
Purple Team
This is your thread!
Please do not forget to post an introduction to your team here and add your team members.
We officially start 3 weeks from today
Who is excited?!?!?
<3 CJ

Username Real Name Age Starting Weight
Ktjones3 Kathrine 23 159.2
WarriorJayne Jayne 31 284
kokomojoe Joe 48 259.5
laneybird Lane 30 236.8
Mojo75 Greg 35 227
Myshell26 Michelle 29 216
Elspencero Spencer 31 208
MeganSWoods Megan 27 201
Jellbean1971 Crystal 40 193.5
Mmellor Mel 35 186
KerriBB37 Kerri 29 176.8
Basenji Mary 40 173
Sheriemae Sherie 30 166.2
kmcgrath1 Kristen 39 160
LighterJen Jen 25 154
Lexximan Lexi 21 147
Kiely13 Kay 20 125

Starting Weight as of 11/11/11 3273


  • KokomoJoe
    Good luck everyone, I'm Joe from Ontario Canada. I am a Mechanical Engineer, who unfortunately doesn't get out of the office much. Explains why I am here and need to shed a few pounds. Hoping to be down 10 by the time this challenge actually kicks off.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Hello teammates!! My name is Lane. I am a 30 year old single mom of a wonderful 3 year old. I am a full-time 9-1-1 Telecommunicator and work 12 hour shifts...which I pretty my sit the whole time, Wishing everyone the best of luck and please feel free to friend me! Go Team Purple!!!
  • Sheriemae
    Hello Purple team!!! My name is Sherie, I'm 30, a military wife. I'm not a mother but I am a nanny for two wonderful children. I lost 18 pounds only to gain it back plus some after quitting smoking. (Febuary will be 1 year smoke free! YAY!) I've been back on the right track for a little while now, I've lost 5 pounds so far, I hope to lose at least another 5 before the challenge begins. I enjoy running, I love watching my 5K times get better and better. I want to be in the 130's by the time May rolls around for my husbands homecoming. He's serving a year in Afghanistan. I look forward to getting to know you all! I'm working on adding all of you, but apparently you can only add 5 friends during a ten minute time period. I will continue to add everyone during the day.
  • ktjones3
    Hello everyone. I'm your captain, Kathrine. I'm 23 years old. I started MFP in October of this year. I'm looking forward to this challenge because it has been a long time coming since I've been confident in a bikini.

    I'm so excited for this team. If anyone has any suggestions on what you would like our team name to be, who should be our co-captain, or anything challenge related please don't hesitate to comment or message me. I'm VERY open to suggestions and concerns. I hope I can be the best captain and motivate everyone. Let's stay on track! If not for the team, or challenge, but for ourselves!

    Also, I'm trying to add all my teammates so be patient. If you notice I haven't added you yet, please feel free to add me. I'll try not to miss anyone.
  • Sheriemae
    Not sure if Jellbean1971 (Crystal) canceled her account?. I tried adding but No Matches Found. If you still have an account please add me. I think I added everyone else.
  • ktjones3
    Not sure if Jellbean1971 (Crystal) canceled her account?. I tried adding but No Matches Found. If you still have an account please add me. I think I added everyone else.

    I believe her username is jellybean1971. I sent a request to that username with a note asking if its the right person. I will let you guys know what I find out. It was probably just a typo. I have added everyone, but if you notice we aren't friends please let me know. Thanks everyone!
  • mojo75
    mojo75 Posts: 314 Member
    Hey guys! Im Greg. I'm a sales rep for AT&T wireless and I'm one of the lucky folks that got picked for the team that's gonna win this shindig! Feel free to shoot me a friend request and we will show the rest of those poor kids how this is done!
  • LighterJen
    LighterJen Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm Jen. I'm finishing up my first MFP challenge, which has been a great motivator. Looking forward to working with all of you and dropping some weight before summer! :)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Kerri, I am 29 and from Detroit, Michigan. I am a speech pathologist and I work with kids and adults with developmental disabilites. I love my job and everyone I work with. I have a huge heart and I really, really like helping people. I have been on MFP since January of this year and have lost 30 pounds or so. I reset my ticker last month when I just couldn't bust through my plateau, I thought if I started back at zero it might help me! I have ran 3 challenges on MFP over this past year and I really loved being a part of something so fun and motivating. I'm open to being co-captain if no one else volunteers! :) I am a super competitive person. I played sports my whole life and I love to win. Weight loss is more than just a "competition" though, it's about the person and being educated and finding out what works. I have a lot of knowledge and done a lot of trail and error when it comes to fitness. I've paid a lot of $ for personal trainers, dieticians and equipment. I will be more than happy to share anything I've learned if anyone has questions. I'm really looking forward to being a part of this challenge. I am getting married on 11-17-12 and I really have a dream of looking like a beautiful, SKINNY, hot bride! =) I'm trying not to be shallow, but I really just want to look hot for my fiance! :)

  • MeganSWoods
    MeganSWoods Posts: 196 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm so excited to be part of the purple team! First of all, purple is my favorite color, but also I loved Hannah and Olivia on last season's BL, too!

    Anyway, about me: I am a 27 year old graduate student living in Ohio with my sister and 2 nephews. I just finished my last semster of class to be a music teacher, so next semester I'll be student teaching! This is my first challenge on mfp-- I joined June 1st, but my weight loss journey started in Feb 2010 at 305 lbs. I just weighed in on Friday at 198-- HELLO ONEDERLAND! One of my personal goals is to be able to wear a bikini for the first time ever this summer on a family cruise, so I thought this would be a perfect way to gear up for it! I've come a long way already, but I'm looking forward to continuing my journey with all of you!

    Also, if you'd like to hear a bit more about me, I'd welcome any friend requests and I just posted my latest success story here:
  • WarriorJayne
    Hello purple team!

    Hi I am Jayne im from Ohio as well, I am a mother of a awesome 4 year old who makes his dad and me laugh everyday. I work in food (and hate every moment of it) right now, but have been thinking about going back to school for another Associates Degree in Physical Therapy. However I have to work through my Therapy because at the end of December I am having knee surgery. So keeping on point with food will be key for me NOT gaining BACK the 30 odd lbs Ive lost already.

    I love to do Crossfit, walk quarter marathon and obstetrical course style events (Warrior Dash) and am looking forward to figuring out what I CAN do to keep fit and working out at the end of the month.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!

  • Sheriemae
    Team Name Suggestions
    What do you all think of Polleo? Means to be Strong, Powerful, Able (Latin)
    Polleo Purple
  • mmellor
    mmellor Posts: 146
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Melissa, everyone calls me Mel. I am from Ontario, Canada and I am 35 years old, I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 12 years, and am a mom of 2 amazing kids...my oldest son just turned 9 and my daughter will soon be 6. I am a Senior Finance Manager for a Honda Dealership, which keeps me at my desk for long hours. I am looking forward to this challenge to keep me motivated, having a 6 year old as my youngest no longer leaves me with the "baby" excuse!! So...here's to January 1st!!

    Go Purple!
  • basenji
    basenji Posts: 208 Member
    My name is Mary and I live in Milwaukee, WI. I have 3 kids (10, 7 and 4). I was a stay-at-home mom for about 9 years but just recently went back into the IT field part-time. I didn't have a weight issue until after I had my 2nd child. I lost all the pregnancy weight easily after my first but after my second, I just couldn't get all the pregnancy weight off. Then after my 3rd, it was even harder. So, I'm carrying a good 40 - 50 lbs extra right now. I recently realized that my kids have never seen me thin. They see me active because I love to workout but I want them to see me fit and trim....and I want to see myself fit and trim again!!

    I can't wait to start this challenge!
  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    Hi My name is Christina, cmcravens, I am a wife a mother of 4 grown adults, 3 grandson's all live in differant states. I am a full time employee, I drive a school bus, and full time student as well. I am very excited about this program and challenge, I hope that every one the best. I am also looking for friends and buddies. :smile:
  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    Purple Team
    This is your thread!
    Please do not forget to post an introduction to your team here and add your team members.
    We officially start 3 weeks from today
    Who is excited?!?!?
    <3 CJ

    Username Real Name Age Starting Weight
    Ktjones3 Kathrine 23 159.2
    WarriorJayne Jayne 31 284
    kokomojoe Joe 48 259.5
    laneybird Lane 30 236.8
    Mojo75 Greg 35 227
    Myshell26 Michelle 29 216
    Elspencero Spencer 31 208
    MeganSWoods Megan 27 201
    Jellbean1971 Crystal 40 193.5
    Mmellor Mel 35 186
    KerriBB37 Kerri 29 176.8
    Basenji Mary 40 173
    Sheriemae Sherie 30 166.2
    kmcgrath1 Kristen 39 160
    LighterJen Jen 25 154
    Lexximan Lexi 21 147
    Kiely13 Kay 20 125c
    cmcravens 47 185.0
    Starting Weight as of 11/11/11 3273
  • ktjones3
    Hi My name is Christina, cmcravens, I am a wife a mother of 4 grown adults, 3 grandson's all live in differant states. I am a full time employee, I drive a school bus, and full time student as well. I am very excited about this program and challenge, I hope that every one the best. I am also looking for friends and buddies. :smile:

    Christina, I do not see you on the spreadsheet. Are you sure you got your information to CJ?
  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    I just sent her an email and hopefully she will add it on.
  • ktjones3
    I just sent her an email and hopefully she will add it on.

    You might be late, but we will see what she says.

    Also, team if no one else wants to volunteer for co-captain we will designate it to Kerri since she so graciously volunteered :)

    We have only had one suggestion for team names (which I like by the way) so keep thinking and post your ideas. This information is due by the end of the month.

    I've been also thinking about challenges and wanted to get some feedback from everyone. I would like everyone to vote whether they would like nutrition, workout, or the combination of both throughout the weeks. I want our team to stay motivated. I still have not heard from a few people. I don't want to sound rude, but I personally do not want people on the team who aren't going to put forth the effort and take this seriously.

    Thanks to all who are involved! I can't wait to actually start.
  • WarriorJayne
    I also can not wait for us to start, so I spent my time looking up and figuring out team names:
    Fight Club
    Purple People Beater
    The Killer Purple
    Grape Expectations
    Grapes of Wrath
    Purple Pride
    Purple Reign
    Purple Panthers
    Purple Predators
    Purple Aces
    Purple Knights