What is a realistic goal?

tearose4 Posts: 37 Member
I hope to talk to my doctor about this sometime - but does anyone know what would be a realistic goal? My highest weight is over 400. I am afraid to set my sights too low for fear that I'll be stuck with extra skin etc that I will not be able to lose.


  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    A few years ago, when I weighed about 230 or so, I got on a (short-lived, as it turned out) fitness kick and worked out with a trainer for a while. He used impedance testing to assess my actual lean body mass, which (at the time) amounted to 130 lbs. Given that I don't ever intend to be spending half my day in the gym lifting weights and getting my body fat percentage down to those levels, he told me I should really be shooting for 160-165. Given that I weighed 126 for years before I started to gain, that surprised me. He told me, and this made sense to me, that the body copes with carrying around extra weight by bulking up the skeleton and muscles.

    What does that mean for you? Not sure of a number, but I'd bet that you'll be looking and feeling pretty good in the high 100's, or even the low 200's, and you might decide to maintain there for a while before deciding if you want to continue to lose. Some extra skin may be inevitable, but strength training is rumored to be helpful with preventing that. Slower weight loss is also helpful; gives the skin time to retract naturally.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Shrink has a point about the slow and steady loss. Although is seems really fast to me, 2 pounds a week is a sustainable number. If you can average that then your body can adjust pretty well to tightening the skin back up. You may need to help it out a little by taking vitamin D & E and eating Jello (sugar free of course :D) that has gelatin to hep with the elasticity of your skin.

    I started out this year 9 months pregnant at 307 pounds. I'm at 222 today and have been pretty steady at 2 pounds a week since I started MFP. I tought after 80 pounds I would have skin hanging everywhere, but I have been pleasantly suprised that it tightens as I lose it.

    I had a scan done a few weeks ago that said I have about 125 pounds of "lean muscle mass." My nutritionist said that that is NOT my target weight, but how many grams of protein I should be getting in a day. You HAVE to have some fat to survive. Your muscle mass will adjust based on your overall body mass. It takes more muscle to move more wiehgt, so as you lose fat and weight, you WILL lose some muscle mass.

    My suggestion (take it or leave it) is to set a general goal of "less than XXX" for now. But break it down into managble mini goals such as 10 or 25 pounds at a crack. When you achieve those little ones treat yourself to a smal NON-FOOD reward (think pedicure). It will make getting you the next one worth it!

    The people in this group are AWESOME and supportive. We are all here for you!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    I agree with all the above posts. After losing 138 lbs, I am surprised that I don't have skin flopping all over the place. Getting your vitamins, drinking your water and some type of exercise will help with the extra skin issue. That is why people say to lose it slowly. One is to get your body used to the new eating habits, giving time for your body, mainly your skin, to start to get shrink with the rest of you. I would have to say, don't worry about that now. Things will fall in to place when the time comes. Good luck with your journey and we are always here for you.