Important stuff will go here one day.
Need more Supportive Honest Friends on this Journey
Hello to All! I've been off the site for the last week, doing some soul searching and trying to figure out why I"m so dedicated to self-sabotage. One thing I've definately seen is that I tend to slack off if I don't have someone to be "accountable to" (and yes, I should learn to be "accountable" to myself... I'm working on…
Where'd everybody go?!?!?
Oh no friends where is everyone???? I hope that everyone is doing okay and still on their way to losing what they want, so how are all of you that still visit this page? Does anyone still visit our little group? Anybody? Maybe? Kinda? A little? I know I've been super busy the last few weeks- moving, unpacking(ish), setting…
12-19-2011 Weigh in
Well the number of people participating in this weigh in is dwindeling! We need to keep up with this. Remember to log your weight in here
Word Chain Game
I am bored and when Im bored I tend to think about food, so instead of eating away the boredness I want to have a couple games we can come back to and continue.. so here is one. The object of this message board game is to post one word, and the next player posts a word that is somehow connected to the first word. For…
Whats in your pantry game...
This game is simple, but it's a fun way to find out what other people keep in their pantry. Start this fun message board game by posting something from your pantry that starts with the letter "A." The next person posts something in their pantry that starts with the letter "B," and so on. For example, you could start with…
Well group I believe you have all officially fallen off the face of the earth! lol What can we do to motivate one another in 2012? What are some things we've struggled with in 2011 that we want to work on? Any goals? yearly or monthly for 2012 that you want us to keep you accountable for?
Life Changes
For us who have to lose more than 10 lbs this is not just a diet it is a life change. What is something that you have done to change your life that has helped your journey? Mine is I moved! Last Oct I lived in Wisconsin and now I live in Indianapolis IN. I moved away from a lot of my favorite temptations: 1. Fish fry! I…
It's Thursday!
So it's Thursday, how are all of you doing? =)
Good for you Christmas recipes
So the holidays are here and I thought it would be good to share some holiday entertaining recipes. Mine is low fat/cal ranch dip 1 pack of dry ranch mix ( found by salad dressings) 16 oz of plain Greek yogurt ( fat free) Mix and chill for at least 2 hours This fat free recipe is a great substitute to keep the veggie plate…
12-11-11 weigh in
I think everybody's busy so I just copied/pasted this from last week :D Everyone ready for our weigh in this week? Remember to follow the link and add your weight to the spreadsheet. Keep up the good work everyone. DON'T GIVE UP…