New some help and motivation!!

bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
Good Morning everyone! So sorry I have not been posting or saying hello much lately, it's just been a crazy few weeks. I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. We are having our Cookie Exchange party this weekend and hopefully I will be able to behave. LOL! Trying to zig zag calories this week and it does not seem to be helping. I got on the scale this morning and it said I was 3 lbs up from where I was last week. Not good and very discouraging. :ohwell: Am I doing something wrong? How long do I keep up the zig zagging before I see a difference? I don't know what to do anymore. These last 15 or so lbs are just not moving. I'm starting to feel like I should just give up. :o( Help!! I need some encouragement, please!!!! :sad:


  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    I've never done the zig zag calorie thing. I just do straight and true 1290 a day. Maybe add in an extra exercise time here or there through out the week. I'm sure those last lbs will be the hardest for me to lose as well. NO GIVING UP! :smile:
    Just think about how much you have lost and how good that feels!
  • goodmonster
    I'm the same way as stampin, I've never done the zig-zagging thing. For Thanksgiving (just a random example of an OMGZ FOOD day) I just put in some extra exercise a few days before (afterwards I had gotten sick, but if I wasn't I would have added extra exercise then too!)
    Don't give up though!
    You've done a fabulous job so far and you're almost there!!
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you guys! Need the encouragement. I know that I've lost so much already, but I really want the last 15lbs gone and they are just sticking around. Two steps forward, three steps back kind of thing and it's getting old. I promise I won't quit, but I may end up having an I don't care what I eat day and that just scares me. LOL! Thanks again for the encouragement!
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    Maybe do some Jillian Michaels dvds, they always push me!
  • AylaBean
    AylaBean Posts: 140 Member
    Maybe do some Jillian Michaels dvds, they always push me!


    And are you eating enough? Sounds weird but I seriously lose more when I make sure I eat all (or most) of my workout calories back.