
Just wanted to share my yummy lunch! Whole wheat pita filled with natural roast beef, red pepper hummus, low fat swiss, spinach and tomatoes. I have never made it before but am pleased that I did! I have a hard time coming up with lunch ideas that are healthy AND taste good. What is everyone's go to healthy lunch? Snack ideas are appreciated too!


  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I love your lunch idea.. I'll have to try it soon. I'm all over the map when it comes to lunch and a lot of times it's my leftovers so that the food doesn't go bad. I do keep some yummy snacks that my nutritionist recommended on hand at all times though.

    Laughing Cow Cheese Wedge with Rice Crackers = 100 calories
    String Cheese - I get weight watchers = 50 calories
    Fruit of any kind..
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    the only veggie I really like is raw broccoli, so I eat that for a snack a lot (with ranch dip I make from low fat sour cream and hidden valley ranch seasoning packet).

    another REALLY good lunch is a pita stuffed with tuna (out of a can), black olives, some cheese and a little mayo. I love it! Sometimes I put a slice of tomato in, sometimes not (depending on if I have any).

    I had Subway for lunch today cause I was out and about. Tonight me and a friend are going to Chilis... that's why I love MFP, so I can plan ahead!
  • sparkybruin
    I love both of these pita ideas! I'm going to invest in some pitas for myself.

    Today I had a Kashi frozen meal - Lemongrass Coconut Chicken - so good! Very filling. They're hard to find and a little $$ but I definitely recommend over other low-cal frozen stuff.