Your RWOL Username

I know most of us are using the same user name here that we have on the Runner's World website, but there are some that I don't recognize (not that I've been around long enough to really know who's who). I also don't venture much from the Beginner's Forum...I lurk a little in L&O, mostly to see who else has finished an Iron Man (ahem...SB), but that's about it.

My user name is the same here as it is on RW. I hang with the penguinos mostly. When I joined the forums they seemed like a super friendly bunch and I was...well, slow (and still am, really).

Anyone else?? Who are YOU??


  • cris00
    cris00 Posts: 13
    CrisRuns. :-)
  • morganalefay66
    morganalefay66 Posts: 16 Member
    MorganaRuns. Cris and I are obviously on the same wavelength regarding usernames.
  • carrascoshannon
    Morgana...I figured that was you because of the pic :)

    Cris: OK...I didn't make that connection...thanks for the clarification :)
  • i_will2
    There was already an I_will here, so I had to go with I_will2. :rooleyes:
  • Mrsdjd
    Mrsdjd Posts: 25 Member
    Mine is the same and I hang out on L&O, for non L&O'ers.
  • Knit1Run2
  • morganalefay66
    morganalefay66 Posts: 16 Member
    Yeah, I started out on the Beginners Forum, but they became mean and a little too R&R-like once, so I fled to L&O.
  • Puddlz1
    Puddlz1 Posts: 3 Member
    wattaqt is my RWOL username. I created myfitnesspal account before hooking up with everyone from RWOL!
  • ZackCB
    My RWOL name is the same as here. I started in the MRT forum when I started running marathons, but now I usually hang out in L&O.
  • i_will2
    wattaqt is my RWOL username. I created myfitnesspal account before hooking up with everyone from RWOL!

    We haven't hooked up. Can I make an appointment for this?
  • carrascoshannon
    i_will: dare they??!!??

    Morgana: ahahahaa!!! Guess they're not all "rainbows and carebears" in the BF.

    Mrsdjd: Ok...good to know :)

    Knit: Got that :) I've seen you on the BF before!

    Puddlz: Didn't know that!! Thanks!

    Zack: Gotcha...think I've seen u over in L&O before...when I lurk :)
  • carrascoshannon
    :laugh: @ i_will!
  • paulski66
    paulski66 Posts: 2 Member
  • Mrsdjd
    Mrsdjd Posts: 25 Member
    Resident smartass accounted for!
  • TeriSue88
    TeriSue...but I mostly lurk L&O because it makes me laugh.
  • katarama99
    katarama. MFP alread had one (imposter) so I have to be katarama99

    Hi Paulski! I didn't know you were here! Cool!
  • Kristyle_S
    Kristyle_S Posts: 9 Member
    I kept the same username here as RWOL so I wouldn't get confused. I do have a different picture, because I had to rebuild my hard drive and haven't gotten around to putting my pics back so I could upload it. I like to think I'm being sneaky. :glasses:
  • Bob_III
    Mine is the same... I'm usually in L&O. IRL my name is Bob.
  • Mrsdjd
    Mrsdjd Posts: 25 Member
    Mine is the same... I'm usually in L&O. IRL my name is Bob.
    It should be Bunny, as in Energizer Bunny.
  • Zoekat05
    Zoekat05 Posts: 99 Member
    Same, except I had to add the 05 at the end as zoekat was taken already. I hang out in various forums on RWOL, right now I'm mostly posting in Beginners due to the challenge. I lurk the most in MRT and L&O though. I used to post in the "daily" thread in Marathoners but then most of that group started a private facebook group to get away from one person who was annoying the crap out of the rest of us, so I post my daily runs on FB now.