
My doctor just gave me this site information yesterday. I've been a TOPS member for the past 18 months and have lost 45 pounds. It's such a slow slow road. But I thought I'd try this and see if some new connections would help!

I'm married with 3 adult step children and 2 younger girls (ages 5 and 7). Life is SO busy, but I'm trying to build in 5 workouts a week....something I've never done in my entire life! I've got a wii fit plus and several DVDs to keep me going.

How about you?


  • fatkidsgottaeat
    fatkidsgottaeat Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm Heather. I'm from Pennsylvania. When I started out (pre MFP) I weighed 221lbs. Even at 5'8" that lands me in the obese BMI range. I suppose I have been in denial about how much weight I have gained (which is around 100lbs over the past year). I've had a bad year, a lot of losses, including becoming unemployed, and that's not exactly helped me in the weight department. I tend to be an emotional eater, and with all of the stress I have been under I've been depressed and not moving around a whole lot (which is the worst thing you can do when you feel bad). On 12/3 I weighed myself and decided to start my journey back into the 120's range where I was a little over a year ago. I'm tired of placating myself with food, stretching out all of my clothes, and getting winded from walking up the steps. I'm ready for a change!
  • heatherpianist
    Hi Heather. Wow...sounds like a really tough year for you. Emotional eating is such a big thing for me too, but it's something I'm working on. I'm hoping this group will grow and we'll be great supports for each other as we work at getting healthy. :)
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Hey! I'm Danie, I'm 21, and I've been overweight for as long as I can remember. It never really bothered me honestly, because I'm too awesome to let it get me down, lol. It never stopped me from living my life, and I was always active even with the extra weight - soccer, then softball, then karate (kicking @$$ and taking names!!). I have amazing friends who don't give a rats booty if I'm a size 2 or a size 22. I have a fiancee who loves me regardless of the number I get on a scale. So, like I said, I never really cared.

    But I'm also a nanny to two wonderful kids, a 5 year old girl (I'll refer to her as B) and a 20 month old boy (He'll be D). One day, the 5 year old girl told me I was fat (she quickly followed it with "and you're so pretty!!!", but still) and it hit me like a brick wall. I went home and cried. I've been called fat before - kids in my school are cruel - but I just laughed it off. But for some reason when B said it, it really bothered me.

    Since then, I decided to make some serious life changes. I'm never going to be teeny tiny, genetics won't allow that, and I can live with that. But a little bit of weight wouldn't hurt.
  • LovinLifeChik
    LovinLifeChik Posts: 126 Member
    Hi, I'm Sharon. I live in western NY and need to lose well over 100 lbs! I've gained and lost so much weight over the years that you would think that I'd be better at it than I am! But all that yoyo'ing has left the heaviest I have ever been.

    This year, after an injury and watching a good friend go through all kinds of complications related to Gastric Bypass surgery - I decided this was it. I've not been heavy my whole life, but most of the last 25 years! I have multiple health problems - for which I take severals medications. In 2012, I am celebrating my 25th wedding anniversry and my 30th high school reunion. I'm also rounding the corner to 50!

    I am tired or being tired, and unhealthy and being the one girl in my group of friends that can't keep up, or not being able to do things with my husband because I don't have it in me yet!

    I joined MFP a few weeks ago and love the site - but more importantly the support. I saw this group and would love to join! I need the challenge and the folks to help push me to goal!
  • LovinLifeChik
    LovinLifeChik Posts: 126 Member
    If anyone is interested, another MFP friend is running a 4 month challenge that starts Jan 2nd and runs through April. The goal is to lose 10% of your current weight, while also working to burn about 350 calories, 5 days a week. The name is Eggcelent Shape for Easter Challenge and if you search under Message Boards, you can let her know you would like to join.

    If you send me a friend request, you can also see the link from my wall. I need some motivation and what a great way to kick off the new year.
  • BiggFanofLife
    BiggFanofLife Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is John. I just turned 50 in October and have battled my weight all my life. But when I reached 40 something happened. My knees and back bothered me so my activity level went down and my food intake went up. Then in 2006 a knee injury really put me into an almost sedentary lifestyle. I almost hit 500 pounds.

    I couldn't walk 100 yards without being out of breath and in a lot of pain.

    I've been on every diet known to man. I could never sustain any plan. I am an over-eater who eats to medicate.

    My sister showed me the iPhone app for this site and I was hooked.

    The problem is, that people with over 100 pounds to lose have different challenges. We can't exercise like everyone else, eat like everyone else. Face it, many of us have issues with food that no one would understand.

    Just the other day I was out with my girlfriend and she got a chocolate frosted donut and ate half of it and said to me, "Do you want the rest of this?" I'm thinking to myself, who in the heck can eat half a donut? Honestly, I have never ate just one donut in my life, let alone a half of one.

    This will be the second year in a row I weigh less January 1 than I did last year.

    I've do it with limiting my intake of sugar, and white carbohydrates. Also, I'm pushing through the pain and exercising. The exercise for me is a must. If I don't exercise I do not lose weight.

    So lets lean on each other. Lets pool our resources and help each other get our lives back.

    Thanks for listening.
  • BiggFanofLife
    BiggFanofLife Posts: 19 Member

    I know what you are up against. I lost my job of 24 yrs the end of June and I have not been able to find work. I also separated from my wife of 14 years. I have 4 young children all under the age of 13 and my 9 year old son is autistic. I am also an emotional eater.

    I look in the mirror and do not ever recognize the guy looking back at me.

    The best part for you is your youth. Use it, draw from it. I wish I could go back to your age and start over.

    What way of eating are you using? Do you have any support at home?

    We are here and we can help each other. I know it is possible.
  • BiggFanofLife
    BiggFanofLife Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Danie,

    I can relate. Up until I was 40 I use to tell people I was the most in shape fat person in the world. I played basketball, football, softball, racquetball. But I was wearing my body out. My knees, hips, and ankles could take it anymore.

    I actually dream about being able to run, or walk long distances. Right now I can't. I know you are the same way, but don't do what I did and wear yourself out.

    If you have the activity level you have then I think some changes in your way of eating will go a long way.

    I can't wait to see you obtain your goals
  • LovinLifeChik
    LovinLifeChik Posts: 126 Member
    Hi John! I have to share something with you - just because I know you will understand!

    A new owner took over the gym I go to about a month ago, and he is working to make some nice changes to the gym. One of the things he did was hire a personal trainer who will show you proper use of the equipment (free) and work with you to help you develop a program to meet your individual needs (small charge). I was so excited to meet her and get something going! As I was stetching out using the pulley machine she walked up to me and asked me what I was doing - and why was I doing it? I told her about I had a severe deltoid strain and that the doctor recommended using the pulley to help stretch out the arm and shoulder each time I was at the gym. She makes this weird face and proceeds to mention that she's been watching my work outs and that if I was "planning to actually lose some weight" that I needed to get on the treadmill with an incline for at least 30-60 mins 5 days a week.

    ARE YOUR KIDDING ME? I nicely start to advise that due to knee and back problems, and a complete need to get myself out of my current couch potato state first - the doctor has advised that the recumbent bike and weights are the way to go for now. Now don't get me wrong - I do some pretty good times and distances on the bike - which she might have noticed if she had bothered to ask or pay attention! But she tells me that I will never burn calories, or lose weight, riding a bike and that if I need some energy to get myself going - "to try downing 3 pixie sticks and a red bull" before getting to the gym.

    I almost hit the floor. Not only am I a diabetic, but I have high blood pressure - so I watch my sugar and caffiene. She also told me that if I could walk from my car to the gym door, I shouldbe able to work out on the treadmill. I was so discouraged. I know hat I definitely need to motivate and push myself - yes thru pain and lethargy - but in a way that won't aggrevate or further injure me. I've done that before - hence the restrictions for the time being.

    So I am totally with you that sometimes people don't undestand. But that just means we need to work together more to help motivate ourselves and our other MFP pals to get to a healthier weight and overall well-being!
  • heatherpianist
    John, it's nice to have people who understand. People would suggest I just walk more.....but with my feet and the pain....are you kidding? But I'm slowly finding things I can do and the more I lose, the more I am able to. I decided last May that I would try biking. At 250+ pounds, I wondered if I could do it and if everyone would just laugh at the fat lady on a bike. But I found such success! Now I'm doing some exercises on a ball (I bought a really good one so I wouldn't be afraid it would pop!) and am trying to do lots of upper body cardio, as I still can't go out for lengthy walks.

    This is going to be a great group. We need to support each other. Other people just can't understand. Oh, the things I've done, the food I've hoarded, the shame. But I'm on month 18 of the new Heather lifestyle. The weight loss is slow (only 45 pounds) but I'm here to stay!
  • heatherpianist
    Hi Sharon! So nice to cyber meet you! I'm 43 and have been slowly working at getting healthier over the past 18 months. It's a forever journey for me, but it's great to have found this support!
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Hey Danie,

    I can relate. Up until I was 40 I use to tell people I was the most in shape fat person in the world. I played basketball, football, softball, racquetball. But I was wearing my body out. My knees, hips, and ankles could take it anymore.

    I actually dream about being able to run, or walk long distances. Right now I can't. I know you are the same way, but don't do what I did and wear yourself out.

    If you have the activity level you have then I think some changes in your way of eating will go a long way.

    I can't wait to see you obtain your goals

    Nothing on my body actually hurt though! That was the bizarre thing. Nobody believed me when I said I didn't ache or anything. The only reason I stopped was due to just plan lack of time. I hit my junior year of high school and I was working 6 days a week, going to karate 5 days, and still having to try and graduate on time. I just didn't have the energy. And unfortunately, karate was what I dropped instead of work.

    So now it's just picking back up. And the eating changes are hard because I am RIDICULOUSLY picky. I know, I know, that's not good, but I can't help it. I have OCD when it comes to food.
  • BiggFanofLife
    BiggFanofLife Posts: 19 Member
    Can you give a little more detail about being a picky eater? What do you eat? I would also like to understand what you mean about being OCD about food? In what way?

    I have a daughter who has never eaten a vegetable or piece of fruit in her life. She is 11. If I try to get her to try a taste she will gag and throw up. She only eats eggo waffles, chicken nuggets, French Fries, and Kraft Mac & Cheese.

    I'm wondering if you are the same way
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Can you give a little more detail about being a picky eater? What do you eat? I would also like to understand what you mean about being OCD about food? In what way?

    I have a daughter who has never eaten a vegetable or piece of fruit in her life. She is 11. If I try to get her to try a taste she will gag and throw up. She only eats eggo waffles, chicken nuggets, French Fries, and Kraft Mac & Cheese.

    I'm wondering if you are the same way

    Sure! Some things that people are shocked that I won't touch -

    - Bacon. Or anything from a pig for that matter.
    - Ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, mayo, and MOST white foods (there are some exceptions to this rule). All of them cause me to gag. Yes, this means milk of any variety. Unless in a bowl of cereal, but even then it's extremely minimal.
    - Cakes, cupcakes, brownies, and most cookies. Any kind of chocolate with things in it (caramel, nuts, almonds...)
    - Any kind of pizza other than cheese.
    - Most fruits and veggies. I do like apples most of the time (I'll explain that in the next section), red seedless grapes, and corn.
    - I'm allergic to any kind of seafood (although that's not really being picky...)
    - Most green food
    - Spaghetti sauce
    - Peanut Butter
    - Any kind of jelly
    - Most juice. Occasionally I'll drink apple juice but it's rare.
    - Before I quit drinking soda I would ONLY drink pepsi. Not diet or any of the variations, just normal pepsi.

    When I say OCD, I mean :

    - I can't bring myself to eat Wendy's hamburgers for no reason other than they're square.
    - The only time I'll eat the previously mentioned apples is if they're peeled and cut up.
    - I will eat vanilla ice cream (the exception to the white food rule) but only if it has rainbow (not chocolate) sprinkles and/or M&Ms on it.
    - I will only eat lettuce if it's cut up into squares.

    I also can't have my food touch most of the time. Especially if it's got some kind of sauce/liquid on it (mashed potatoes with gravy for example) because I don't like 'soggy' foods.

    And for everyone who says "oh, your parents didn't feed you enough of a variety of foods..."

    Bull. Crap. My dad eats every thing except ketchup. My mom is the same way. They both tried to feed me EVERYTHING. They tried the 'you're not getting up from this table until you eat that!' approach. Fine with me, I slept at the table. They tried grounding me. They tried "this is the only dinner I'm making so if you don't like it, you don't eat." I even remember my mom making pancakes when I was younger and me taking a bite and saying to her "mom, these taste funny." She shrugged and said "I put more sugar in it, don't tell your father." I took another bite, looked down, and realized the "sugar" was actually slices of bananas that she mixed in the batter to try to get me to eat them.

    It eventually got to the point where they both decided that if I was going to be so picky, I was going to have to cook my own meals.
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Some advice I can offer though...

    I'm a nanny, and when one of the kids doesn't like what they're eating, I turn it into something fun - you mentioned she likes Eggos, so try this:

    Eggo Smiley Face! Use the Eggo as the actual face part, then give her some stuff to use as eyes, a nose, and mouth. Strawberries for eyes, blueberries for a mouth, carrot stick for a nose, etc. Or whatever she can find in the fridge as long as it's healthy. Stick it to the Eggo with a dab (VERY small amount other wise it becomes too sweet) of whipped cream.

    Just an idea. There's a ton of awesome things online.

    You can also have her try helping cook something simple. She's more likely to try it (and find out it tastes good) if she helped make it. A good way to do this is by chicken noodle soup. Let her help prepare the veggies and throw it in the pot.
  • aelh
    aelh Posts: 1
    Hi my name is Alex. I started gaining weight in eleventh grade and I'm in my second year of uni now. I need to lose 100-120 lbs, but as long as I have a healthy BMI I will be happy. I'm transferring schools in September and I'd love to be on my good way to healthy in 8 months. :)
  • Kimbosbc
    Kimbosbc Posts: 143 Member
    Hello. My name is KImberly. I am 32 years old. I just found MFP about 2 weeks ago. I have been battling my weight all of my adult life. I am learning that I am a very emotional eater and I have completely let food control my life for far too long. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for approximately 4 years. We are about to start fertility treatments. I need to get healthy! I fear that I will never get pregnant or have a healthy baby if I do not take control of my own body and get this weight off. I am really fighting to stay on track and so far I have been. I am about to close week 2 and have already lost several pounds. This is just more motivation to stick with it.

    The holidays are adding some difficulty. I have managed, though not easily, to avoid all of the holiday goodies that have landed their way in my office. I am just sucking it up and working through it and looking at the bigger picture. It will be so good to have other people to talk to who are going through the same things. People that are not at least 100 pounds overweight just don't understand how difficult it is to just simply move around, let alone exercise. I am ready to show them all what I can do. Who is with me?
  • luv_ly01
    luv_ly01 Posts: 4 Member

    I need to drop two C notes and recognize that I can't do it alone. I look forward to the support from this group.

  • raindropwishes
    Hi Everyone, I'm Mara -waves-

    I used to be skinny, and it sometimes feels like one day I woke up & realised I was totally overweight. So here I am, I HAVE to do something about it. I have a few health conditions which affect my weight, my ability to lose weight and also my ability to exercise, but I'm going to do it, even if it takes then next 10 years.

    It's lovely to have you all here for support, and it's nice to meet you all :smile:
  • hiwy44
    hiwy44 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I am Angie, I am in my early 40's and have been dealing with my weight issue since my early 20's when I got out of the Air Force. I need to lose 150 lbs. I keep doing the yo yo thing with 20-30 lbs. I feel real good when I lose that weight, but then something will happen and I will stress out and gain it back. Yup I am a stress eater!! I need to direct that stress into working out!! Easier said than done. I love carbs also, breads, pasta, pizza :( . Also PORTIONS! I am hoping this site will help with my portions!!!

    I need to change!! My work is suffering, my knees are killing me, and I am depressed about my weight!