Introduce Yourself :)

MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
What's your name and goals with the 17 day diet? Why did you choose the diet?


  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Hello! My name is Nadine my goal is to lose 30 lbs. I chose this diet because the proteins keep me full longer..
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Hello! My name is Nadine my goal is to lose 30 lbs. I chose this diet because the proteins keep me full longer..
  • mochamom3
    Hello! My name is Stephanie and my goal is to lose 50 pounds! I had 3 kids in 4 years and gaineg about 20 pounds with each pregnancy. I started The 17 Day Diet because it made so much more sense than alot of other diets, and it promised fast results. I went on the program about 6 months ago and lost 10 pounds during phase 1. I have trouble sticking with it, because I get really tired of eating the same stuff, but I can't lie; I feel so much better when I follow the diet!

    So, here I am again, giving it another try before the holidays. My short term goal is to lose 10-15 pounds by Christmas!!!
  • toni430
    hi my name is toni, this is the second round of the 17 day diet for me, i love this diet because your allowed to eat so much, LOL i dont even miss my bread and pasta(but i do miss taco bell) im shooting for another 20lbs. im not calling this "dieting" though, ive changed my life...this is how i eat now
  • nenamartinez
    nenamartinez Posts: 140 Member
    Hi everyone. My name's Nena. I'm brand new to the site and JUST bought the book a few hours ago! I'm pumped and ready to start it first thing tomorrow!! I've got 100 pounds to lose easily, so I'm hoping I can shed 10-15 in the first cycle.

    I've been having a lot of problems with insomnia in the last few weeks, which is probably related to the fact that i'm at my all-time highest weight.. yikes. :C

    So that, and some other stuff going on in my life right now.. I decided it was the right time for me to go for it!

    Oh. I'm almost 25 years old, I live in South Korea, teach kindergarten, and am a lesbian. Those are the basics!

    Also, I dunno if there are rules or anything like that for this group yet-- so far, we're a pretty small group.. Do you think it's okay to make a thread for a log/diary of the diet? I thought it might be helpful to be able to browse everyone's progress in the same group, and get meal ideas and whatnot. :D
  • classyhoney
    classyhoney Posts: 75 Member
    Hello I'm April Joy and I'm looking to lose 80 pounds. I wanna be 130-140 by July 2012 which I think is reasonable. My ultimate goal would be in the 125 range but we'll see what my body looks like once I start losing serious weight. I want to start this diet after Thanksgiving because it makes sense and it will help speed my metabolism and prevent weight loss plateau.
  • meckiemelt
    meckiemelt Posts: 27 Member
    My name is Tamecka and I am looking to lose 20 pounds as short term goal. I chose this diet because I have read about a lot of positive experiences using it. My second reason is because I am a carb junkie and I need to learn to take control of that. I will need lots of support and help.
  • Marisa1184
    hi my names marisa, I want to lose 15-20 pounds on the diet. I did the 17 Day Diet in the summer and got good results but slipped up and ended up skipping out on the diet all together, but I'm determined to do it right this time!
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi I'm Alex and my long term goal is 30 pounds but my short term goal is 10% of my body weight so 16 pounds. I think it's do-able and this seems like something I can actually stick with. Good luck ladies!
  • kathyhughes3
    Hi I'm Kathy. I've been on this plan for almost 6 months since 6/2/11. I've lost 64 pounds so far - just one pound away from my goal weight and starting Cycle 4. It's been a great journey!
  • meckiemelt
    meckiemelt Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm Kathy. I've been on this plan for almost 6 months since 6/2/11. I've lost 64 pounds so far - just one pound away from my goal weight and starting Cycle 4. It's been a great journey!
    Thanks for the encouragement! It is good to know it works.
  • jeannybel
    Hi my name is Belva. I am a military spouse and a teacher with 2 children. I am busy all the time and have a high level of stress :) I chose this because it seems attainable and according to reviews you see results in a short period of time. I am one that needs that type of motivation.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is 1RareJewel and I am beginning round 2 today! I lost 16 pounds during cycle 1. I could have lost more but I lost motivation somewhere (so ashame). My goals for round 2 is a 15-25 pound weight loss.
  • vhjacobson
    vhjacobson Posts: 64 Member
    I am Valerie. My goal is to lose 75 pounds so I live longer and healthier for myself and my son. I have been losing about a pound a week and am happy with that. Not willing to give up my Margarita Fridays or Wine night Saturdays!

    I feel like I made it through Thanksgiving terrific! Did not overindulge but did not deprive myself. Made smart choices.

    That is what I love about this 17 Day Lifestyle (I refuse to call it Diet as it is a lifestyle change for me - not a diet!). It has taught me how to make smart choices, plan my meals/calories. New pants I bought a month ago are sagging!

    I will crank it now until Christmas and do the same thing - smart choices, not overindulge but not deprive myself - bites of decadence.
    Take care all!
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    Hi, My name is Martha, I need to lose about 70#. I just heard about the 17 day diet and was glad to find this group! I know many of you are a week or so in to it, and I am not ready to jump in just yet. But I want to soon, and hope I can get lots of tips and motivation from you all in the meantime!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I'm Sally. I am in my first round of the 17 Day Diet. I am almost finished with cycle 2 and starting cycle 3 on Friday. I really like cycle 1--I was down about 11 pounds (which is incredible for me). Cycle 2 has been challenging. We had lots of social/eating events---Thanksgiving, our Anniversary, my birthday, a Girl's Night Out. I did OK but I haven't lost anything and I am trying to lose the 2 pounds that came back over the crazy week of events. This week is going better but I need to get to the gym. My first goal is to lose another 20-25 pounds and then I will set another goal. I like doing things in smaller steps.

    I think getting the resources and ideas from this board and the other websites has really helped me!
  • sjda123
    sjda123 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there, I am Joanne and I'm looking to lose 30lbs by May 2012 - when I graduate Nursing school!
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi my names chantell. Im looking to loose 30 kgs more. IV got one little girl.
  • cslottje
    cslottje Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! My name is Christie. I've just started the 17 day diet today. I like that the diet is lower carb but still allows lots of veggies and fruit, not just fats. I would really like to lose 50 pounds by this time next year. I need help with the motivation part-that's always my downfall! I plan on keeping up my running schedule of 3miles x 5 days a week. I think I will pass on the lemon juice first thing in the morning-that's just sounds like a belly ache waiting to happen! Any advice or motivation is very much apprecaited! If anyone needs a friend from some motivation themselves let me know
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    Hi! I'm Leslie and I'm on day 3. I've already lost 50 lbs and need to lose about 50 more for military weight requirements. I wanted to try something that still allowed me to eat reasonably but still provided quick weight loss.