one or two mall rinks. When the Stars moved here from MN, they opened up rinks to get fan support. I have mall ice 15 mins. away or my home rink 30 minutes away. If that doesn't work I can go to another about 45 minutes away.

    ACK disco ball! The crappy rink in Grapevine, TX has one, their ice is awful! I'm not sure why our Regionals is there. We don't have your beautiful Carolina Pines here..

    This is my home rink - it's like Church for me...,. LOL, there are several affiliated rinks.

    Ashley Cain skates at my rink, she is just amazing to watch! She is always smiling!

    Sorry for the dissertation.......

    6) Old School hockey player hitting on you. ( and I mean OLD)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Nice. A rink named after Dr Pepper.

    And oOo watching Ashley Cain would be fun. It would be funner to watch Haley Dunne, though.

    and YES, Extreme, where Paul Wylie coaches, is frigging amazing. It has a legit bar. A BAR! And all kinds of dance studios for off-ice training. 2 full size rinks plus a little puddle rink. It's just incredible. Too bad the rink closest to me is your typical old school rink. But it recently went under new management, who has cleaned it up quite a bit.

    I've never been hit on at the rink. eww.

    7) Uber brats who like to race each other.
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    A couple of 5 years old, obviously suicidal individuals suddenly deciding to have a date in the middle of the place where you´re most likely to land a jump.

    A girl approaching you and asking you to get out of her way when you´re spinning (an experience of a friend of mine).

    People bringing chairs on ice for support. Stay close to the barrier if you can´t stray on your legs without holding something.

    "Cool" skaters with long scarves and backpacks.

    People wo have *somehow* learned to move backward, but seems that noone told them they should check what´s behin their back.

    Groups standing in the middle of the ice and chatting and even snacking instead of skating. Why they need to go to the rink then?
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    Hockey dads that encourage their hockey kids to skate like bats out of hell, cutting off everyone at break neck speeds and all the while cheering and laughing and not having a care in the world about the other people on the rink.

    Hipster teenagers just hanging out in the middle of the rink.

    Novice skater that takes out everyone around them (add to that: novice skater that grabs onto me for help)

    Choppy ice

    Night sessions with the strobe lights, fog, music, more hipster teenagers, etc..

    People throwing trash, gum wrappers, etc on the ice
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    I've been to more public sessions in the past year and a half than I like to admit! The ones at my university weren't too bad, a couple of hockey players, and then basically the rest of us (maybe about 4 or 5 of us) were/are figure skaters.

    So just in the past little while:

    - The hockey dude with a chip on his shoulder that absolutely HATES any sort of figure skating on public sessions, god forbid you do a three-turn!! (Oh, and best part was that he came to the rink a few days after this thinking that the public skate was at the time it is the rest of the week, he was shocked to see that the figure skating club actually had that ice time - and has had it for about the last 10/15 years - and he was absolutely APPALLED to see figure skating. My friend and I made sure to do quite a few flips and lutzes in the corner where he was standing just to piss him off even more!)

    - The annoying rink staff dude who gets mad when you're spinning, in the middle, not hurting anybody!

    - The people that just want to talk about your skating the entire time

    - The dude that decides to change the direction! (Ugh! Seriously, who goes clockwise around the ice?)

    - "Can you do a spinny, twirlly, jumpy thing?"

    - The (usually teenage boy) who says to his friends "Look, I can figure skate!" *does some dumba$$ thing to which it's surprising he doesn't take someone out, and his buddies proceed to laugh* (happened on Sunday, but a scratch spin was enough to shut him up!)
  • stiobhard
    stiobhard Posts: 140 Member free skate days are only redeemable during public... >:)
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    Uninhibited hockey kids, especially when they throw stuff (pucks, gloves, etc) on ice when it's already crowded
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