Ice Skaters Roll Call
Hi Ice Skaters! I'm Ice Skate Fan RN - I'm more of a FAN of figure skating than an actual skater.... although I do skate! (and yes, I'm a Registered Nurse as well!) I'm 51 - I started taking ice skating lessons for the first time ever when I was "in my 40's!" I've taught Basic Skills before - or as I call it, the "Fall…
Skating friends
I am a national competitive skate and coach for both ice and roller. Please feel free to add me as a friend 🥰
Darn Crossovers
Hey, all. So, I've been taking lessons for a total of about 6 months. I started November 2013, but there was an 8 month period where I couldn't skate because the rink was closed for renovations. Anyway. I've been in USFS Adult Basic 3 for a few months and can't get past it. I can't even attempt one crossover because I'm…
Adult figure skaters: what was your today´s skate lie?
What you´ve been working on? Progress, experience, trouble, funny moments... share yours! Me today - group session, mainly practised salchow. Individual work: spins, mainly change foot. The ice was asful at the beginning of the session and we lost at least 10 minutes of the session waiting for the zamboni. Which means…
Do you skate all summer?
Just putting the question out there. I know he competitive skaters here do, the rink at which I skate is full of international skaters right now here for choreography and summer training. People ask what I will do while my son is at camp there....that is easy sit and watch the quads and all the other glorious skating, Are…
Public Skate Pet-Peeves
1) Generic Businessman: while taking his beloved daughter skating, stands in the center of the rink talking on cell phone.
If I could pick a partner
from a novel, movie or piece of art work that you could skate with...Who would you pick? I would pick Jean Claude, from Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake Series.
new skates
My parents bought me new boots for my birthday. I have to see if my blades will last another year. I'm hoping. Not looking forward to breaking in the new boots but my current ones are so broken down I have And really what would without blisters and cut up ankles.
I am a total freak about my laces. I always (almost) have to re-lace at least once. Too loose, too tight, can't feel my toes.... heel slipping... I always lace my left boot first then my right. Then I bend my knees... if one is looser than the other I re-lace. After I skate around the rink a couple times if something is…
Ice Costs
What does ice time cost where you skate? For me, it's $5 for a 30 minute freestyle. Our freestyles are first come, first served, as opposed to signing up in advance. I believe the public sessions are $6.50, but I don't ever skate on those. Us figure skaters are banished to the middle, and there's just not enough room to do…
86 Year Old Skater Yvonne Dowlen
I was lucky enough to meet her while volunteering and see her skate during ISI Worlds in Dallas this year. She is so inspiring! I started skating as an adult about 6 years ago at age 39... my goal is to learn all the singles up to Axel. So far the salchow is my highest level jump and my favorite.…