Infants/Toddlers with Pierced Ears



  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    goes both way doesnt it. Forcing a child to have short back and sides if he wants a more relaxed style could be seen as living through your children. Most people i guess are going to dress their children in a way they think looks nice. My sons got long blond curly hair. Im not living through him, i just think it looks sweet so i let it grow

    I bet he looks adorable! Of course I think most parents dress their young kids and fix their hair in styles they like and think looks nice. I've seen some young boys with reverse mohawks, pierced ears, and sagging pants but I'm sure their parents think they look cool. I just mean when it's a baby or a toddler, the parents are usually making them look what's nice for their own lifestyle.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I had my daughter's ears pieced when she was 2 months old. She cried maybe like 20 seconds and afterwards she was just fine. I got it over with so she doesn't have to endure the pain when she is older. My parents did it to my sister and me when we were 2 months old too and I am happy they did. I tried getting a second pair of piercings when I was 15 and never could because it was too painful (tried two times and they got infected) so I ended up with one piercing on each lobe.

    The nurse at her pediatrician's office did the piercing, by the way. And at the end of the day, I don't care what other people do with their babies regarding piercings.

    [This thread reminds me of those crazy b*tches over at babycenter, fighting over pierced ears, baby showers, formula and child seats.:::shudder:::]
  • allaboutaleah
    I had my ears pierced as an infant, and mostly every other girl in my family, I was always ok with it, and chose 2 get more as I was older. It hasn't been the same for boys however, they haven't been allowed to until they were grown if they chose 2, except my son, I got his pierced when he was 1 1/2 yrs. I use 2 think negative of it, but when I had my son, my views on it changed. it's a piercing, not a tattoo, it can easily b taken out. there are more important "parenting" issues 2 b concerned about
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Unless it's for genuine cultural reasons, pierced ears on children is something that I really dislike. I view ear-piercing as something that is done to allow decoration of the body to make a person, typically a woman, more physically appealing to the opposite gender, and harking back to the display of a girl's dowry - often jewellery-based - or family wealth, as an enticement to potential suitors. In my view, that has no place on any child.

    I also intensely dislike ear-piercings on males. A personal taste thing, I guess, as I don't have a logical reason for it, I just dislike it, again unless it's a part of a cultural heritage.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    QUESTION: Should parents be allowed to take their children to Claire's or wherever to have their ears pierced?

    I say no. A piercing is something that should be consented to, and there is just no real reason other than selfish interest for parents to put holes through their kids' ears.

    I don't remember how old myDaughters were when they asked to get their ears pierced, but I took them down to get it done. I didn't ask all my friends to vote on it either. It's a personal choice and nobody else's business.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I don't remember how old myDaughters were when they asked to get their ears pierced, but I took them down to get it done. I didn't ask all my friends to vote on it either. It's a personal choice and nobody else's business.

    I guess the question was more geared toward people who bring infants/toddlers/children who aren't old enough to request them in.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I don't remember how old myDaughters were when they asked to get their ears pierced, but I took them down to get it done. I didn't ask all my friends to vote on it either. It's a personal choice and nobody else's business.

    I guess the question was more geared toward people who bring infants/toddlers/children who aren't old enough to request them in.

    In that case, I guess it's up to the parents. I don't think I want to invite people into my family life and let them help me make these decisions. I wouldn't do it, but if my wife had wanted it done, I would have supported that decision.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    People's choices on how to raise their children is none of my concern unless it effects me or my children. You want to pierce them, go ahead, hell, the boys already had the skin on the tip of their penis snipped, so what's a piercing? Put big ole washers in their ears, tattoo their face, out 13 rings in their nose, I don't care. But I also think that when the child reaches the age of 18, they should get 1 get out of jail free card so they can whip their parent's *kitten* for disfiguring them. Then again, if we are talking about just piercing the ears, it's not that big of a deal, but I would wait until they were 5.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I got my ears peirced for my 9th birthday. Honestly, I wish my parents had done it when I was younger so that I wouldn't remember having it done. It hurt like hell and that memory won't go away. I did go to Clarie's to have mine done and where I grew up that was the only option but I never had a problem with mine.

    Even if you get a child's ears pierced when they are a baby they still have the option of not having them when they get older. It's a piercing. It will eventually grow over. As for boys, if I ever have one and he wants to pierce his ears then he can do it. So long as he doesn't break any school rules. If school says he can't wear them, then he can't wear them while at school.

    I will say that many companies are becoming more open to a variety of people and realizing that individuality is important. The company I work for has a dress code but the only rules about hair is that it has to be clean. We also don't discriminate because of tattos. I know 2 girls here who both have pink hair and know several guys with tattoo sleeves. It does't effect their work or their ability to promote within the company. Hopefully, this will become more the norm as time goes on.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    So would people getting their babies nose pierced be ok? I think alot more people would be upset by that when its basicly the same thing.
    I really dont care if people pierce their babies ears,I had no desire to but if my daughter asks i will take her to get it done.
    As for boys I would let my son get his pierced if he wanted to
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I'm allergic to metal, even the hypoallergenic stuff. So is my Mom and Grandma. I can't have piercings in my ears because of this. Stands to reason that my children are very likely allergic as well, so I won't pierce their ears.

    I am also allergic to most metals, and it was difficult to get my ears pierced. Attempt #1 when I was eight failed, I had to take them out because they were inflamed and becoming infected. Attempt #2 when I was sixteen was better-- I think hypoallergenic earrings have improved over the years. Even still, I had to deal with a lot of swelling, and put antibiotic ointment on them multiple times a day to prevent infections. I am happy to finally have pierced ears, though.

    Because of the allergy likelihood, I would at least wait until my kid is old enough to take good care of her ears... mid to late elementary school, probably. Plus, an older kid getting a piercing infected is not as dangerous (in my mind) as a baby getting one... that could turn bad pretty quickly, since babies and toddlers are so small.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    So would people getting their babies nose pierced be ok? I think alot more people would be upset by that when its basicly the same thing.
    I really dont care if people pierce their babies ears,I had no desire to but if my daughter asks i will take her to get it done.
    As for boys I would let my son get his pierced if he wanted to

    piercing cartiledge hurts way more and takes a lot longer to heal than piercing skin/flesh. That comparison is not quite the same thing....

    IMHO, piercing is potentially temporary, so it is something I feel less strict about, but a taattoo for anyone under 18 is a major no-no in my book. Even for adults, my counsel is: wait. If it's a wise decision now, it still will be in 6 months or a year. I rushed into my first tattoo and I wish I'd waited longer to decide to do it. Thankfully nobody but my husband ever lays eyes on it....:blushing:
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    I had my ears pierced as a kid, and now I'm in therapy.

    Just kidding. I had my ears pierced and I cried, and my parents got me a Legend of Zelda statuette, and I was so happy! Earrings are normal and not really painful. It's not a huge decision. Decide you don't want to wear earrings? take them out, the hole will close.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I had my ears pierced as a kid, and now I'm in therapy.

    Just kidding. I had my ears pierced and I cried, and my parents got me a Legend of Zelda statuette, and I was so happy! Earrings are normal and not really painful. It's not a huge decision. Decide you don't want to wear earrings? take them out, the hole will close.

    LoZ? :D What good parents!

    My mother had my ears pierced when I was 3 months by my doctor. I'm made at her decision. I'm actually very happy she did it when I was so young.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    All the girls in my family had thier ears peirced at 6 weeks old at the Dr's office after our first shots. I did the same with my daughter. When I was younger I almost never wore earings and Now I do all the time. My daughter wears earings all the time and if she loses one I have to put a new pair in as soon as possible or else she freaks. She's 8 and she thinks they make her look pretty. My son will probably want to get his ears pierced when he is older seeing as almost every man he knows has pierced ears including my ex-husband.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Meh, I don't have much of an issue with it. I know a lot of girls who had them pierced as babies and they don't care.

    My boyfriend's sister has two piercings in each ear before she was a year old...she says she wishes her mom would've gotten her ears pierced a third time. lol But she's quite a...unique person. :P

    I personally can't say if I would get my daughter's ears pierced as a a baby (when I have children) but I certainly wouldn't do it at Claires. They are the worst for doing that. NOBODY should get their ears pierced....I remember being in Claires one time while they were piercing somebody's ears...the gun on stuck in the girls ear...OUCH.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    im really confused at the idea of a doctor piercing ears. why would they??
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    im really confused at the idea of a doctor piercing ears. why would they??

    I was thinking that, too. I thought "wow...that seems really weird and unethical" but, I never got my ears pierced at a doctor's, and my mom never requested it.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    meh. i got my ears pierced when i was a baby. got my second hole in both ears by the time i was 8 years old...i don't think it's that big of a deal...
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    All of this is just the friendly warmup to the circumcision debate i'll s start one of these days. Watch how heated that one gets!

    My daughter is 9 and had hers done a few years back. She likes earrings in the shape of food. I just wish she were better at cleaning them. I only have her every other weekend and..well..her mother has sadly become a real slob to be honest. And naturally my kid takes cues from her. It's hard enough to teach a kid hygiene without the other parent fighting you on it.