just to vent or complain about anything....

I am not gonna vent right now but this may come in handy later :explode:


  • theresabugx
    theresabugx Posts: 97 Member
    I am not gonna vent right now but this may come in handy later :explode:

    this is gonna come in handy lol
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    I am not gonna vent right now but this may come in handy later :explode:

    Haha! I love it! :) lol You think ahead! :)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    My boss is a stupid, selfish, insane, babbling bully.
  • Sometimes I just wanna be by myself.... just for an hour or 2 of silence, I don't expect it everyday but once a week would be nice. Is that really too much to ask.....

    Travis you talk too much sometimes sheeesh sometimes I just pretend to listen..... I love you but zip it up every once in a while

    My boys : when I tell you at 8pm to shower before you go to bed that gives you an entire hour to get showered why in the heck do you both wait until 8:50pm then argue about who is getting in 1st and how long they get.... showers are not new you take them everyday why should I even have to remind you EVERY single day to take a damn shower you are 11 and 15 WASH YOUR FUNKY BOY SMELLS :mad:
  • theresabugx
    theresabugx Posts: 97 Member
    I like this: Okay
    Evelyn- (mom in law) Why cant you ever compliment me? you endlessly compilent your son and your two grand daugthers. you never say that I look good, or im doing a great job, or anything! geez GRRR
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    This thread may just save my mental state hahahaha

    Today I am so annoyed at my little sister. She has such a little attitude - JUST because you're in high school does not mean you can treat me with your snotty little answers. Friggin annoying.

    If I ask a simple question like "where are you" because I got home and you were not there, know that "Out" is not an acceptable response. Ridiculous.
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    I wish i had stopped by here last week...i could have really used this...i'm sure i will have many more stories to put up though...its far from over i know it.:explode:
  • I have to vent about patience. I have none. Never have. I guess that's always been my trouble with weight loss. I get so aggravated and give up because I didn't see progress quick enough. It's all about a lifestyle change. I know this!
    I'm an emotional eater- happy, sad, mad, bored, etc.... and I think from all the hell I've dealt with the past 10 years with my wild, rebellious daughter, I"ve really packed on the pounds! Gosh that child drove me absolutely crazy. She's now 20 and done with school! Finally employed! There will not and shall not be any more emotional eating because of her behavior! It's just time for her to be moving out....... Can i get an amen?? :-)
  • yesterday after work i ran into a old friend of mine, it was very disappointing because he pretended he didnt know me, in fact he turned his back as soon as i walked in ( i was at a bakery i felt really sad, you know i had such a hard day and to end like that?
    it all started 3 years ago, when i didnt attend his son's 1 birthday; back then i was married and particularly that day i had a severe panick attack, my friend didnt belive me and took my absence as an offence.
    i tried reaching out to them but i never got a reply.before my husband left to the party i asked him to tell them i was sick, but all my (ex) husband did was to tell them i wasnt feeling well...
    sometimes i wonder , was i really bad for not attending the birthday party?
    i guess being rejected really hurts...
    i focused my life on trying to pay off bills working as much as i could, my then husband didnt work & didnt pay me any mind and i gave all my time to the lady i work with , i forgot to live... today i am alone and divorced, may sound depressing but my best friends are here on this website.
    im hoping 2012 will be the year i wil get a different job (im still working at the same place, i dont have time for anything) improve my health and social life, i dont want to just exist, i want to LIVE!
    my family in my home country keeps begging me to come back, but im in this country bc of the way i was treated back home.
    being "home" brings me so many bad memories... =[
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    I am so glad that everyone feels so comfortable here :) Venting is healthy because stress lowers your metabolism which in turn is a freaking disaster. lol Between my daughter and life in general I could write a book here. lol I'll save it for another day though. :tongue:
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    Come thanksgiving (which is october for me). I realized i need to lose weight for christmas. I was/am tired of being the biggest one at the diner table. I'm not big big, just a little over weight, but the biggest one there, I have always been the biggest one :devil:
    So after much research, i found a diet program called body by vi. I looked into it for about two weeks and decided to go for it. They also have their own social network. People were losing 10lbs a week and me a measly 1 or 2 lbs a week. So discouraging. Thats when i found this site and decided to incorporate the two. Still only losing small amounts so i decided to cancel body by vi.
    About two weeks ago,my sister-in-law saw me and was amazed at how good i looked. WELL i guess she ran out and bought her isogenics, a liquid cleanse. My husband says she looks great. What pisses me off is 1 i did that diet and it didn't work and 2 as soon as she stops she gains all the weight back but we won't see her until hmmm when's the next holiday and 3 her husbands anti-fat so even though now i am only 20 lbs over weight he will stare at me in disgust all frikkn night. So uncomfortable. Everytime i have to go to my husbands family holiday dinners i end up haing a wardrobe malfunction because i just feel so icky knowing that my 20lbs will be stared at all night, NO i am not over exaggerating...this is all true and hurtful and uncomfortable.
  • theresabugx
    theresabugx Posts: 97 Member
    Again- Evelyn why must your act that way? why when my 4 yr old is excited because she thought she was awake before you this morning and the last you have to burst her bubble and prove her wrong ??? cant you let her be excited over it geez
  • I am gonna end up beating the crap out of someone in this neighborhood. Its a gated community with speed bumps every 50 yards or so, yet these dumb a** m effers (excuse my angry french) drive 40-50 mph, flying over speed bumps driving like idiots, there are quite a few kids around here that play outside, mine included. Saturday evening Brandon (my 11 yr old) was waiting at the ebd of our drive way to cross the street to go to his friends to sleep over and some effing idiot comes flying through and up into our driveway to miss the speed bump, I chased them until they were out of sight, screaming at the basterds and went looking for their car unfortunately didn't find it must be in a garage.... either way they were prob only 10ft from my son, who they didn't even see because it was dark and they didn't even brake. And if someone hurts one of my babies they better pray the law find them before I do

    Mama lioness rant complete... for now
  • Is there cameras ? Maybe that would somehow reinforce the speed? I'm sorry ppl are so reckless :(
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    Again- Evelyn why must your act that way? why when my 4 yr old is excited because she thought she was awake before you this morning and the last you have to burst her bubble and prove her wrong ??? cant you let her be excited over it geez

    Your mother in law, sounds like my own mother. Looks like she is competing for attention and it is pretty sad she is competing with a four year old. I also know all about not getting compliments...instead I have a mother that would rather try to out-do me instead of hand me a measly "well done". Ugh
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    COUPONS! Why do they make it so hard to find them?! Are companies seriously that stingy? I know, I know... there are extreme couponers, but those are rare cases, and you have to have the money up front to buy things you'll need in the future that are on sale now, but you don't need them now. So not even going to try and say that is what I am going for. Just some simple ones. Right now I am sitting her getting pissed, like I do every single week lol I know what I need to buy tomorrow at the store and am looking for coupons to match. COME ON!!!! :( I am so annoyed. Paper coupons are very hard to come by... I love, LOVE, LOVE buy one get one free sales (you should see all the mayo I stocked up on AND if I would have had a coupon for those it would have been even better!) But at this point if it isn't something I was already going to buy I have to let the BOGO deals slip past me.... :( So, here I go.... gonna go get more annoyed looking for simple little coupons. I'm not even looking for major savings. I'll clip a coupon worth 50c.... it will cover sales tax!
  • WARNING: Some contents of this thread are graphic and may be disturbing, sorry.

    Not really sure what I am about to do here... its not really venting and definitely is not complaining. I guess I am just sad and disgusted with the world in general.

    I watch the news everyday, I really shouldn't because it makes me so sad. Why is this world full of so many bad people, now I know most people in the world are good people and the news obviously doesn't do many stories about your average good hearted person.
    But everyday people are killing children, and lately it seems like a lot of parents are killing their own children!! It's insane and makes me so angry and sad.

    I watched a story about a little 9yr old girl in Indiana was murdered by a family "friend" over Christmas weekend, he beat her and cut her up with a hacksaw!!! I am completely disgusted, he confessed they found her head, hands and feet in his freezer and the rest of her body was chopped up put into garbage bag and into a dumpster at a convenient store near the home. The neighborhood they lived in has 15 registered sex offenders out of 54 homes!! The little girls mom left her 3 daughters age 9, and 6 yr old twins with this guy for over a week while she was supposedly sick. The reason the family even know the guy is because he was a drifter and about 4 yrs ago met the victims grandfather (who was convicted of molesting a girl from age 9-14) they "hit it off" and the grandpa asked if he wanted to move into his trailer and help out with cooking and cleaning. The grandpa died 12/3/11 and the guys stayed in his trailer. The whole story from every direction sounds like there is a lot more to it. It really breaks my heart.

    I don't understand why child molesters are ever let out!! If I had it my way they would be stoned to death publicly. Children are innocent and our justice system does not protect them.

    There are so many more stories a dad threw his 2 yr old daughter off a bridge while she was strapped in her car seat.
    Another dad shoved a baby wipe into his infant sons throat.
    A mom gave birth to twins in her bathroom and smothered each 1 to death and put the bodies in her laundry hamper.

    These sound like horror stories and they are, but they are real!! Why is this happening, and it really is everyday something horrific happens....:cry:
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    WARNING: Some contents of this thread are graphic and may be disturbing, sorry.

    Not really sure what I am about to do here... its not really venting and definitely is not complaining. I guess I am just sad and disgusted with the world in general.

    I watch the news everyday, I really shouldn't because it makes me so sad. Why is this world full of so many bad people, now I know most people in the world are good people and the news obviously doesn't do many stories about your average good hearted person.
    But everyday people are killing children, and lately it seems like a lot of parents are killing their own children!! It's insane and makes me so angry and sad.

    I watched a story about a little 9yr old girl in Indiana was murdered by a family "friend" over Christmas weekend, he beat her and cut her up with a hacksaw!!! I am completely disgusted, he confessed they found her head, hands and feet in his freezer and the rest of her body was chopped up put into garbage bag and into a dumpster at a convenient store near the home. The neighborhood they lived in has 15 registered sex offenders out of 54 homes!! The little girls mom left her 3 daughters age 9, and 6 yr old twins with this guy for over a week while she was supposedly sick. The reason the family even know the guy is because he was a drifter and about 4 yrs ago met the victims grandfather (who was convicted of molesting a girl from age 9-14) they "hit it off" and the grandpa asked if he wanted to move into his trailer and help out with cooking and cleaning. The grandpa died 12/3/11 and the guys stayed in his trailer. The whole story from every direction sounds like there is a lot more to it. It really breaks my heart.

    I don't understand why child molesters are ever let out!! If I had it my way they would be stoned to death publicly. Children are innocent and our justice system does not protect them.

    There are so many more stories a dad threw his 2 yr old daughter off a bridge while she was strapped in her car seat.
    Another dad shoved a baby wipe into his infant sons throat.
    A mom gave birth to twins in her bathroom and smothered each 1 to death and put the bodies in her laundry hamper.

    These sound like horror stories and they are, but they are real!! Why is this happening, and it really is everyday something horrific happens....:cry:

    I know, it is SO sad. Those are just the ones that they have figured out. 6 children have come up missing in approx the last month and a half, all under the age of two. COME ON! And so many of the parents are giving the same BS story. Oh, I put them to bed and the next morning they were gone. Seriously? They just up and left the house????? Parents are losing their minds and don't have any compassion for their children any more. Back when Jenna was a baby I knew someone whos daughter's boyfriend repeatedly sexually abused her son until he finally killed him. He wasn't quite 2. He was babysitting him and she didn't check on him for over 48 hrs after she got home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY?! How much jail time you might ask? I don't know what he got, but I know she was in less then a month. WOW! We are living in a sick society and the sad thing is that so many people want kids and there are all these parents killing their kids. I don't know why tossing newborns in a dumpster is so popular, but it seems to be. I fear what the world will be like when my kids are adults. :(

    PS And as for the 9 yo little girl and her sisters.... what gaurdian in their RIGHT MIND leaves 3 little girls with a MAN that is not a family member.... even then sometimes!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I am 10000% with you guys as far as not understanding WHAT THE WHAT is wrong with people...but I don't think it's getting worse...I'm sure all of this stuff has been happening since the human race was born, but we just hear about it more now.

    Eventually we HAVE to start holding the parents accountable when they clearly are not looking after their kids. If you leave your children alone with a monster for a week, that's neglect. When you don't check if the babysitter is a registered offender, that's neglect. I don't agree with taking kids from their parents willy-nilly, but people like this should not ever EVER have custody of their children. Maybe foster care wouldn't have been *much* better for this little girl..but it sure couldn't have been worse!
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    I weighed today...didn't log though......i knew i shouldn't weigh today and that i should wait but i couldn't help myself......tom's around the corner so of course the scale was up....so depressing!!:cry: