Introduce Yourself Friend

Introduce yourself to the group! Don't be shy ^^


  • Hi, My name is Luna. I am about to graduate and am a big anime fan. I've been into it sense I could understand what Ash could say on the show "Pokemon" (yes that is my altime fave).
    I am into many kinds, Pokemon, DN Angel, Shayman King, ect.. But my friends in school know what I mean :3 They've known me long enough xD Anyway, I tried to make a group to maybe find people who could help me reatch my goal so im not alone on the dreaded planet of getting fit x.x" Its looks easy... Its not.
  • brbdrawing
    brbdrawing Posts: 3 Member
    I was so glad to see that there was an anime-focused group on MFP :D

    I guess I'll introduce myself as well~ (^O^)/
    I go by Dani, I'm 19, hopefully getting into the AI (Art Institute) once I get my money settled.
    My favorites animes as of now are;
    • Sora no Otoshimono
    • Hetalia
    • Sukisyo
    • & Munto

    As far as my weight loss goals go, I'd say I have. TON of work to do 'OTZ
    But I'm determined and ready to lose these 50 pounds!

    Happy to be here with other anime lovers! ♪( ´▽`)