DO you still drink wine/alcohol if its within your carb rang

dmcb24 Posts: 56 Member
I love to have a glass or 2 or 3 of wine after work (2-3 days a week), and i usually balance my eating during the day so I stay within my carb range. Just wondering if I am alone is doing so?


  • demuralist
    demuralist Posts: 31 Member
    I do a glass of red wine on occasion, and even rarer a margarita, but even when figured in my macronutrients if I do it more than 1 or 2 times in a week it will stall things.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    I still have my daily tipple, although I have been thinking of dialing that back. I stick to either red wine, or a premium hard spirit with ice/water. I avoid any significant source of sugar, whether it is a mixer (margarita) or in the liquor itself.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    I still drink wine but it does impede weight loss. I have red wine or vodka and mineral water. I will never give up my dark chocolate!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I am not a heavy drinker...I have like a glass of wine every few weeks...Not sure about the impact on my weight loss..I guess I will find out..going to Vegas for New Years..and yes..I drink like a fish..and its usually the overly sweet ones...
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I quit over a month ago. I drank too much wine, way too often. It definitely held the extra weight on my body. And after one month, I effortlessly dropped ten lbs without exercise. I don't overeat anymore either. I think I was malnourished because of the alcohol and tended to overeat in response to that.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I don't drink anymore, except for a glass or two of wine on very rare occasions, maybe once every few months. Drinking was also a major trigger for binging on non-Paleo foods so I'm glad to be done with that.
  • kcalla
    kcalla Posts: 49 Member
    I couldn't drink wine while losing my weight. It would stall it every time. Now I enjoy 2 glasses every week or two. And it also increases my ghrelin hormone so I want to eat. As in INHALE. Eating some protein helps curb that.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I've never been a drinker. I've never really liked wine unless it was sweet and fruity. Lately I have developed a taste for red wine and have found a couple that I like. And red wine used to taste the nastiest to me.

    I can't do shots anymore. They hit me too hard - I've always had low tolerance and since Primal I have no tolerance. I can only sip on alcohol now and mixed drinks usually contain fruit juice or soda so I refrain. Wine is the perfect drink for a stressful day - it really relaxes me and I have a tendency to be a bit high-strung - I worry about cortisol levels although once again Primal has helped the anxiety. And I just hate beer, always have.

    It doesn't hurt me or my weight at all. In fact, in fact, my blood sugar took a nose dive after a couple of glasses before dinner last night. 63mg/dl!!! A little too low for my tastes but a sweet potato was part of dinner. (second "Dear Mark").

    Heck you have probably read these already!

    And I just don't track carbs anymore. I pretty much get them from veggies and I just make sure to add some fruit or sweet potato in here and there.
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    If I want a beer or a glass of wine I indulge no matter what my macro says...that being said, I cannot drink like I used to because it makes me feel like crap the next day...not so much beer but the wine...and I'm talking like just one glass. I dont know if it's because I eat cleaner now or that I just weigh less or a combination of the two. Could even be the sulfites in the wine. I will say that scaling down my alcohol consumption has definately helped with my weightloss. I went from drinking 4-5 nights a week to maybe just once a week. I have a great article somewhere that I should post about what your body actually has to do to process alcohol and how it impeeds weightloss.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    If I want a beer or a glass of wine I indulge no matter what my macro says...that being said, I cannot drink like I used to because it makes me feel like crap the next day...not so much beer but the wine...and I'm talking like just one glass. I dont know if it's because I eat cleaner now or that I just weigh less or a combination of the two. Could even be the sulfites in the wine. I will say that scaling down my alcohol consumption has definately helped with my weightloss. I went from drinking 4-5 nights a week to maybe just once a week. I have a great article somewhere that I should post about what your body actually has to do to process alcohol and how it impeeds weightloss.

    I drank a few nights ago after going over 1 month sober... it was not a good experience for me. It just wasn't worth it on any level. It took two days for me to feel "ok" again and I noticed bloating for those two days as well... so I'm sure it stalled any weight loss. I'm back to normal now but it just wasn't worth it for me at all.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    If I want a beer or a glass of wine I indulge no matter what my macro says...that being said, I cannot drink like I used to because it makes me feel like crap the next day...not so much beer but the wine...and I'm talking like just one glass. I dont know if it's because I eat cleaner now or that I just weigh less or a combination of the two. Could even be the sulfites in the wine. I will say that scaling down my alcohol consumption has definately helped with my weightloss. I went from drinking 4-5 nights a week to maybe just once a week. I have a great article somewhere that I should post about what your body actually has to do to process alcohol and how it impeeds weightloss.

    I used to love my beer, but I gave it up because it is....grain-based. Not only that, but the residual sugars are all maltose - which gets directly saved around your organs. 'Beer Belly' is a reality. ;)

    Wine or distilled liquor is the way to go. IMO, of course. :)
  • I'm on day 4 of sobriety (I live in the Williamette Valley-beer, wine capital of the world and am dating a winemaker). I have a feeling my years of college drinking played a role into my weight gain. I think the hardest part for me will be denying a glass over the holidays. I could have one but I kind of like the idea of having a month go by without a sip as far as habit forming goes.
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    If I want a beer or a glass of wine I indulge no matter what my macro says...that being said, I cannot drink like I used to because it makes me feel like crap the next day...not so much beer but the wine...and I'm talking like just one glass. I dont know if it's because I eat cleaner now or that I just weigh less or a combination of the two. Could even be the sulfites in the wine. I will say that scaling down my alcohol consumption has definately helped with my weightloss. I went from drinking 4-5 nights a week to maybe just once a week. I have a great article somewhere that I should post about what your body actually has to do to process alcohol and how it impeeds weightloss.

    I'd be very interested in reading the article you have about alcohol impeding weight loss. I believe it to be true.
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    I have definitely dialed back my consumption of wine and beer (especially beer). I might have a glass of one once or twice a week, but then go a few weeks without. I have discovered after a "wine fast" that it hits me harder than it used to. I guess I've become a cheap date, then, haha!
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    I *love* wine and beer but if I want to lose weight, I can't drink it. *cries*
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    I love me some beer, but I save it only for my cheat day. I'll allow myself two glasses of dry red wine - really one big glass - a night if I think of it. Moderate drinking is linked to a longer, healthier life, after all.