What makes you a Busy Business Babe?

As for me, Im an almost a busy working babe. I'm taking the Quebec province bar and I'll be a lawyer in 1 year from now, so that makes me a real busy study babe for now on my way to become a busy working one!


  • dsnoey
    dsnoey Posts: 23
    Way to go!!! You have an exciting career ahead of you! I manage a medium sized real estate office and it's a fun but demanding job. I am exhausted when I get home and need something simple to make. I eat mostly vegetarian and my husband needs meat or he will die (he thinks) so it's a bit of a challenge to make something for both of us. Normally I just add some meat and we both eat everything else. I love Morningstar Farms foods. For example, last night I made him 2 healthy hot dogs smothered in chili and cheese and I had a "chicken" sandwich on whole wheat. This time of year we have a lot of hearty soups as well.
  • bfrederick3015
    bfrederick3015 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a wife, mom, and attorney. I also have nearly and hour-long commute each way to work.

    Good luck on the bar exam virginiejaubi! The work life you chose is not an easy one but, if you're anything like me, that's part of the reason why you wanted it in the first place.
  • mah1120
    mah1120 Posts: 37 Member
    Awesome Group!

    What makes me a busy business babe?

    - I work full time as a Staff Accountant
    - I'm a part time MBA student
    - I have a very small business (offering Accounting and Bookkeeping services)
    - I'm also preparing to sit for the CPA exam (will be sitting next year, all four parts)

    I'm hoping to shed some weight in the process :)
  • busyblkgirl
    busyblkgirl Posts: 264 Member
    I'm a BBB, b/c I:
    1. Am a full time Police Officer by day
    2. I'm a small business owner with a booming internet biz, and a physical store
    3. I working on a new business
    4. Mom of three kids
    5. I'm a wifey
  • Brittmy
    Brittmy Posts: 141 Member
    Hey all!
    I am still in school, but I too am a busy business babe! I am only 22, and I am currently in my first year of a psychology PhD program in Chicago. I take classes, teach undergraduate classes, assist in several research groups, and balance my own research on the side. In the meantime, I have been trying to live a healthier lifestyle, and of course have a social life too! Glad to be counted with all of you lovely (and accomplished!) ladies! :)
  • lischultz
    lischultz Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm a tenure track professor who is trying to achieve that work life balance thing. It is so easy to spend 60 hours a week in the office. I joined this group because I think professionals have a different set of challenges. I have at least three work meals out a week. I travel a lot for business. It is hard to make it to the gym when I have an endless supply of deadlines. I find this to be really big challenges when trying to live a healthy lifestyle. I look forward to learning more about how everyone else deals with it.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I work full-time (four 10-hour shifts Wed-Sat), attend graduate school full-time (classes Monday nights and every other Saturday), and am finishing up my second internship (approximately 12-16 hours between Mondays and Tuesdays). I'm exhausted!
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    Hi all,

    My busy business babery includes a full-time job doing business development for a federal contractor, plus writing grants for a nonprofit that provides one-on-one career coaching to low-income women. I just got married in February and I have a teenage son and a new stepdaughter in kindergarten.
  • TarynLgh
    TarynLgh Posts: 10 Member
    Besides the full-time Mom job I...
    1. Own a company that does personalized gifts so I do all advertising, orders, customer service, shipping, etc.
    2. My husband owns an electrical contractor shop and I do all of the accounting, taxes, etc for the business.
    3. I'm taking courses (and a few clients) for photography so that I have technically two jobs that compliment each other when the kids are all in school.
    4. This summer, we are building our new house. We aren't hiring a general contractor so we are doing a lot of the leg work and as much of the physical work as we possibly can.
    5. I own a blog complete with reviews and giveaways and soon, advertising.

    Then, to top it all off, my husband works out of town most of the time so he's usually gone for several week at a time.
  • kburgess247
    kburgess247 Posts: 43 Member
    I just graduated from law school and I'm studying for the Connecticut bar exam now. Definitely keeps me busy. I start work as a lawyer in the fall and I'm really excited but worried about staying active once I'm working all of those grueling hours.
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    I have to share: I SUCCEEDED the Quebec province Bar Exam!! Only a 6 months internship away from being a lawyer!
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    Congratulations on passing the bar! I too am an attorney, which involves being stationary for 10-12 hours a day. The hardest part for keeping weight off was the transition from school -when i would walk all over the place- to just sitting sitting sitting. I put on about 13lbs and I NEED to shed it so i can fit into my nice suits again!

    I welcome any and all suggestions for someone with a (somewhat) boring job to stave off cravings to eat all the time!
  • jbens0n
    jbens0n Posts: 6 Member
    I am Head Of Managed Services (production I.T. support for hosted business solutions) for a software solutions provider. I am also a mom of two kids with some struggles, one in 6th grade and the other is 19. My husband owns his own company and works mostly evenings/weekends, so when I'm home I usually alone, and I often feel like a single mom. I have put on 70 lbs over the last 8 years as my career and live have become more and more challenging. I am trying hard to make an effort to put myself and my health in a place of priority. Of course it's hard, because the expectations of my job and the time I need to devote to my kids don't leave alot of extra time. I'm looking for support from others in similar situations. I'd love to hear how you find ways to put fitness first.

    Jen, 42, 60 lb weight loss goal.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi Everyone, I work at an international organization as a senior economistm, and travel a lot. I have a three year old son, and a husband who loves my cooking. I have been trying to return my pre-pregnancy weight for three years but have failed. I am hoping that this time, I mean it, and making friends along the way will help.
  • pcremington
    pcremington Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am a senior executive in a federal audit agency. My job is like trying to put out fires all day but someone used the fire extinguisher and didn't put it back. Of course no one knows where it is. I literally am jumping from meeting to meeting to problem to meeting to personnel issue to...... And to top it off we are getting furloughed. My hubby of 31 yrs and I are caregivers for my 78 yr old mother who has Alzheimer's dementia. I had gastric bypass 3 years ago and everything was wonderful for about 2 yrs. I lost120 lbs and went from size 26 to 10!! But this last year has been bad and I've gained 40 lbs. I have got to get it off! When? I only get 4-6 hrs sleep a night!!! There is a gym in my office building but my boss won't allow me to use the PT program. I also have a brand new elliptical in my home!!! HELP. I need encouragement to work out and will power to stay away from all the crap those skinny girls bring into the office "to share".