Let's Do This!!

melcap Posts: 148 Member
Start Date: December 13, 2011
End Date: January 1, 2012

Well here's the thing I would like everyone to encourage and motivate each other! This group can continue well after the end date. The group idea is the perfect tool! good luck everyone!


  • My birthday is 12/29, this group is a great motivation! I actually have 6.5 pounds to lose, and I've leveled out! No weight lose in a week....Drats!!
  • melcap
    melcap Posts: 148 Member
    My birthday is 12/29, this group is a great motivation! I actually have 6.5 pounds to lose, and I've leveled out! No weight lose in a week....Drats!!

    cool my bday is 12/31!
  • Not really sure what to do for posting... but i hope to lose 5 more lbs by the new year and my motivation is that I get to start my next tattoo :)
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    I'm in! I'm having the hardest time getting motivated to keep eating healthy (longer than 2 weeks) and I need some sort of accountability or something! I had great success on MFP last year, but thought I could do it on my own and FAILED... gained back all the weight :( So, I'm back and I really want this weight gone for good!

    Starting Weight-193.8
  • I only want to loose about 7 lbs more. I have already lost 20 or so.
    It is more difficult now.
  • This is the first group I've ever joined, but I think a short-term goal like this will help motivate me. Here's to looking hot in my NYE dress!

    Start: 130
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Thanks for inviting me to the group even though I don't exactly fit. :) I am 149.5 today and only 9.5 pounds to go! So I am fairly sure I can't expect 5 pounds in the next 3 weeks but I want to lose 1-2 pounds by New Years.
  • Let's do it!
    Start: 151lbs. :)
  • adnawot
    adnawot Posts: 1 Member
    Ready to do this with about 16 more pounds to lose till my birthday in Feb. Starting weight is 161lbs.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I still am about 15-20lbs away from where I want to be but I would love to lose 5 before New Years! I have an awesome dress that I can't wait to wear :)
  • I'm still almost 40 pounds from where I want to be, haha. I'm 163.5 right now, let's do this!
  • My weight has plateaued for the last 3 & 1/2 weeks & FINALLY yesterday I had a loss. I am ready to DO THIS!
    My weight as of yesterday was 171.2
    I really wanted to be in the 160s by the first of the year so this is the perfect challenge for me. I just signed up today with myfitnesspal and am looking forward to making friends with others who know exactly what I am going through.
  • Leah_Nicole219
    Leah_Nicole219 Posts: 63 Member
    I would love to join you all! I have noticed myself getting weak lately because I know the holidays are coming up and I want to give into temptation. I need to stop it right now! My weight is 178.2 and my goal is 150, so I have 28 pounds to go. I'm ready!
  • This is a great idea!! I really want to lose at least 5 pounds by New Years!! I have lost 14.5 pounds so far and need to lose about another 32 pounds. I would like to lose that by March but know that may be asking too much. My current weight is 167 pounds. We can do this!!!
  • I'm ready! 12/13- 144
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm hoping this will be my jump start to a weight loss. I have actually already lost 10 pounds in the past week or 2 just watching what I am doing and cutting back on the sodas. But now it is actually weight that I need to loose now. I have always plateaued around 155 or 150 so I think that if I can get to that point and start the year off "fresh" in the direction of my never-give-up-mind-set. I know I can do it. I am ready to do this for once!
  • I want/need to lose at least 5 pounds for New Years! What a horrible month to diet! I have such a sweet tooth, and being a momma of six kids, Ilm constantly making them goodies. This is the month I love baking!
  • Oh yeah...weigh 145 now. Want to be 135ish (Still nursing, so I have to be kinda careful).
  • This is the first group I have joined and I'm excited to lose this 5 (well 6 would be nice) lbs before the new year!
    Starting weight 162.0.

    Good luck to everyone!

    Brittany Erin
  • PoppiSeed
    PoppiSeed Posts: 38 Member
    Whew! This is one of the scariest things I've ever done because now it means I have to commit to this weightloss thing and I've never been able to though this time feels different, but I need all the help I can get
    Current weight: 120.5kg

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods