going out alone



  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Well I have ate alone plenty of times (like out to breakfast/lunch) But sometimes it gets to the point where ido wish someone was sitting across from me... I won't dine out alone though...I won't go to the movies alone...

    Ok being alone can suck sometimes..
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I dont really go out alone. I have my tag team partner. My sister is also single and we usually go out every other weekend all weekend lol :drinker:
  • nmcdee
    nmcdee Posts: 11
    I'm perfectly comfortable doing errands..going to public places like libraries, museums, street festivals and fast food restaurants like others have said. Movie theatres, plays, church dinners all good. Now put me in a pub or a sit down and wait for your food kind of restaurant is truly excruciating. It's all I can do not to bring a book or play with my phone...anything but to look around and enjoy my immediate environment alone. Seems to be a common thread from the ladies anyways. I always feel rather exposed or vulnerable though would love to meet new people to chat with while avoiding the 'meat market' scenario. Kind of like 'limelight' syndrome...LOL!

    Wonder if you single men feel the same or comfy sitting on that bar stool watching the game and chatting around being out alone???
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I go for a coffe, with a book, or to the cinema, but I enjoy it more when I have friends around
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    There're certain things I won't do alone, like movies n' dinners or going to sporting events, things like that 'cause it's just not as fun when you're all alone. :(
  • gem_cat
    gem_cat Posts: 62 Member
    I do my stuff alone. But when my friends want to hang out, I go with them. Its nice to be with someone else after being alone for too long. [haha. emo? nah.:tongue: ]
  • keiracarbonara
    i try to avoid it 'cause when i DO go out, i have this paranoid feeling that people are watching my every move, staring at what i'm wearing or judging everything i do. haha. i even feel that way in the gym. i get soo self conscious.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I've been to movies by myself, and coffee, and eaten at a place like Subway. I have no problem with it! I do a lot of things by myself and I don't mind it.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I like to go to the movies alone because no one is bugging me about what happened or trying to cop a feel. But I don't like eating alone in a resturaunte unless they have a bar you could sit at. But that rounds it up.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I'm bored... so i'm going out alone tonight!! :) woohooo Going to hit up ladies night at the swanky bar up the street.
  • sunnybrunette126
    sunnybrunette126 Posts: 200 Member
    I actually prefer going to the movies alone because I like to get there early and get a good seat. I hate waiting for people. I will go out to eat alone but I won't have dinner alone. Shopping... museums... parks... traveling... concerts... shows... all things I enjoy doing alone if no one wants to go... or they are broke.

    However, I will not go to a bar alone or a sporting event... that's just not how I roll. I like to have some friends with me just in case anyone is nuts. Haha :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Plus, many times when I'm alone I always get random people that talk to me. :noway:
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I prefer going to the movies alone. You can't talk in there anyway, so you don't really need a person with you. I tend to do on Sunday matinees or weekdays if I'm not working. I do avoid the Friday/Saturday night times. The same with eating out. I never had a problem with fast food or quick serve type places eating alone but I never wanted to go to a nicer restaurant. But eventually I did just because I could get a higher quality meal and enjoy it more than getting a drive thru again. I'm not eating out much these days though. A few weeks ago I was supposed to meet people from work and there was a miscommunication. I was at Citywalk which is connected to Universal Studios and is kind of like an outdoor mall with nice restaurants, amphitheatre, etc. Well I was already there and had paid for parking so I sucked it up and went to a restaurant alone and had a really nice steak dinner. I think people thought I got stood up by a date, a guy asked me if my boyfriend ditched me and the waitress gave me a free dessert. lol So, it can be awkward and I do play with my phone and try to be incognito and not draw attention. People just aren't used to women especially going out alone. I'm wary about going to bars alone, unless it's a place you are a semi regular at so you can talk to the bartenders. Usually a guy will think you are there to pick up and go home with someone if you go to a bar alone. At least that's what I think they think. It may be different in other towns. Los Angeles is tricky. lol
    But I agree, if I never went anywhere alone, I wouldn't go anywhere. When your friends are married or with kids, you just don't have a lot of people to pick up and go eat or see something with. And you are probably more approachable and less intimidating alone for someone to chat you up, that is if you aren't acting like a shrinking violet like me. lol
  • lacharp
    lacharp Posts: 66
    I love going to the movies alone... I can pick the exact seat I want, I can mix M&Ms in with my popcorn like I love but most find disgusting... (although I'm sneaking in healthier snacks when I go these days)

    I used to go out to eat alone, or grab a quick drink after work at a neighborhood bar (where I went enough that the bartenders recognized me, would be wary of going to a new bar or going out later at night alone) when I was in my early- to mid-20s, but then I gained a lot of weight in my late 20s and ever since then I can't bring myself to do it. I guess I just got really self-conscious or something. I'm hoping as I get in better shape I'll regain some of that confidence!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I do lots of stuff alone...........go out to eat, go to parties, walk and hike and get OUT there. I haven't gone to a movie alone - do want to try that, I think. I've been to a bar alone, but don't really care for that............too vulnerable, and I'm not much of a bar girl.

    I have lots of friends and a big family, so tend to hang with them. I also live above an electrical contracting company, and often join the guys "after work" at the big table in the shop, where they have a beer fridge, TV, and lots of laughs. Love those guys :drinker:
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I do stuff alone all the time. If I want to do something, I generally don't like waiting around until someone else wants to do it too haha. It isn't ALWAYS ideal, but I don't have a problem doing it.
  • jessicawindschitl
    I moved to a new town and was pretty much by myself until I made new friends here. It really used to get to me but now I am ok with it. Going out with friends is always the best, but sometimes it's nice to do your own thing and not worry about making other people happy in the process...my little bit of selfishness I guess.
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    I've never felt weird going to a fast food type place alone- Subway, McD's, etc. But I've never gone to a sit-down type place and sat at a table or booth alone for a whole meal, but I have no problem sitting alone if I'm waiting to meet someone there. I do however go to a sports bar type place near my house by myself a lot, I have no problem sitting alone at the bar and having a beer and a sandwich. I'll either watch whatever game is one or play with my phone, I usually don't go out of my way to strike up conversations with people around me but definitely don't shy away from it if someone else does.

    I've never gone to a movie alone, I guess I could give it a try sometime.
  • BlondeLisa1
    BlondeLisa1 Posts: 106 Member
    I was lamenting to some married friends about not wanting to go out alone and they were in an uproar! It was really funny. All my married/Mom friends would kill to go out to movies or dinner by themselves. I guess the grass is always greener.

    I think I'll try to go out sometime this week alone, just to see how it "fits".
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Those of you who have not gone to a movie alone -- do it!! Chances are, you'll love it. Just go later at night, when there are fewer teens. lol