So, what did you do today to lose weight?

RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
Everybody chime in and say what you did today to work toward your goal.

Today is the beginning if finals week at Metro, so I didn't do much except plan in my calories to have a chocolate bar. Hey, I need something to cope with the stress. At least I am still planning on stay under 1300 calories for the day.


  • bethmccrory
    bethmccrory Posts: 3 Member
    I took a walk in the morning and as you all know, it was about 17 degrees out. I have a walking buddy, so that
    helps with the motivation. I also tried to drink all my water... still working on that, and the day's not over.
  • Wez317
    Wez317 Posts: 14 Member
    Less candy. I like candy canes. So many flavors, this time of year. Big child, I eat more than the children. Good news! 10 cals a cane.
  • jhuft
    jhuft Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a chocolate fanatic! So whenever I'm having a stressful day I always plan in a little piece of chocolate. I buy the hershey's bite size bag and stick them in my freezer. I pull out one a couple times a week. When needed of course!

    Today I'm headed to the gym to go to zumba. It's my favorite kind of cardio. I plan to drink lots of water and stay around my calorie goal 1200. This is what I plan to do today to lose weight!
  • I've had my Shakeology every day this week. I love it! I have doubled my water intake. Although I'm only up to 3 cups of water a day. Gotta work harder on that! I have worked out on the Wii every day this week too. I love that I can still get a little cardio in, have fun doing it, and don't have to hurt my already gimpy left ankle!