Home from the hospital!

Hi everyone! I had my RNY surgery on monday, and I am back home today (wednesday) with a handful of staples and a JP drain. Monday night pretty much sucked... I couldnt have ice chips until 6 hours post surgery. They did keep me (for the majority) out of pain. Today I was able to start drinking protein shakes and thin soup. I was able to take in 60 grams of protein, 64 ounces of water and I lost 2.6 pounds from Monday to Wednesday. Not too shabby! I have an appointment to have my drain and staples removed on Monday, totally looking forward to it!

While I was going through the discharge paperwork, my nurse told me about a website I thought I would share with yall...



  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Glad your out, home and hopefully still painless! Remind me what procedure the initials stand for? How the heck were you able to get that much liquid into you!!! Outstanding.:flowerforyou:
  • freakingenius
    freakingenius Posts: 40 Member
    I had the RouxEnY gastric bypass. The pain killers have definitely helped me to function, but I am still sore. Im not fully functioning yet, but Im able to give the kids a bath, wash dishes, and move around without saying Ow! Ow! Ow! lol

    The liquids arent as hard to get in as I thought they were going to be. I make a point to keep a bottle of something with me at all times and I sip all the time. The protein shakes take me about an hour to get down as of now. No more chugging contests for me! haha!