


  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Autumn and I started on mfp a little over a month ago. I turned 40 this year and decided it was about time I got myself healthy. So in January I joined a gym and started exercising, in April I quit smoking (followed by a 15 lb weight gain), and last month I started trying to eat healthier. I started at 181.5, which I believe was my highest non-pregnant weight. I am down 7 lbs to 174.5 and my goal weight is 140. I looked at the healthy bmi range for my height and just picked a number right smack in the middle. So that number may change the closer I get.
  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    [/quote]what do you guys think of starting jillians 30 day shred at the start of january?

    I have been thinking of trying this and put it on my Christmas list. I'm a bit of a wimp, but I am willing to give it a try! It would be easier/more fun to do as a group. I do better when I have someone to answer to. :smile:

    (I clearly didn't do this quote thing right. There is no blue box around it! Oh well. lol)
  • Tany27
    Tany27 Posts: 21
    Hi I'm Tany!!! 5' 6 and aiming to loose 25 lbs by summer!! But my mini goal is 10 lbs by march,that's when I go holiday!!!ordered my 30 day shred and planning to begin in Jan... Would b great if others join in n we can all share our results!!!
  • raquelena
    raquelena Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I'm Raquel, 5'6 and 180lbs. My highest weight was 210lbs and by ultimate goal weight is 130lbs which I'm aiming to do by May (slightly optimistic I know!) Hopefully with us all being in a similar position we can motivate each other and all achieve our goals!

    Feel free to add me.
    KJLIII Posts: 225 Member
    Hi! I'm Kitten (my nickname from the time I was born, since my mom and grandma have the same given name!), and I'm probably a little over 5'6 (but we won't count the little bit over, right?) and I'm wanting to lose at least 40 lbs. My highest weight ever was 208, which freaked me out, and prompted me to join Weight Watchers. Lost 25 lbs, got a key chain and a refrigerator magnet, and thought I was good, and could do the rest on my own. I quit that, thinking I didn't need to be paying dues, and slowly started inching back up there again. >:( Recently hit the 200 mark, and began looking for alternatives. So glad to have found this site!! Since joining, I've lost about 5 lbs, and am excited. I would really like to lose at least 40, maybe 50, as I would like to ultimately be around 150. I think I was close to that once, in High school, but that was over 30 years ago!! I definitely need encouragement, and want to encourage YOU as well. Feel free to add me. I have no idea about Jillian's shred, but will look for it. I'm game for LOSING POUNDAGE!!! :)
  • chickpeas83
    Hello to all you fellow weightloss peers! Im 28, 5'5 3/4 : ) and started this at 197, I havent been this big since I was 9 months pregnant, I want to lose 35-40 lbs! After my kids the weight just stayed and that has to change! Ive been logging in faithfully for about two weeks, maybe three, cant remember: ) ive lost 4 lbs yippie, and am needing buddies to help keep me motivated for the other 36.
    I am all for weekly challenges, lets get to it.
    My week-ends are all booked with family dinners and get-to-gethers, so staying within my caloric limit has been a bit of a challenge so lots of motivation is needed.
    Please add me.
    Chickpeas83. : )
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    hi everyone, my first visit here :happy: my name is ellie and i'm 5'6 obviously :laugh: and wanting to loose between 35-40 lbs, i've already lost loads - my ticker was showing 50lbs down but i gained back another 2 :mad:

    I got 2 kids and married, i work weekends and evenings and stay home with the kiddos in the daytime so that makes working out that little bit harder.

    i really enjoy working out but i'm rubbish with my eating habits, I've got good intentions and do well during the day but i tend to snack on rubbish in the evenings.

    I'm trying to work out some healthy dessert choices for those evenings when i've got to have something sweet.

    At the moment (for the last month or so) i've been dancing around the same 3lbs so this week i'm really hoping to get rid of at least one of them!
  • bhappy_5
    bhappy_5 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I’ve only been using this site for a week, but it’s so helpful! I’m just a little bit under 5’6 (but only by 1 inch) and my CW is 194 lbs, and I would like to lose 40lbs by May.

    I love the idea of doing weekly challenges; I really think it would help keep me motivated!

    Please feel free to add me :D
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Hi all! My name is Ann and I'm hoping to get to 135-140 range...I'm @ 164 right it's a process. :bigsmile: Looking forward to the 30 day shred starting 1-2-12 :flowerforyou:
  • lthomas42
    lthomas42 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm Laura, 26 (closing in on 27) years old. I was at 160 and went 'oh boy' and decided it was time to drop the weight. My boyfriend and I started MFP together.

    I was always overweight as a teen, and lost weight when I was about 17 and then gained it back plus some in the freshman 15 (ok, more than 15). My highest weight was 170lbs, When I turned 20 I knew I needed to change. I worked hard, started martial arts, counted calories, and was at 130-135 for 5 years and felt pretty awesome.

    Then I met my boyfriend, and we did the things couples do and went out and ate junk and I gained maybe 10lbs. Then we moved in together and away from my old gym and martial arts studio. We have basically been doing what all our friends warned us, we'll just want to watch tv together and eat and low and behold, we gained a fair bit of weight.

    My long term goal has always been 125lbs. I'd love to get there. It's gonna take some hard work, and if I could just get past this first hurdle I've been facing since the scale hasn't moved in 2 weeks, I'll be happy!

    Feel free to add me. My journal is open to friends, and I would love ideas on new foods to eat!
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Sylvia and 40 years old. I started my journey back in Jan 2007, I was awaiting a divorce to be final and since I knew better days were ahead for me I needed to start feeling like myself again and looking like I used too. I had topped the scale at 236 and had just purchased a new pair of pants at a size 22, yikes.

    I started on another plan WW and was successful dropped down 63 lbs by July 2008 (173 lbs), but then needed abdominal surgery to remove fibroids. Well that set me back quite some time and gained 20 lbs back, then I dealt with lossing my mom in Nov 2009 another emotional difficult time.

    Now I'm back on track and scale reads 178 lbs, my size 14 pants are all lose, I purchased a size 10 in jeans and they fit great. but I'm probably more of a 12. My goal is to reach 155 and this time around I see it in my sights and there is no stopping me.

    Much success to you all, I appreciate the support and feedback from everyone.
  • phoebe2488
    phoebe2488 Posts: 106 Member

    My name is Amber. I'm currently 164 lbs, aiming for 145 and then maybe 140. My high weight was almost 230 (I gave up with the scale at that point). I have a 1 year old and am a teacher. It was so easy to lose the 50 lbs. when summer was here and we could get out and run/walk, but now I am having trouble. My husband lost 80 lbs. and me 50 so we lost a person! He is pretty much trying to lose another 5 or so and then maintain. I am not happy where I am at so still working at losing.

    Good luck to everyone!!!! I am glad we got this group started. :-)
  • erin_zuk
    erin_zuk Posts: 226 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm Erin and I'm 25 - I've lost almost 30 lbs over the last year. My starting weight was 217 even though I was at 240 at my highest about 5 years ago. I'm currently about 188, and would like to lose roughly another 25-30 lbs. I'm not quite sure what I want my "goal weight" to be as I do have a medium frame and a lot of muscle. I like my curves and am terrified of losing my boobs! I play sports quite a bit - ice hockey 2-3 times a week and volleyball. I've always loved playing sports and being active, but always felt like the "fat girl" - I don't want to feel like that anymore!

    I'm also vegetarian and have been for almost 20 years, would love more veggie friends or anyone with similar goals.
  • elodea
    elodea Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I found the group! My name is Cyndi and I'm 5'6 and just hovering over the 200 pound threshold. I am new to MFP but feel like this could really work. Last year I lost 25 pounds and was down to 188 on the VTRIM program. But that ended, and I didn't want to pay to continue so I was happy to find this website. Things fell apart in the spring and I have since gained back all but the first 10 pounds. I do NOT want to go over 200 again. I bought new jeans and I need to fit in them again. I would love to get down to 140 but even 150 would be great. Any ideas to keep me motivated would be great! Success stories are what I need! Oh - and I am turning 50 in March so I would love to at least be down a size by then.
  • chrislin2011
    chrislin2011 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi ladies! My name is Chris and I am 5'6 and am right about 205 pounds now. I decided to cut out my pop and watch calories the beginning of November when I realized I had almost made it back up to my all time heaviest non-pregnant weight. Something I said I would never do:( I have lost about 12 pounds since then. I would like to be somewhere between 150-165, I'm not sure exactly because I haven't been that weight since I was probably 17-18 years old and I am now 32 with two kids. I have alot coming up... my college graduation in a year, hopefully a career change to go with it and then my wedding September 2013.
  • Calorie_Killa
    Hey 5'6"ers! I'm CK (short for Calorie_Killa. If I told you my real name, I'd have to kill you :o) . I live in Maryland right outside of D.C. I'm 32, single and my only child has four legs and barks. I am currently at 203 and I've lost 20 lbs. I want to lose at least 40 more (once I get down to that I'll evaluate to see where I'd like to go from there). I've set small goals as I'm more successful at attaining those so they are as follows:

    1) Get to 184 - When I started working out I weighed 224 and my trainer asked what my goal was. Since he put me on the spot I blurted out 40lbs with no rhyme or reason.

    2) Get to 175 - This is the weight I was when I graduated high school. As you can see I was always hefty. Although not the best for a 17 year old it'll look pretty good on an adult. Also my driver's license says I'm 175 and for once in my life I'd like to weigh what my license says I weigh lol.

    3) Get to 154-160 - 154 is the high end of a healthy BMI for us 5'6"er's but I also don't want to be too slim so I'm making that my goal for now and then see if I want to drop more when I get there. IDK a part of me likes my thickness but I also want to be healthy.
  • tegsa
    tegsa Posts: 16 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Glad to have found this group for that extra motivation. I'm 26, 5'6" and currently at 196 lbs. This has been my lowest weight for my entire adult life, I've always been very heavy. I've come down from being 248 in July which I don't think was my highest weight because I never wanted to step on the scale.

    I haven't really set a time when I want to reach my goal of being 150 lbs, but the sooner the better. I'm not sure if I'll be satisfied at that weight and may even try to get down to 140.
  • Eva_21
    Hey everyone!

    So, I am Eva, and I have been on MFP for about a week... I am 5'6 and I have around 40 pounds to lose. I am the heaviest I have ever been right now, and I do not like the number on my scale, not at all. I am here to get motivated, let's hope it works for me!

    I really do not have a time set when I need to reach that goal but I think I am going to concentrate more on the results I can actually see and feel rather than the number on the scale. I already feel that my running has improved a tiny little bit, just have to keep going.

    Good luck to all of you!
  • hayley26d
    hayley26d Posts: 80 Member
    Hi everyone, Im Hayley, Im currently 160 lbs and i would love to be 136 lbs by July 2012.

    I started here in October ish, after trying many diets and even trying here a few times before but never sticking to it for longer than 2 weeks at a time.

    I started this time at 182 lbs. and a size 16/18 British sizes.

    Last week i tried some jeans on size 12 YAY there is a pic of me on my profile.

    So HI :flowerforyou: everyone
  • abc_life
    im new here, i started tracking my food and workouts, ive lost a few lbs, need to lose more!!