
Red Team
This is your thread!
Please do not forget to post an introduction to your team here and add your team members.
We officially start 3 weeks from today
Who is excited?!?!?
<3 CJ

Username Real Name Age Starting Weight
Sheepcat Diana 31 189
bayertablets Adrian 26 358
Espichick11 Kim 31 268
PinkCBelle 29 245
dngauthier24 Danielle 20 230
Flowerpower381 30 223
Sixxbaby Shannon 40 212
Sigsone Tony 46 206
Sugarbeans Kylah 31 197.4
Applebobbrush Sarah 35 188.8
mfastdriver123 Heather 37 182
Ingfit Ingrid 47 176
Tiffany130 Tiffany 29 170.2
mattquit Matt 19 165
SaishaLea Aly 22 159
afym Mary 32 152
n3wlif3styl3 Kerry 21 143

Starting Weight as of 11/11/11 3464.4


  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    Hi Team! I looking forward to being your captain!

    A little about me: I have been MFPing since August. However, from June to August I did Weight Watchers. Since starting on June 4th, I have lost 61 pounds and plan on losing at least another 30. I am always open to new challenges. Because of this, I recently finished the 30 Day Shred and I am on my final week of Couch to 5k. I am really looking forward to this BL challenge because I feel I might need a little more motivation in upcoming months. I have surgery scheduled on December 28th that will impact my ability to exercise. I feel this challenge will encourage me to stay focused.

    I will be sending out friend requests today to all team members. I encourage you to add all of our team members as well. We need to start thinking about the following:

    1. Team Name
    2. Co-Captain (please volunteer if interested)
    3. Challenge Ideas (we need to have our own challenge ideas each week)

    Feel free to post your ideas here for now. Also...please take a few minutes to post an introduction about yourself here as well!

    I look forward to getting to know all of you!!!! :wink:

    Diana (sheepcat)
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Red team! I'm very excited and motivated to do this. I've been an MFP-er since May 2011 however I stopped posting for a while and just came back here in Dec 2011 to have another attempt at this. I find this site motivating and helps me feel accountable. I have had many false starts over the last year, trying P90X and Insanity, although falling short on both when I didn't see results. I'm sure my eating was mostly to blame for this. Now I am doing JM 30DS and am willing to do just about anything to succeed at this. I want to lose 30 lbs and feel good in my own skin again. Lets do this! GO RED TEAM!
  • dngauthier24
    Hi team!!

    My name is Danielle and I have been using MFP since about October of 2011. I have lost 17 pounds using this site. But over the past year and a half I have lost about 45 pounds total. I really like this site because I feel like when I post my food diary for everyone to see I am a lot more conscious about what I am eating. I am super excited for this challenge because I think it will give me extra motivation and help me lose a lot more weight!

    I think a good team name could be Blood, Sweat and Tears....kinda weird but blood is red and I think it would show we are really dedicated!!

    I think some challenges we could do would be a certain amount of water a day. Maybe over the usual 64oz.
    A certain number of exercises that you need to do each week. Like 1000 Jumping Jacks, Sit ups, ect.

    That is just my input! :)
  • Tyffany130
    Hi everyone! Im Tyffany, 29 years old. I've been on MFP since about August 2011. So far, I have lost 12lbs. I lose my motivation every now and then, so hopefully this challenge will keep me going. I wish to be down to 130 by summer. I have so many cute jeans in my dresser that I cannot wear, and its very frustrating. I am so going to lose this weight :happy:
    Good luck everyone!
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    Hello Red Team,
    I'm Tony, I've been on MFP since June 2010. MFP has kept my going and focus on my overall goal to lose weight. I love this sight due to all the supportive people I've met since joining. The last couple of months of the year is always tough for me due to family and friends gatherings which brings out tempations because I'm surrounded by people who loves to cook during this time of year. I look forward to this challenge because it's a good way to start the new year and continue to lose weight. My goal is to get down to 185lbs. Red team, we are united and can do this! I look forward to meeting the entire team, good luck and stay focus!




    I can't wait to get this party started! R U READDDDY!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    Hello Red Team,

    My name is Matt, I've had this account for a long time but only used it once when i first downloaded it because i had no time. I'm just using this again because people around me are judgmental and I want to show them I can have a 6 pack. I don't really have a goal weight because I just want to have a six pack but I'm trying to be 130 pounds since i'm 5'5.

    Anyways Good luck to everyone!! I think our team would dominate OBVS. =))
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    I just want to say that we are the first on the list for the groups =) It's like their already saying we already won =) lol
    Go Red Go!
    We should do our ticker to be red power ranger lol
  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    Hello Red Team. I have been on MFP for a little over a month now. I knew I wanted to lose some weight and needed some motivation and support to get me started, so after looking at many sites I settled on MFP and I love it! I would like to lose 25 more lbs, I think. I'm not set on a certain number to see on the scale, but I would like to be in the healthy range on the BMI scale, awesome abs and great abs.

    I like the suggestion for team name of Blood Sweat and Tears. I thought of blood too, when I saw I was red team LOL.

    Challenge suggestions
    water intake
    calories burned
    sit ups/crunches
    staying under calorie goal for entire week
    push up's (since I can't do even one, try starting the week with one and working up each week)
    mile(s) on any cardio exercise per week or day

    Thanks everyone I'm so looking forward to this challenge helping me get into my first ever two piece swim suit in time for a trip to Hawaii!

    -Sarah Applebobbrush
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Red Team!! My name is Kylah I have been on MFP for a year now and haven't lost a lot of weight on here, I keep fluctuating between 188-198 lbs since last December. It has been a struggle for me I love working out but with 3 jobs it has been tough to keep a regular schedule. I am trying to achieve my goal before my 32nd Birthday in May, by my birthday I would like to be around 135-140lbs and rdy to do the mountain hikes that I have planned for that week.

    This challenge is for more motivation, support, to keep me on track and I am very competitive so hopefully this will end my plateau in terms of the scale.

    Go TEAM GO!!

  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    Red Hots? Anyone?

    Hey, I'm Adrian, 26 y/o. I've been overweight/obese most of my life but am ready to feel bettter about myself! I joined MFP in April, but only recently discovered the huge community support system here and I can't be happier! I've been making small changes for the past few years (no caffeine, more water, small meals throughout the day, gym membership) to improve my health, but haven't lost much weight in the long run. I realize it's better to do it slowly. I'm halfway through 30DS, and then I'll start Jillan's Extreme Shed & Shred after the new year (see the MFP group The Hawt Candy Azzes - - for more info). I also usually go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I'm definitely looking forward to making some major changes to my body! :bigsmile:

    I'm excited about the different challenges this group will hopefully provide... we're here to help each other! GO RED TEAM!!!
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    Great job getting your intros posted...we are waiting for a few people's but we have some I'm not too worried.

    So far we have two ideas for group names:
    Blood, Sweat, and Tears
    Red Hots

    Ideas for weekly challenges:
    Drink recommended water (64 oz)
    Burn as many calories as possible for the week.
    Limit sodium to 2500.
    Do a certain number of sit-ups.

    Please continue to share ideas within the next week. We need to identify our group name and co-captain the last week in December.

    I am contemplating starting a "group" for our red team. It will be a spot that we can chat (away from the other groups) and be the location where you would post your results from the weekly challenges and weigh-ins. Otherwise, I could create another username that you could report to in the blog area. Do you guys have any preferences?

    Also....I am still looking for a co-captain. This person would be available to take over in case something unforseen happens to me. The main responsibilities if you had to take over would be gathering challenge and weigh-in data and reporting them to CJ. This person will hopefully also help me come up with challenges, etc. Please volunteer :)

  • afym
    afym Posts: 52
    Hi Red Team!!. I have been using MFP off and on since Oct 2010. lost some weight, gained it back. Started using it again since Nov. My first goal is to loose 10 to 20 pounds so that i can continue to have energy to keep up with my 4 y/o twin daughters!. My second goal is to never gain it back!
    1. Team Name - Red Bulls, i like the other suggestions too
    2. Co-Captain (please volunteer if interested)
    - if no one else volunteers, maybe i can try but i tend to be really really busy and i dont want to disappoint anyone
    3. Challenge Ideas (we need to have our own challenge ideas each week)
    - Exercise for at least (x no of minutes) every day for whole week
    - Burn at least (x no of calories) every day for one week
    - Run at least (x no of miles) every day for one week (or anyother variation)
    - Increase your mileage, calories burned or speed daily by (x) for one week
    - I like the idea of staying within your calorie goal x 1 week ( i struggle with this)

    GO RED!
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Hey Red Team!
    My name is Aly. I am 22 years old, I have 2 kids. I am a writer and a beginning runner. I ran my first 5k this past November-It was an incredible experience!!!
    I joined MFP in Sept of this year, after having my second child in June. I gained a lot while being pregnant, so I want to lose it all be and me again. I have already lost a lot using this amazing site(28lbs in 2 months), and I am looking forward to losing more during this challenge!
    I like all the challenges you guys suggested. I love the idea of mile challenges. I think it would be a great idea if we had a seperate red team group..
    So excited to start this challenge! My suggeston for a name is the Red, I'm a New England girl so I'm completely biased:)
    Go RED TEAM!!!!!!
  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    Hi Red Team, sorry I was gone all weekend to Disneyland so I just saw this thread. My name is Shannon, I am 40 years old, I have 3 kids (22, 16 and 9) I live in Lancaster, CA (about 50 miles North of LA) I started MFP in Jan this year and am trying desperately to hit that 100 loss mark, I am hoping this challenge will get me closer to all my goals, I am so excited!!!

    I like the name Blood, Sweat and Tears and I like all the challenges posted so far, I will continue to think of more. We are gonna KILL this!!!! Good luck all!!!!

    Please feel free to add me!!!
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    Hi Red Team, sorry I was gone all weekend to Disneyland so I just saw this thread. My name is Shannon, I am 40 years old, I have 3 kids (22, 16 and 9) I live in Lancaster, CA (about 50 miles North of LA) I started MFP in Jan this year and am trying desperately to hit that 100 loss mark, I am hoping this challenge will get me closer to all my goals, I am so excited!!!

    I like the name Blood, Sweat and Tears and I like all the challenges posted so far, I will continue to think of more. We are gonna KILL this!!!! Good luck all!!!!

    Please feel free to add me!!!

    the name is too long that can be the motto though.
    can the team be called Winner? hahahaha
  • n3wlif3styl3
    Hi everyone! My name is KerryAnne, I am 21 and I am just finishing up the first half of my junior year in college. I have been using MFP since August! I love to exercise but I love to eat too. I am trying to live healthier and I think this site is helping. I try to go to the gym regularly, but I also run outside depending on the weather (some of you will think this is stupid but I really don't like cold or rain) I am trying to lose 15-20 more pounds by June. I am hoping to be more toned and at a healthy BMI.

    Has anyone said the name Big Red? I haven't seen it
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    Welcome everyone!! We have some great ideas! In the next day or two, I will be posting a blog with all of the names you mentioned for our team. You will have a week to vote on your favorite name.

    Once we have our name, I will be creating a group (similar to this one) that is for red team members only. I will invite each of you to the group and we will conduct our 'business' there lol. I am planning on having threads related to challenges, a general chat, and there will also be threads for each week (so you know what the challenges are and have a place to submit your weight by the deadline).

    Please be patient with me over the next week...It is the last week of classes and I am a I am trying balance tons of stuff at once. But I am looking forward to our upcoming journey together in this amazing challenge!!!!

    :) D
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I bit the bullet and posted the blog! You can now vote for our team name at:

    Voting closes a week from today on 12/21!!!
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I created a group that is just for our red team! I have sent you all invites! The banner is just something I put up there until we get a name picked out! I can also change our group name once we've selected one!

    I will not be posting updates on this thread anymore. Any updates I post will be done in the new group.
  • Tyffany130
    I can't go to this link for some reason. Can you help me figure it out. I'm still kind of new to the groups here. Thanks